Do You Play A Musical Instrument?

United States
November 17, 2015 9:51am CST
Recently, I saw a TV program which featured five very young, boys and girls playing their violins skillfully. I think that children should be exposed to various musical instruments EARLY in life. It should not be forced upon them to play, but they should be ALLOWED to experiment with them, so they might CHOOSE to play, if they desire to do so. I don't think enough children have this opportunity, especially in the U.S. The reason is because music appreciation classes are the first to be cut, when there are not enough funds. More emphasis should be put on music programs in my opinion. I'm making an effort right now to teach my grandson how to read music. I hope to teach him how to play the guitar as well as the piano. I play both. What do you think?
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9 responses
@mawdest (1587)
• Canada
18 Nov 15
At times, I would like to think I am a multi-instrumentalist.. But that would just be wishful thinking! ;) However, I do actually ATTEMPT to play different instruments, which happen to total: the drums, bass guitar, and acoustic guitar. Also, all throughout high school, I was in music class (not to mention Band for a year or two) and I played percussion, so I know lots of different percussive instruments BEYOND just the drums! Anyways, I was just about to say, though, that I am the best, and my "true" instrument is the drums by far.. I have been playing them the longest and it is definitely my natural fit instrument, it gels with me. Bass guitar I can play to an extent at times, and acoustic guitar/electric too I suppose.. I am just horrible at, haha!
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@mawdest (1587)
• Canada
19 Nov 15
@IreneVincent Ooh really? Well, it's never to late to learn them! Just throwing that idea out there. That is really neat, about you getting the drummers' autograph on your program! So cool! But, ah, sorry to hear that you do not have those programs around anymore!
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• United States
17 May 16
Actually, I always wanted to learn how to play the drums. I especially enjoy the "kettle drums" in a symphony orchestra and also the "bongo drums" from my travels in the Caribbean islands.
• United States
18 Nov 15
Drums were always what I wanted to learn how to play but never did. In high school, my mother paid for me to go to concerts that came to town and instead of getting the conductor's autograph on my program, I went to the drummer and got his autograph. Unfortunately, I have no idea where those programs are today. Lost in the shuffle of moving around the country.
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• Italy
17 Nov 15
It would be nice know how to play some instruments... But you know, these days with the lack of time and everything...
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• United States
18 Nov 15
Yes, It does take TIME and determination. Just playing 15 minutes every day though, you CAN learn to play a musical instrument if you HAVE one on which to to practice. I have a guitar, and I plan to get a piano soon. I already know HOW to play both, but I'm out of practice, so it will take some time to relearn what I already know. Now, that I'm retired though, I will have the time.
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• United States
17 May 16
Yes, it takes a lot of time to learn to play a musical instrument, but I've heard it said that you can do it with just 15 or 20 minutes every day, if you sincerely want to do it.
• Italy
18 Nov 15
@IreneVincent well it could be a nice hobby for sure :P
@sofssu (23662)
17 Nov 15
My sons play the guitar and piano.. I did have to scrounge a bit to let them take those classes.. they love playing music and have been recognized for their skill in their schools colleges, church and theater. I am glad to have done that.
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• United States
18 Nov 15
That's good that your sons got to take classes and learn to play the guitar and the piano. You need a pat on the back for providing that for them. It can be expensive.
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• United States
17 May 16
Good for you. And Good for them. Learning to play musical instruments is ALWAYS a good thing.
• Philippines
18 Nov 15
When I was a kid, my parents sent me to a music school where I had to learn to play the piano. I was forced at first but I learned to love it and I don't regret learning how to play the piano and read musical pieces as I try to play them. Now I know how to play the guitar too and am starting to learn how to play the violin. One advantage we should emphasize to people about learning how to play music is that it has great benefits. It activates all parts of the brain, and as we play, there are literally fireworks going on around our brains. Here's a great video that explains thoroughly how playing an instrument is beneficial. Kudos~!
A look at the neurological wonders behind playing a musical instrument:
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• United States
18 Nov 15
I will check out that video. I know your are correct on that though. Playing music does have great benefits.
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@Plethos (13581)
• United States
25 Nov 15
i try to play a electric guitar, acoustic guitar and bass. im sure if i started out younger, id of been able to put more time into it.
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• United States
25 Nov 15
All it takes is practice and of course, practice takes time, but it's worth it, I think, to really learn how to play and it sounds like you already know quite a bit about playing a guitar. Keep going.
@Tierkreisze (1609)
• Philippines
28 Jan 16
The worst problem here is that some people can't buy a working instrument and that others get frustrated because they sound terrible in their first try. But everyone sucks on their first try. Even Beethoven probably did too.
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• United States
17 May 16
That's a good point. First try on playing a musical instrument is most often pretty sad, but some people take right to it and learn quickly, and others give up in a short time.
@inertia4 (27960)
• United States
22 Nov 15
I used to play the drums a long time ago. I never discouraged my kids from anything. My daughter showed some interest in music and I bought her a keyboard. She played with it for awhile. I don't know how to play keyboards or I would have showed her.
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@sishy7 (27167)
• Australia
17 Nov 15
It's good to learn how to play a musical instrument. My parents wanted me to play piano but I guess I wasn't too interested in it so I wasn't very good at it despite lessons after lessons they enrolled me in with the best of instructors. Now I just let my children do whatever they want about playing music; so far only one of my sons seem to take any interest at all - he plays guitar and we happily support his interest.
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• United States
18 Nov 15
Some people have a natural tendency toward learning to play a musical instrument. My oldest brother taught himself to play the guitar and the piano. He did not know how to read music. He played "by ear." I used to come home from school and sing a new song for him and he would sit at the piano and pick out the tune with his right hand and then he would add the chords with his left hand and within an hour or so he could play the whole song with both hands.
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@marlina (154131)
• Canada
17 May 16
Excellent idea to have more music appreciation in school. I play piano but not very well.
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