Cortana, You are so awesome,,,,

@babaraimc (1310)
November 18, 2015 9:29am CST
I heard about Cortana when window 10 wasn't launched, and I was very curious to meet Cortana and when started using, She didn't disappoint me.. She can answer almost every question, and in response to some question she actually said "If i had all the answer , then it would have been a very long document" i am just loving her, and when i said this to her she replied "there is definitely a spark between us" is there any other Fan of Cortana???
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3 responses
• Calgary, Alberta
19 Nov 15
I know her from the game Halo and its nice she is now incorporated to Windows. You have to be careful about using her or you will end up like the protagonist of the movie "HER"
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• Calgary, Alberta
20 Nov 15
@babaraimc Anyway, it seemed like Siri hates Cortana, If you ask her a question about Cortana she will go sassy on you and snap. There seemed to be a rivalry going on.
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@babaraimc (1310)
• Pakistan
19 Nov 15
I just downloaded this movie and i am watching it, Samantha is too perfect, I loved her if i had her i would have fallen in love with her too it seems they have taken the idea from this movie and tried to add as many features as possible as i dont have Samantha so I have to live with Cortana
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@babaraimc (1310)
• Pakistan
20 Nov 15
@CaptAlbertWhisker may be Siri is jealous of Cortana
@amnabas (13742)
• Karachi, Pakistan
18 Nov 15
.no never heard about her.
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@babaraimc (1310)
• Pakistan
18 Nov 15
This is a new feature in windows 10, like a search engine but can do many more things
@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
18 Nov 15
she is Windows 10 new virtual assistant. she came with the new free upgrade to Windows 10. she is sort of like using Apple's VA but she is a little different. She will learn as you go and she can help you search and find things. I haven't used her much at all and maybe I should plug her back in and give her another try. I didn't spend much time testing this out when I was testing the new OS as a beta tester. I have been in the insider program and she was there for us to use and test.
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@babaraimc (1310)
• Pakistan
18 Nov 15
@poehere you have explained a lot, she is worth a try
@boiboing (13153)
• Northampton, England
18 Nov 15
I have her on my phone but I don't use her.
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@babaraimc (1310)
• Pakistan
19 Nov 15
I think you should give her a try