"No good deed goes unpunished"

@Drosophila (16571)
December 2, 2015 5:09am CST
"No good deed goes unpunished" - Oscar Wild He originally implied that beneficial actions often go unappreciated or are met with outright hostility. If they are appreciated, they often lead to additional requests. I have always thought this was a very cynical view. Until, I run into such a case recently. An older relative of mine has been struggling with her PC. Believe it or not, she was still using windows XP! The performance of her PC, needless to say, was slow as snails. In addition, it was heavily infected with a variety of spyware. As I was getting ready to upgrade to a new laptop, I thought it would be a nice gesture to give her my old laptop. It was a couple of years old, with a newly formatted hard drive and virtually trojan free. I swing by her place and promptly dropped off the laptop. I also helped her with setting up the new laptop just the way she liked. By the time I left, she could stream movies, use messaging systems, send emails, visit forums etc etc ! I left her place feeling quite happy. Until I receive a call from her, she was wondering why the new laptop takes forever to start. A bit of back 'n' forth later, I realised she'd set a lot of the programs to automatically sign in when the PC starts. No wonder it was taking forever to boot up! I did the best I could to troubleshoot remotely and wasn't able to make much progress. So I promised to drop by the next time I was in the country. Next thing I know, I got an angry call from my Ma. She wondered why I'd given a broken piece of junk to my elderly relative. Apparently, she called my Ma just to complain about me using her house as a junkyard. Needless to say, I was quite speechless at this turn of events! Oscar Wilde was right in this incidence, "no good deed goes unpunished!". Have you ever experienced something like this? Or know someone who had such experiences. Please do share your thoughts. p.s. This incident taught me, give generously but wisely! p.s.s. Erm.. what should I do with that laptop? Any idea anyone?
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9 responses
• United States
2 Dec 15
It's sad that your good intentions weren't appreciated
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@Drosophila (16571)
• Ireland
2 Dec 15
I don't actually know what I should do with the laptop? Should I try to fix it, or get it back? What a bit of nightmare!
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@DaddyEvil (137244)
• United States
3 Dec 15
@Drosophila You at least explained to your mom what really happened, didn't you?
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@Drosophila (16571)
• Ireland
3 Dec 15
@sugartoes Yeah I just feel odd about the whole thing. I will swing around her house when I'm in country next and see what she wants done with it.
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@WorDazza (15830)
• Manchester, England
2 Dec 15
Surely it couldn't have booted up any slower than her old XP machine!!!
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@Drosophila (16571)
• Ireland
2 Dec 15
That's what I thought! But, no apparently it was worse, I really should've installed remote desktop tool on it, so I can have a look. But then on second thought, she'd probably accused me of trying to spy on her.. ah well.. people.
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@WorDazza (15830)
• Manchester, England
3 Dec 15
@Drosophila Sometimes doing nothing really is the best course of action!!!!
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@Drosophila (16571)
• Ireland
3 Dec 15
@WorDazza Yep, I'm debating if I should swing by and try to relieve her of this junk or continue to "fix it".
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• Preston, England
3 Dec 15
she should have been grateful for your generosity - the computer might sell on e-bay or such
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• Preston, England
3 Dec 15
@Drosophila not your fault your help and gift were so unappreciated
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@Drosophila (16571)
• Ireland
3 Dec 15
Oh ya, it could easily sell for 150. Anyways, I guess I won't be doing that again. :)
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@Drosophila (16571)
• Ireland
3 Dec 15
@arthurchappell I guess it's difficult to fathom how someone would react to a present, that's what keeps life interesting I guess.
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@simone10 (54187)
• Louisville, Kentucky
3 Dec 15
I just find this appalling. How can she complain like that when she got an almost new computer? Were you able to explain to your Mom?
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@simone10 (54187)
• Louisville, Kentucky
6 Dec 15
@Drosophila All of this is wrong on so many levels. But, it's family so what can you do?
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@Drosophila (16571)
• Ireland
6 Dec 15
@simone10 That's indeed the case, you can pick your friends, but not your relatives.
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@Drosophila (16571)
• Ireland
3 Dec 15
I guess she just got frustrated with it. I did try to explain to my non-tech savvy mom, she just end up saying, maybe you should have sold it and gave her the cash instead.
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@DaddyEvil (137244)
• United States
3 Dec 15
Nice! Don't you just love family? You could always donate it to a shelter or a church in your area, if nothing else.
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@DaddyEvil (137244)
• United States
4 Dec 15
@Drosophila Uhm... Okay, Wendy, that makes no sense whatsoever! (Not your statements, but the reaction you believe you will see if you try to retrieve your pc!) LOL! Don't worry, we all have nutjobs in our families!
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@Drosophila (16571)
• Ireland
4 Dec 15
@DaddyEvil lol.. well at this point, I have no idea how she will react to it. She might either appreciate me taking the laptop away. Or she might be further aggravated as she now expects to have a working laptop. So we'll see..xD
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@Drosophila (16571)
• Ireland
3 Dec 15
Yep, I do have some oddball relatives. I didn't choose them but guess I'm stuck with them. I might try to get it back and I bet she'll kick off about that too. lol
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@marijuana (570)
• Tel Aviv, Israel
3 Dec 15
It happens a lot .. but don't feel so bad.. she was just ignorant with computers and have no idea :) I used to work with AT&T troubleshooting DSL connections so I know how hard it is to troubleshoot remotely and to deal with irate people blaming us for everything even if its out of our concerns and yet we have to show empathy and remain professional :)
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@Drosophila (16571)
• Ireland
3 Dec 15
That's true! She doesn't have a clue with computers.
@boiboing (13153)
• Northampton, England
4 Dec 15
What an ungrateful old witch.
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@Drosophila (16571)
• Ireland
4 Dec 15
LOL!!! you don't mince your words.. that was my initial sentiment when I got the call from my Ma.
@Drosophila (16571)
• Ireland
4 Dec 15
@boiboing This seems to be a trend on one particular lineage of my family.. madness runs on the other. xD
@boiboing (13153)
• Northampton, England
4 Dec 15
@Drosophila honestly, there's no helping some people. They mess up and it's your fault. pah!
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@norcal (4889)
• Franklinton, North Carolina
3 Dec 15
I had a similar experience with my mom. In her case, she's just past being able to learn anything new, so she just needs stuff she already knows how to use.
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@Drosophila (16571)
• Ireland
3 Dec 15
I guess familiarity is key when it comes to tech.
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@Lucky15 (37374)
• Philippines
2 Dec 15
I can not think of anything. Felt bad with what you went through though
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@Drosophila (16571)
• Ireland
2 Dec 15
I guess I just gave the wrong thing to the wrong person. Next time, I'll sell it on e-bay and donate to a charity or something!
@Drosophila (16571)
• Ireland
3 Dec 15
@sugartoes Exactly! Next time I'll definitely do things differently/