What do you think about blood donation?
By kage2k3
@kage2k3 (1443)
14 responses
@lauriefnp (5109)
• United States
26 Feb 07
I donate blood every 8 weeks without fail. Blood donation is basically painless, takes less than an hour, and saves lives. What better reason than saving a life could you find? Any healthy person who meets the criteria for donating blood should consider giving "the gift of life". Blood supplies are almost always low and there is always a need for donors. The needles used are clean, single-use needles; there is absolutely NO chance that you will become infected with HIV, hepatitis, or any other disease by giving blood.
@kritipen (4082)
• United States
25 Feb 07
I think blood donation is the best donation of all. It is better than donating clothes or money because blood donation saves life and life is the most precious than any other. Yes i did donate blood a couple of times. And there is nothing you lose and you give everything.
@ruby82 (411)
• China
24 Nov 06
I have donated 600 ml blood, I think it is a significant thing and everyone should do it. And donating blood once in a year is good for your health.Don't worry.Let's donate our love to someone.
@ghazal2k5 (920)
• India
24 Nov 06
that's a great think to do.you can save someone life with this thing and that's a best thing in world ever.
@unisis (1673)
• Indonesia
20 Feb 07
i think it is good,cause our body become fresh with new blood,but if you mention that everyone should donate their blood it is imposible cause the people who donate the blood their health should be in a good condition also there is limitation the weight should over 45 kg the age should be from 17 upto 65 years.
@kittensmommy (386)
• United States
20 Feb 07
I think it's a very noble thing to do , very helpful to anyone in need.Sometimes we are not in a financial ppositions to help someone in need , but my blood can save their life, that's priceless.
I plan to teach my kids about blood donation and I'll take them along when they are older to watch me donate , lead by example.
@arunpatal (627)
• Germany
24 Nov 06
I have never blood donate blood in my life as i am very scared to going to doctor.
But i think blood donation is really good and when you get to know that you have save someones life that you will be proud of yourself
@arunpatal (627)
• Germany
24 Nov 06
I have never blood donate blood in my life as i am very scared to going to doctor.
But i think bjavascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$cphMainContent$lbStart','')
post responselood donation is really good and when you get to know that you have save someones life that you will be proud of yourself
@arun4everthisway (15)
• India
24 Nov 06
I dont donate blood right now. Because i still have growth. donating blood if ur age is less than 20, it affects ur growth a lot. so be careful while doing so. it is ofcourse a very good thing to do. people who r capable could donate blood, atleat twice in a year. who knows?? u could save a life....