Dinosaurs and Religion.
By Virginians
@Virginians (440)
United States
November 24, 2006 2:31am CST
When I was a young girl, back in the fourth grade I believe. I remember our teacher telling us about dinosaurs, and the whole fossil process. So of course, this brought up the subject of dinosaur fossils. We had a swet of twins within the class, girls, they raised their hands and said:
"Dinosaurs never existed, the "fossils" are all fake, they were planted there. It's against our religion to believe in dinosaurs."
For some reason, that comment always really interested me. I dug a little ways into various religions trying to find one that was anti-dinosaur. I've never been able to find one! Is there really a religion that teaches their followers that sort of thing? Or was it just a case of two young girls making up a story, to have a few moments of everyone attention?
4 responses
@mellbrb (250)
• United States
7 Dec 06
Now that's a good question. I had to of course do a blingo search on it.
At this one website, they say there are 20 links referring to dinosaurs in the bible. Here I have a little bit of information I found on their website.
The word "dinosaur" is not found anywhere in the Bible. This is because the word "Dinosaur" was not invented until the mid 1800's. The "King James Bible" was translated into English in 1611. - So we would not expect to find the word "dinosaur."
"Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds; livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind." And it was so.
Genesis 1:24
God created animals of all kind directly before he spoke the words that would bring man into existence.
Many people believe that God is the Creator of all things. But very few people know when or why He created the Dinosaurs. Children are often unsure how Dinosaurs fit in, or if they are even mentioned in the Bible at all.
Are Dinosaurs in the Bible?
Before reading any further, ask yourself why it is that you ask this question.
Is it because you see a conflict between the clear teachings of Scripture, with what those who believe in Evolution teach?
As Christians we must learn to treat God’s word as the source of absolute truth and authority. To answer questions about dinosaurs and Creation, we must start our thinking with the Bible, and from there find the answers. If we trust the Bible as true, and accept theories compatible with scripture we will never have a problem.
Sometimes Christians are tempted to change the Bible to fit their theories. But scientific theories change. God's word remains the same it never changes.
In the book of ”Job” chapter 38:4, God asks Job an important question:
"Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?"
No Scientist was there when the earth was formed or when life began. So any ideas they currently have are only educated guesses.
The only way to learn the truth about how and when life began is to read the testimony of the only one who was there, God himself.
The Bible clearly states that all land animals and man were both created on the sixth day of creation. Many don't realize that this would also include the dinosaurs.
Evolutionists maintain that man and dinosaurs never lived together. If a human was found in the same age rock as a dinosaur would they tell us? Or would they assume there must be a problem with the dating technique used, or that the skeleton was redeposited from a different layer. To see examples of this happening read the book "Forbidden Archeology - the hidden history of the human race" by Cremo and Thompson.
Evolutionists hold on to their belief unaware of (or ignoring) the fossil remains of humans which have been found in the very same layers of rock as dinosaurs.
Both scientific and historical evidence (dragon accounts) can be presented supporting the idea that man and dinosaurs have always lived together. It is only recently that the dinosaurs have gone extinct.
We must believe by faith, the uncompromising Word of God as our source of information. Therefore, knowing and believing that the Bible is true, we can conclude that all land animals were created the same day as man.
But that doesn't mean that the animals we now call "Dinosaurs" are not in the Bible. It just means that if they are in the Bible, they are called by a different name. The Bible says that Adam named all the animals that God created. So to find the dinosaurs we will have to look for the original Hebrew names given to these creatures
(names like "Behemoth", "Tannin", etc..).
The original name given to the dinosaurs would more accurately describe these animals and their disposition. The word "Dinosaur" means "terrible lizard". And though they became a menace to man after sin had entered the earth, the dinosaurs were not created that way. Dinosaurs are one of the most beautiful of Gods creations. They were created to peacefully coexist with man.
Below is the link to read more on this. They have alot of information, that makes you go hmmmmm.....
~*~ Happy Holidays ~*~
@Virginians (440)
• United States
9 Dec 06
What a very well thought out, and informative comment. So now we know that the Christian faith does not doubt the existence of dinosaurs. But does any religion... perhaps they weren't Christians. u.u Or perhaps I shall never even know, lol. Anyways, you definitely get the best response mark, what an awesome finding.
@chadmonson (19)
• United States
10 Dec 06
Tchu. o.o I was actually wondering a bit about this subject myself. I wondered about the whole Dinosaur versus Bible thing, meaning their lack of presence (Or so it seemed) within it. Thank you for the long, but educational, writing, as it will undoubtedly help me along should I become a counselor (Considering I am Christian as well).
I fully back up all these statements, and would just like to fully agree.
-Holds up a sign with "OWNED" written on it-

@AskAlly (3625)
• Canada
10 Jan 07
wow there is alot of info here. But I sure remeber being told that there were not dinosaurs either.
I would like to myself that maybe they were living outside of the garden of eden. But how does a kid argue with an adult. I was only into the Bible stories at that time, but had I know about that verse in Genesis I would have been quoting it all over the place
@Tomarse (289)
• Malaysia
24 Nov 06
Hurm, I remembered once, I chanllenged a strong Christian regarding this matter. Back then, I was not a Christian. I said that the Bible never mentioned anything about the dinosaurs whatsoever.
But I lost in that argument. Why? Because Bible only state the important event and not events that nobody cares (except for those scientists, of course). The Bible didn't mention anything regarding dogs too, does it?
And about the girls that talked about believing in the existance of dinosaurs is against her religion, I guess it's her misconception on her religion.
@Xeedar (255)
• Italy
10 Jan 07
A lot of religions doesn't accept the dinosaurs existence, and a lot of people tells lies on dinosaurs fossils discoveries to let people think they are right.
It's not true that Christian religion accept dinosaurs.
Some christians does, some of them doesn't.
If you look for some discussions on dinosaurs on mylot were I responded, you could look how many people say things like "dinosaurs fossils were putted in the earth by satans to let us take the wrong path".
It's just 'cause most of monotheists religions tells that the earth is a lot younger than the existence of dinosaurs demonstrates, so they don't want to accept it.