Is it Time to Stop Allowing Refugees into the US?

Buffalo, New York
November 22, 2015 10:09am CST
With all the killings and terrorist attacks going on in the middle east and everywhere else, I have to wonder if it's time for the United States to stop allowing refugees into our country. Don't get me wrong, I love everyone and, if I could, I would help everyone. But with all the hate in the world today, and the fact that the US can't even feed our own (1 in 6 Americans go hungry every day), maybe it's time for the US to take care of their own instead of helping everyone else. How do we know that within the group of refugees waiting to get into this country that one or more aren't coming here just to destroy us? How do we feed others when we can't feed our own? How do we attempt to control terrorism when we keep letting everyone and anyone into this country? I don't have all the answers, but one thing I know - the US needs to mind their own business once in awhile and tend to their own homeland first.
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11 responses
@DWDavis (25809)
• United States
22 Nov 15
Since none of the attackers in Paris were refugees, and, since the current refugee program in the US started back in the 1980s not one single refugee admitted to this country has been involved in an act of terrorism, is it really the refugees we need to be turning away?
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@boiboing (13153)
• Northampton, England
22 Nov 15
You 'love everyone'. Really? Doesn't sound like it. And the US having 1/6 of its people hungry is an issue of the distribution of wealth not a lack of food. I hope you and the people you love never find yourself in need of refuge.
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• Buffalo, New York
22 Nov 15
Yes, I do love everyone. If the US can provide for their own then sure, let's help others. But the fact is, the US doesn't help their own. Watch one of our tv commercials that beg us to feed children in countries far, far away, yet we can't feed our own children. If we had the means to help everyone on earth, I'd be all for it. But, the means we do have are used to feed the big politicians and lawmakers while the rest of us suffer. You live in England. You have no idea. Wealth is not distributed evenly in America. I many refugees does England help each year?
@boiboing (13153)
• Northampton, England
22 Nov 15
@MichelleBwriting How many refugees does England help (I think you MEAN the UK), the answer is a hell of a lot - and I would help more. You really have no idea. It's funny how people trot out the 'let's help the homeless and veterans and......' when they had zero intention of helping those people until even less desirable people were on their doorstep.
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• Bucharest, Romania
22 Nov 15
I think that it is none of your business to take care of people from other countries.
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• Chennai, India
22 Nov 15
It would be good if the war is stopped completely. The amount which is spent on war can easily be diverted to very good cause. War simply tears the nation apart.
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• Chennai, India
22 Nov 15
@MichelleBwriting Also in the race of who is big, even developed nations are spending trillions of dollars on missiles & military equipments.If peace exists only then exists happiness.
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• Buffalo, New York
22 Nov 15
You're absolutely right! I couldn't have said it better! War is no good for anyone. It's a shame that we all just can't respect each other's beliefs and just get along. Only in a perfect world.
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@cacay1 (84497)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
23 Nov 15
Very true, they might be a big threat to a nation.We do not know their mind set,culture and background knowledge about their ways of living.A country can help , but not to adopt them.....
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@Poppylicious (11133)
22 Nov 15
It would be a bit like shutting the door once the horses have bolted. The attacks in France were homegrown ... that is, the perpetrators were - for the most part - born In France or Belgium. The attacks in the UK in 2005 were similarly homegrown. You would be prepared to punish the majority for the actions and beliefs of the minority? Fear and ignorance will only fuel the fires, not douse them.
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@celticeagle (172500)
• Boise, Idaho
23 Nov 15
I asked this same question in my discussion. I think it is really time that we all look at this seriously. We either need to be much more strict or find some way of registering these people from the Syria and Iraq. How else can we hope to keep track of them? And, if we do this then we are stamped "No better than the Nazis!" So we are basically d*mned if we do and if we don't.
@celticeagle (172500)
• Boise, Idaho
30 Nov 15
@MichelleBwriting ...I totally agree. It is sad that we feel this way and it means perhaps not helping these people because we can't trust them.
• Buffalo, New York
30 Nov 15
@celticeagle - I will definitely check out your discussion. I think we need to be more strict. I feel horrible for the refugees and I would, under normal circumstances, want to help them. But, our safety must come first and, right now, I don't trust anyone. :(
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@wiLLmaH (8802)
• Singapore, Singapore
23 Nov 15
The answer for this question must be considered many times. Countries opening its doors to refugees seems taken advantage by terrorist.
@wiLLmaH (8802)
• Singapore, Singapore
30 Nov 15
@MichelleBwriting terrorist now using a system like a "trojan horse".
• Buffalo, New York
30 Nov 15
@wiLLmaH - Yes, exactly. There was a time when it was ok to let refugees in to the USA. Times have changed, however, and a country's main obligation should be to keep their homeland safe and make sure their own people are taken care of before offering help to others. It is no longer safe to let outsiders in. It's sad, but it's the way it is.
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• United States
22 Nov 15
There is no simple answer to your question as there is no simple answer to the problems.
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@Butchcass4 (5895)
• United States
27 Nov 15
I agree with you. Why on earth are they letting all these people in when our own aren't being taken care of and after 911 you would think somebody would have the sense God given sense not to allow people into this country who hates us. God help us is all I can say. They've kicked God out of the White House, Schools and much more and wonder why they're acting like a bunch of blubburing idiots. Our country was founded on Christian principles and morals. God lead the men in the White House who sought after Him and we were a Blessed country, supporting Israel and having respect for the law and the Constitution. The Constitution means nothing to most of those in the White House they walk all over it. Well God will only put up with so much nonsense before He acts. Then people will cry out to God as they did when 911 happened its a darn shame that it has to take a horrible crisis for people to turn to God for His help. We need His help more now than we ever have. God have mercy on us
• United States
30 Nov 15
@MichelleBwriting I couldn't agree with you more. If we don't put God first His blessings are with held. He is a jealous God and our country may have just slapped Him in His face with all the evil goings on O God please have mercy on us and yet let Your perfect will be done You know how to turn this once great nation back to You. It's also nice to meet you my Sister in Christ Michelle Bentley. We have much to share about our God. He is so amazing and wonderful. All I have to do is look at His creation and I get thrilled. The way He made each and every one of us. The animal kingdom and even the creepy crawlers and have His stamp of made by God Almighty.
• Buffalo, New York
30 Nov 15
@Butchcass4 - You're so right! This country was founded on Biblical Principles and when we started taking God from our schools and our lives, well, God is telling us no. When this country looked to God, we were a great and prosperous nation. Since this country started to turn away from God, look at us. We're a pathetic nation that is being threatened,terrorized, and we don't even take care of our own. We need a good Christian man in office who will look to God for guidance.
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@cindiowens (5120)
• North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
24 Nov 15
Terrorists will get into the country no matter what. They are already here.Keeping out refugees would not help that at all, but I do agree, we need to take care of our own.