Does This Describe You Well?

@moffittjc (121460)
Gainesville, Florida
November 18, 2015 2:39pm CST
Me During the Day: Oh my God, I am so tired. I just wish this day would hurry up an end so I can go home and climb in bed and sleep the whole night away. I could literally sleep for 100 hours! Me During the Night: Hey, let's go to the club and grab some food and drinks and hang out with friends! When we get home, we can create a playlist of the top 100 hit songs of the past three decades, all while posting on every social media site known to man, and binge-watching the last five seasons of the Walking Dead! I am such a night owl that I could stay up all night!
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6 responses
@VivaLaDani13 (60794)
• Perth, Australia
29 Nov 16
@moffittjc lol yeah. I think it’s because when you’re at work, you have responsibilities and things that need to be done but once the day is over you are free to do whatever you want so it’s like it makes you feel more awake.
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@moffittjc (121460)
• Gainesville, Florida
30 Nov 16
I'll usually go through a period of time after I get off of work where I'm super tired, but then I get my second wind and I'm good to go late into the night!
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• Italy
18 Nov 15
Totally me! During the day I'm always tired, and during the night I can't stay in my bed, but I always want to do something else.
@moffittjc (121460)
• Gainesville, Florida
18 Nov 15
I just don't know how I do it every single day. I am definitely not getting enough sleep at night, so at some point it's all going to catch up to me!
• Italy
18 Nov 15
@moffittjc yes, everyday the same situation! In this case I think that it is not true tha we learn by making mistakes.
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@moffittjc (121460)
• Gainesville, Florida
18 Nov 15
@thequestioner Are you in Italy right now? I am curious as to what time it is over there right now?
@wetnosedogs (1533)
• United States
18 Nov 15
lol. I am tired during the day and I toss and turn all night.
@TheHorse (217067)
• Walnut Creek, California
21 Nov 15
Nope. Doesn't describe me. I'm pretty full of energy during the day Then I drop it down a notch in the evenings, but keep on going.
@KnehKnah (3584)
• Philippines
19 Nov 15
No, my dear. And if that's really you at night, no wonder you're like that during the day. Ha! Ha! Ha!
@moffittjc (121460)
• Gainesville, Florida
19 Nov 15
I can't argue with that! When I stay up late, I pay for it the next morning! That definitely explains why I am so tired during the day!
@Lucky15 (37374)
• Philippines
18 Nov 15
me during the day, so me.. that i really wanted to sleep and i did :))