TV To Wind Down To

Newcastle Upon Tyne, England
November 17, 2015 7:06pm CST
My line of work sees me trudge homeward late at night or in the early hours of the morning. When I arrive home, I perform a ritual that those of you who work, or have worked similar late shifts might be familiar with: No matter how late it is, or how busy I've been, I cannot go straight to bed - I must unwind for about half an hour, usually with a cup of (decaf) tea and a couple of biscuits. As I chill out, I like to watch something light-hearted as my body and mind wind down for sleep. Years ago The Odd Couple filled this role (I have some on DVD), and creaking black and white episodes of Hancock's Half Hour have set me up for slumber many a time. But lately my favourite late-night entertainment has been Seinfeld. I used to watch it years ago, and so I picked up a couple of box sets on DVD from a charity shop. The antics of Jerry, George, Elaine and, of course, Kramer are the perfect prelude to slipping into the arms of Morpheus (although that irritating slapping bass sometimes wakes me up again). These shows do not have to be rip-roaringly funny; rather they gently wash over me like warm water. How do you unwind before bed?
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5 responses
@ridingbet (66854)
• Philippines
18 Nov 15
segway from your post my dear: I opened my yahoo mail and all notifications of this site were forwarded on my account. I saw your name. you are the sun on bubblews, right? solcee. I am glad our friendship 9connection) extends here.
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@ridingbet (66854)
• Philippines
19 Nov 15
oh! I am so sorry, my friend. I thought you were sol cee. But I am glad I am following you.
@JudyEv (337535)
• Rockingham, Australia
19 Nov 15
As we're retired we rarely need to wind down. If we wound down any more we'd be comatose! However, my son is a bass musician and he always needs to unwind when he comes home from a gig.
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18 Nov 15
Pretty much the same way. Strange, that. ;)
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• United States
18 Nov 15
I usually read or watch some TV. Right now I'm watching a movie and having a Mike's Hard. Totally relaxed.
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@amnabas (13742)
• Karachi, Pakistan
18 Nov 15
I usually complete my chores before making to bed.
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