A happy family shares the same value of money

@scheng1 (24649)
November 28, 2015 8:41am CST
It is impossible to have a happy family if everyone does not share the same value of money. It is a pain to save very hard, and then find that your children have used up all your money. Sometimes, a family can breakup because of the differences in the way they see the value of money. Someone may want to spend every single cent because he thinks that there is no point in making money if you do not spend. Another person may save because she knows that without savings, there will be no roof above her head when she loses her job. A happy family is one that all members share the same values about making money, saving money and spend money.
1 response
• India
28 Nov 15
money is very important now a days , if you dont have money with you even you will not have value in your house , those days are gone where you may have respect at home or in society but in today generation will only respect you if you have money , where money is you will find honey
1 person likes this
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
28 Nov 15
Everyone has to share the same value of money at home. There are people who do not respect those who are rich, and there are people who respect people because they are rich. It takes all kinds to make up the world.