Night Panic Update - I was right to worry!!

United Kingdom
December 8, 2015 11:58am CST
This is an update to a post I made on the 5th about a panic attack type thing I experienced about a week and a half ago, if you want to read it before reading this, here is the link : I didn't want to say in the last post but there was sort of a reason I was worried but I was a bit mad at myself for thinking the way I was thinking but it turns out I was right and I should have trusted my instincts. Anyway I have to go back a bit to the start of the story : About 3 months ago I got a parcel delivered to the house, it was addressed to a house with a name I didn't recognise (All the houses around me have names and no street names as we are in the middle of nowhere) so I kept it in the house hoping someone would come and collect it. About three weeks later I was sat at my kitchen table feeding Vinnie in his high chair, hardly dressed because no one ever knocks the door :/ . I turned around and there was a man standing looking through my kitchen window. I was rather alarmed but mostly because I was falling out of my vest top (oopsi). My front door is attached to my Kitchen/Dinning Room so I just assumed he was coming to the door not just standing there looking through my window. He knocked the door and I answered, and he said he lived in one of the cottages and that I had a parcel for him. I gave him the parcel and he started asking me about Vinnie who was behind me in the High Chair (not that there is anything strange about that). Now when I moved in I was told there was an old man in that cottage who was Bipolar but that he was no bother to anyone and not to worry about it and I would never worry about it. I have worked in mental health in the past and don't tend to judge. This man didn't seem that old only in his 40s so I thought it was a different man. A few days after that Stewart found him outside our house with a balaclava on (when I'm actually typing this it sounds scarier) he went out to ask who he was and he explained that he lived in one of the cottages and that he was thinking of buying the cottage next to us. Stewart spoke to him for a while then and when he came in he said he thought he was a bit strange and said that he thinks we should lock the door from now on. I thought he was being silly but then over the weeks his behaviour got stranger, nothing dangerous seeming or scary, just not quite right. He started playing really loud music at 6am and 10pm, Stewart went over to ask him to turn it off and he started crying. He stared blocking the road leading out of the cottages with his van (there is no other way to drive out) so I would have to ask him to move it so I could go to work, he would have the flashy orange light going on it for hours for no reason. Loads of strange little things. Then this morning I left for work at 7am, there are no lights, streetlights or anything outside my house. I felt the need to lock the front door when I left even though Stewart was home. I got in my car and again felt the need to lock my car and I never do that. I was sorting my sat nav and music out when there was a bang on my car window. You can imagine my reaction I almost had a heart attack. He was stood outside my car with a huge flood light in his boxers and dressing gown. I opened the window and I can't remember the exact conversation as it didn't make much sense but the bits that stuck out to me were him saying ' I need to get off the drugs' and 'I don't want to endanger anyone'. I don't think he is on drugs I think he means his bipolar medication which he had mentioned to Stewart before. It was very clear at this point that he hasn't been taking it at all. I told him I was late for work and really had to go and he said 'ok see you on the road' which I thought was strange. I pulled out of the cottages onto the main road and he was stood in the middle of the road in his boxers and dressing gown with no shoes on - directing imaginary traffic with his flood light. Now I know I should have stopped and tried to get him off the road but I was just really scared by the whole thing, once I was down the road I phoned Stewart and told him to make sure he keeps the door locked all day, and that if he was still out there when he woke up to phone social services or the police. Now the reason my panic attack was right: I spoke to Stewart on my lunch break and he told me that he had caught my neighbour trying the handle on my front door. Luckily it was locked. Now I am not saying anything bad would have happened if he had gotten in but it's just not worth thinking about. Since then an ambulance and police arrived and they have taken him away, I am assuming they will temporarily section him until they get him back on his medication. It is sad because he seems like a nice person but he is clearly a danger to himself if not to anyone else when he isn't taking his medication. I hope they get him sorted and better x
About a week ago me and my partner were getting ready to go to bed and I started feeling uneasy and I didn't know why. We got into bed and it got worse I...
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6 responses
@JudyEv (348064)
• Rockingham, Australia
9 Dec 15
I think you are taking this very calmly and logically. I think I'd be having panic attacks too if this were happening in my patch. Hope it gets sorted.
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@JudyEv (348064)
• Rockingham, Australia
9 Dec 15
@shellyjaneo It seems to me such people start to feel so much better when on their medication that they think they don't need it any more and of course the whole thing then goes haywire. I have a niece who has bipolar and she goes off her medication from time to time.
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@JudyEv (348064)
• Rockingham, Australia
11 Dec 15
@shellyjaneo It is very sad. They must be in such a bad place when this sort of thing happens. Voices in their heads, etc - you wouldn't really feel safe around them as there is no reasoning against that kind of thinking.
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• United Kingdom
9 Dec 15
I think I am trying my best to stay calm about it all because otherwise I would be completely freaking out. I know he has family that visit so hopefully when he is let home they will keep a closer eye on him and make sure he stays on his medication. I have an elderly neighbour as well and I worry about her with this all going on.
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• Temple, Texas
11 Dec 15
My husband and I used to look after a man kind of like that. It wasn't bipolar, it was a mild form of schizophrenia though. He was just a little bit "off." As the years went by, though, it got harder and harder to manage him and we finally had to turn him over to the care of the county as he had no family to care for him.
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• United Kingdom
11 Dec 15
I think there is a lot of similarities between bipolar and schizophrenia with the psychosis they are both difficult illnesses to manage. I didn't think they got worse over time but some of the reading I have been doing seems to show that it might x
@Teep11 (7673)
• United States
8 Dec 15
Sounds like a lot to deal with. I hope he receives the help he needs. I'm glad no one was hurt. Things could have went wrong when he was so called directing traffic. Wow!
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• United Kingdom
9 Dec 15
I know it is really lucky. My partner said he was also cycling up and down the road later on in the day, we live on a main busy country road so it is really dangerous. I hope he gets some help and hopefully his family will pay closer attention to what's going on now as well x
@TheHorse (224461)
• Walnut Creek, California
8 Dec 15
Here in the US, they'd hold him at a mental hospital for 72 hours and hopefully get him stabilized. I wonder what the procedure is there. Be safe.
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• United Kingdom
8 Dec 15
I think it may be similar, I believe they can temporarily section him for 72 hours while they do an evaluation but he is obviously already known to the mental health team so it may work differently then x
@PainsOnSlate (21852)
• Canada
10 Dec 15
I would have been terrified. You sound like you took it well, The police would have been called from me too. My daughter takes meds for panic attacks, she had them often and doesn't know why.
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• United Kingdom
10 Dec 15
I don't have them often luckily. My mum is certain she gets them as sort of premonitions as hers always seem to come true and she thinks that's what mine was but who knows, I think that even though he hadn't done anything when it happened that I must have just had a bad feeling about him when I met him. I hope she doesn't suffer too much with them x
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@Mike197602 (15515)
• United Kingdom
8 Dec 15
I honestly think you need to contact your local police safer neighbourhood officers and report what has gone on. Sounds like at the very least the guy has issues and may be more of a problem in time. Ive had a slightly similar problem in the past, which i actually posted about on the old mylot, but there was no physical threat there. I reported a neighbour with mental health issues who was harrassing me because im the one with the criminal record and if things got nasty i didnt want to be automatically deemed the aggressor. the police were extremely helpful to me and it was sorted. tell the police what has happened, maybe get some cctv.
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• United Kingdom
8 Dec 15
It is pretty scary to be honest I don't think he would ever mean to cause harm but I don't know how bad he may get. I am assuming he won't be back for a few days but I may phone social services just to give them an idea of what happened. They may contact us the police did knock a few weeks ago about him but he was fine then (or at least seemed it ) x