Islamic Point of view about Terrorism and Killing,,,
@babaraimc (1310)
November 21, 2015 4:38am CST
First of all i am not a Scholar or any religious person
When I saw some of my friends were discussing that Islam allows Killing and Terrorism, and some of them were really mis-guided by Media or some other persons
and some were thinking that Muslim didn't Condemned Paris attacks
i thought i should write something about this
these are views of a common Muslim not of any Scholar,
Quran is our Holy book and every Muslim has strong believe in It
I will try to quote few examples of what Quran has said
It is said in Quran 5:32
"If anyone slays a person – unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land –
it would be as if he slew all people. And if anyone saves a life,
it would be as if he saved the life of all people."
in another place Quran 16:125-128
" Invite all to the way of your Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching.
And argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious…
And if you punish, let your punishment be proportional to the wrong that has been done to you. But if you show patience, that is indeed the best course.
Be patient, for your patience is from God. And do not grieve over them,
or distress yourself because of their plots. For God is with those who restrain themselves, and those who do good."
Quran 41:34-35
"Goodness and evil are not equal. Repel evil with what is better. Then that person with whom there was hatred, may become your intimate friend! And no one will be granted such goodness except those who exercise patience and self-restraint,
none but people of the greatest good fortune."
Quran 2:256
"There is no compulsion in religion."
Surah 18 Verse 29
"And say, "The truth is from your Lord, so whoever wills - let him believe; and whoever wills - let him disbelieve."
Even during Wars, Islam has drawn a clear line of distinction between combatants and non-combatants(like women,child.old,who doesn't want to fight etc)
Muslim were ordered not to kill any Non-combatant
Muhammad (S.A.W) said " Do not kill any old person, any child or any woman"
and Also
"Do not drown or burn palm trees, do not kill animals, do not destroy the fruit trees, do not destroy the church ..."
If someone is involved in some bombing or killing activities , then it isn't because he is Muslim, It is because he doesn't know anything about Islam or He is using the name of Islam for his Benefits
and as far as Condemning these attacks is concerned i think your Media is not giving any coverage to this or is deliberately ignoring it,
All head of states from all countries condemned it,
I know every one in my country has condemned it
i also heard from various other Muslim countries
So my request is
Islam is a religion of Peace . it doesn't promote any violence,
Don't make an opinion just because of others,
Read into Islam, Reading wont betray you from your religion but honor the religion of 1.5 Billion people
and if any Muslim read this Please verify this,,,
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16 responses
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
21 Nov 15
I am sure that Islam is a religion of peace (as is also every major religion I know anything about). Unfortunately, it is possible to take verses from the Quran (as it is also possible to take verses from the Bible) which seem to justify terrorism and it seems that this is what certain people and their imams are doing in order to 'qualify' themselves as justified.
Even in the verses you quote there are some words which trouble me - I have put them in bold below:
Quran 5:32 "If anyone slays a person – unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land – it would be as if he slew all people. And if anyone saves a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all people."
Quran 16:125-128 "... And if you punish, let your punishment be proportional to the wrong that has been done to you. But if you show patience, that is indeed the best course."
The first raises the question: "Is murder and spreading mischief NOT like slaying all people? Isn't it worse than that or what 'special dispensations apply to muderers and mischief makers?"
The second is doubtless one of the verses by which terrorists seek to justify their actions. They would claim that 'the West' has attacked their people indiscriminately and therefore they are justified in doing the same to their enemies because it is 'proportional'.
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@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
21 Nov 15
“He shall tear it open by the wings, not dividing it completely, and then the priest shall burn it on the wood that is burning on the altar. It is a burnt offering, a food offering, an aroma pleasing to the Lord.” - Leviticus 1:17 - I'm a Christian
Does this mean owl's should be cooked up for our next meal? I think not.
Sure yes let Islam disassociate itself with terrorists.
But Islam does become extremely angry and upset when a simple cartoonist draws an image. Should I be afraid to "add image". This is where Islam is not "peaceful". What does Allah really desire all his people to do?

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@babaraimc (1310)
• Pakistan
21 Nov 15
you are right Verses can be interpreted in many ways,
regarding first verse mean
if some one has killed another Or he is a criminal then killing ca be justifiable (Dont you think this is what Our Laws are all about,,,Murders are hanged etc.)
in regard to second verse
First of all it is taught that it is the best way to tolerate and forgive, and then if some commits a crime he should be punished accordingly
how can they use this to justify Paris or other Attack, in these Attacks innocent people were killed who hasn't killed anybody, Islam would never allow anybody to kill an innocent
and lastly i am really not a scholar, i am just a student who never participate in such kind of discussion nor i have much knowledge,
i just shared my my opinion
if some one is looking for an excuse for any kind of bad activity,He can interpret anything for that
but this will not make Islam or anyother religion responsible for that
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@Vivenda (583)
• Portsmouth, England
21 Nov 15
I really thank you for this post! There has been much ignorant ranting and raving against Islam and it adherents, and it is good to have relevant quotes. All scriptures from all religions are open to misinterpretation, but most human beings of all faiths (and none!) would condemn the sort of violence we have seen in recent days.
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@babaraimc (1310)
• Pakistan
21 Nov 15
thanks for appreciation,
and you are right anything can be mis-interpreted
They are people who are violent not any religion,
we should respect every religion,,,
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@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
22 Nov 15
@babaraimc You'll see that his comment (and the ones related to it) is now gone. Admin are very strict here and people who copy other people's posts and post them as their own are NOT wanted! Of course, it's OK to quote part of another person's post, so long as it's clear that it is a quotation to make clear what the subsequent comment is about.
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@babaraimc (1310)
• Pakistan
22 Nov 15
@owlwings i didn't reported him, may be he was going to mention something about this text, thats why i am waiting for his next comment,
He seems a newbie

@babaraimc (1310)
• Pakistan
21 Nov 15
if some one has a little common sense He should know that how a religion can allow killing of innocent people,,
if Islam told us to do so
there shouldn't have been any non-muslims in a Muslim territory,
Muslim have ruled the World for a longer period of time, Then there shouldn't have been any Non-muslim alive then
ok if this is past, In my country people of every religion live, no one disturb them
they are living peacefully
These so called Muslim(although they are not) mostly attack Muslim, Why world dont see this
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@PainsOnSlate (21852)
• Canada
21 Nov 15
I knew the first time I met you here that I was going to like you. I appreciate everything you talked about in this post. Too many in Canada and the US have been frightened by what we see on the TV and have vowed not to let another foreigner in and that's just crazy. Now more than ever we need to open our hearts and our minds and let our military and government take care of the bad guys and stop blaming terrorism on the Muslim Community. Understanding the radicals don't care about the religion, all they care about is terror, and making the news.
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@babaraimc (1310)
• Pakistan
21 Nov 15
Thanks a lot for liking me, I never thought i would be posting this sort of things,
i am a simple student who dont have much knowledge about Islam
and i never had this sort of discussion
but when i saw how people are thinking about Islam, I was forced to post this
because i wanted to show them that Islam isn't what they think,
Islam literally mean Peace
if very basic meaning of it is peace then how could it promote Violence or terrorism.
i think no religion of the world can allow terrorism or killing of innocent people,,,
if someone make some opinion about anything,i think he should have some knowledge about it, he should not rely upon what other think,
sorry for the long comments,you know i dont write much long , this is just because it is a very sensitive topic
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@PainsOnSlate (21852)
• Canada
21 Nov 15
@babaraimc I appreciate you taking the time to write these long comments. It is important we read them. We need to understand who does what, and understand terrorists are not are not normal people.
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@babaraimc (1310)
• Pakistan
21 Nov 15
@PainsOnSlate thankx a lot, this is just so nice of you
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@shshiju (10342)
• Cochin, India
21 Nov 15
I read your discussion and Owlwings comment. Bible, Quran, Geetha any Holy text the content is good and it teach us how to lead a better life. But there is the possibility of Wrong interpretation or translation which leads to vulgar things.
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@babaraimc (1310)
• Pakistan
21 Nov 15
exactly, no religion teach Terrorism,
but if someone from any religion misinterpret, we should not make that religion responsible for that
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@DeborahDiane (40375)
• Laguna Woods, California
23 Nov 15
I am a Christian who has several Muslim relatives who live in Saudi Arabia. I agree with you completely. They are a very peace loving family and they condemn these murderous extremist groups. I also have Muslim, Buddhist and Jewish friends and I know that ALL the major religions of the world condemn this type of Barbaric activity. I wish people would stop blaming the truly religious people of the world for wars and terrorism.
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@DeborahDiane (40375)
• Laguna Woods, California
23 Nov 15
@babaraimc - I completely agree!
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@babaraimc (1310)
• Pakistan
23 Nov 15
you are right , no religion of the world allows killing and terrorism,
These terrorist should be punished
but it is not a good thing to blame 1.5 Billion people for their religion
this will promote hatred, and we need Love and peace
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@babaraimc (1310)
• Pakistan
22 Nov 15
you are right, every individual can interpret anything in a way He wants
as i already mentioned
like Usama Bin Laden Quoted the verse 4:89 which ask to kill non-muslims but he ignored the context, He took a part of the whole and used it as he wants very next verse 4;90 clarifies "Thus, if they let you be, and do not make war on you, and offer you peace, God does not allow you to harm them"
so if someone mis-interprets it shouldn't make that religion a promoter of terrorism
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
22 Nov 15
It seems obvious that some do not follow what you have quoted.
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@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
22 Nov 15
@babaraimc I am not blaming the religion. It is the same with every other religion, not everyone practices it properly. There are many Muslims living here and I have talked to quite a few. A couple of my relatives even married Muslim men.
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@babaraimc (1310)
• Pakistan
22 Nov 15
if some one dont follow it , its their problem
but you cant blame religion for this
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@babaraimc (1310)
• Pakistan
22 Nov 15
@1hopefulman we had a conversation about this in a comment with "Yash Srivastava" you can check that comment
but i'll say just this that every life is sacred according to Islam
Islam never allow killing of any innocent people
Quran says "There is no compulsion in Islam"
but some quote parts of a verse and misinterpret the meanings
like Usama Bin Laden Quoted the verse 4:89 which ask to kill non-muslims but he ignored the context, He took a part of the whole and used it as he wants very next verse 4;90 clarifies "Thus, if they let you be, and do not make war on you, and offer you peace, God does not allow you to harm them"
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@troyburns (1405)
• New Zealand
21 Nov 15
@babaraimc - I love the passion and compassion in this post. Although I am sure that you echo the thoughts of the great majority of Muslims, I think it is a mistake for anyone to call Islam a religion of peace or deny that many of the world's horrors have anything to do with Islam. Sadly, they do, and those getting most hurt by this denial are good-hearted Muslims like yourself. Only by accepting - as the King of Jordan did recently - that your faith has been stained by the many acts of evil committed in its name will the Islamic world be able to move forward.
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@babaraimc (1310)
• Pakistan
22 Nov 15
thanks for appreciation, and if some Terrorist or extremist do some activities, it doesn't mean that Islam is promoting violence,
If you are a violent person , you can give yourself a justification
like Usama Bin Laden Quoted the verse 4:89 which ask to kill non-muslims
but he ignored the context, He took a part of the whole and used it as he wants
very next verse 4;90 clarifies "Thus, if they let you be, and do not make war on you, and offer you peace, God does not allow you to harm them"
so you can misinterpret anything, but
if some of you did , you shouldn.t say some religion is responsible for this
violent people are present in every religion, Does this mean all other religion promote violence , of no..
If Islam promotes violence, then there shouldn't be any non-Muslim in a Muslim country, but they are living freely in all country, they are free to have their Temples and churches because Islam Clearly says that there is no cumpulsion is Islam,
Similarly Muslim ruled the world for a long period of time, but they never targeted any religion,,
So bottom line is if a some one is involved in criminal activites, he should be punished but dont Target 1.5 Billion peoples
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@JamesHxstatic (29413)
• Eugene, Oregon
6 Dec 15
I am glad to see this post and the great response to it. No religion advocates violence against others, yet believers in all religions find wrongful justification to kill others. They violate their faith by doing so, but claim the violence in the name of whatever god they worship. It has been so for centuries and I see little hope of change.
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@nanette64 (20364)
• Fairfield, Texas
21 Nov 15
There have been a lot of wrongs done in the name of every religion throughout the centuries @babaraimc . People 'use' religion to quantify their actions. Killing is wrong regardless.
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@nanette64 (20364)
• Fairfield, Texas
21 Nov 15
@babaraimc I know the Muslim communities here in the United States are appalled at what happened and they in no way want to be included as part of those insane individuals. Just because you have a few bad apples does NOT mean that the whole bushel is rotten.
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@babaraimc (1310)
• Pakistan
21 Nov 15
@nanette64 everyone is appalled, this was an act of brutality,
i dont know what they want to achieve by killing innocent people,
they should be dealt with iron hands
but it also doesn't mean we should target a special set of people
@babaraimc (1310)
• Pakistan
21 Nov 15
you are right,
nothing can justify killing of innocent people,
No religion of the world allow this,
but People should not take some examples to label 1.5 Billion people Terrorist
they are not Muslim and not even Human
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@birjudanak (14320)
• India
21 Nov 15
you described very well, first of all terrorist has no religion and they are not hindu,muslim,christian even not person they are just devils and where devils born also there is angel so one day angel come and finish this terrorism. so all people are same here because if you cut anyone hand blood comes same color and its RED.
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@birjudanak (14320)
• India
21 Nov 15
@babaraimc yes but terrorist must be hanged in public place and second thing if they are Muslim then why they kill Muslim people??they killi all people they just want to become king of world but they think wrong because their day was gone.
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@babaraimc (1310)
• Pakistan
21 Nov 15
@birjudanak you have given an excellent point, almost 90% attacks that occur in Pakistan, Muslim are targeted, particularly blast occur in Mosques
they never targeted other religion or some other areas,
they are just doing a propaganda against Islam
People need to underestand
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@babaraimc (1310)
• Pakistan
21 Nov 15
you have said a beautiful thing, Terrorist dont belong to any religion,
They are just Criminals and should be hanged,,,
if some one commit a crime, then punish the criminal , dont blame his religion
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@ridingbet (66854)
• Philippines
22 Nov 15
any religion I think abhors terrorism.
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@PatlaPanther (11)
• Vellore, India
21 Nov 15
On the flip side, I can also quote the following verses from the Quran,
4:89 "They wish you would disbelieve as they disbelieved so you would be alike. So do not take from among them allies until they emigrate for the cause of Allah . But if they turn away, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them and take not from among them any ally or helper."
5:33 "Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment."
8:12 "[Remember] when your Lord inspired to the angels, "I am with you, so strengthen those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved, so strike [them] upon the necks and strike from them every fingertip."
There are a lot more verses in the same vein. The point that I'm trying to make here is that combining these verses with the ones you mentioned reaffirms the oft spoken truth; no religion is inherently a religion of peace or hatred. It all depends on the part you decide to live by. There is no point in shunning Islam altogether just because most of today's terrorists are Muslims. Keep in mind that 500 years ago, the Protestant Swedes were the world's terrorist extremists. Being politically correct and calling every religion a religion of peace won't solve the problem. And so will it continue as long as we find the need to derive our sense of morality and justice from an archaic set of rules written thousands of years ago.
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@babaraimc (1310)
• Pakistan
21 Nov 15
@PatlaPanther i got your point, you are making the same point that i wanted to emphasize that criminal are just criminal
they dont belong to any religion,
because nothing justifies killing of innocent people,
but i dont agree with your second opinion that People should ignore the horrible aspect of a religion
if you think this about a religion, then probably you shouldn't have accepted this religion, and as your argument is concerned, if someone has conspired against you and is now fighting with you what will you do??, no one will forgive how much you repent
But Islam has ordered to forgive them too.
@PatlaPanther (11)
• Vellore, India
21 Nov 15
First a clarification. I never stated anywhere in my response that Muslims are responsible for all of the religious extremism. Having said that, I don't see how it is justified to forgive your enemies if they repent once they are defeated but to kill and crucify them and cut off their hands and feet if they are not sorry for what they did.
I'll again stress the most important point that I was trying to make because apparently, you didn't read the last paragraph of my original response. There is nothing particularly wrong with Islam, or rather, the things that are wrong with Islam can also be found in more or less all other religions. The religious extremists represent a very small minority of any given religion. Most of the people lead peaceful lives because they choose to ignore the horrible aspects of their religion. This is true not only for Muslims but for people of all faiths.

@marguicha (225454)
• Chile
22 Nov 15
I will not get into this post as many people have done it. But I do thank you for explaining some things to people that are afraid without knowing. They are afraid of a culture they don´t know about, about a book they haven´t read and ultimatly they forget that the muslim next door will sing a lullaby to their children and start their work as we all do. I am an agnostic (not the same as atheism as many think) who respects ALL religions. Some christians will say that I have something to do with the devil whereas I don´t even think that the devil exists.
I wish we learned more about other religions or cultures or, at least, keep away from judging without knowing. In every religion there are fanatics who will do awful things in the name of God. It has been done since the begining of history.
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@ZainaManzoor (51)
• India
24 Nov 15
Thanks for shedding light on this controversial topic.And also quoting those beautiful verses from Quran.People are really misguided about Islam,thanks to the media.Everyone needs to understand that not all Muslims are responsible for the actions of a few,nor is Islam to be blamed for any injustice meted out to innocents in the name of Jihad.Bottomline is what goes around,comes around.Read the Quran and dont get too hasty in defaming Islam :)
@babaraimc (1310)
• Pakistan
24 Nov 15
Thanx for appreciation, i never though i would do this
i am just a college guy kid who looks for fun all the time and not very much attached very religion
but when i saw, how people think about Islam and what kind of Question they were asking, i was forced to write this,,
i received very positive responses, they had discussions with me , I tried to remove their mis-conceptions about Islam and Quran,,, Hope some one will understand
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