Bomb Went Off In My Brothers Room!

Perth, Australia
December 12, 2015 2:41am CST
Well that's what it friggen sounded like! My room is right next to my brothers room. It doesn't even matter that I am a light sleeper because the volume on his TV when he watches a movie or plays a game is SO loud it honestly sounds like a war going on in there! It really irritates me. There are some nights I get up about 5 - 6 times to knock on his door to tell him to be quite. I go from asking him nicely to telling him to shut the F*** up because it's annoying trying to fall back asleep and staying asleep! It's just rude. He already knows I have trouble sleeping so why try to add to my problems! Selfish turd hole! Maybe I am a doormat but I don't want to be disrespectful and horrible and sink to his level to do what he does. Like wake him up every half hour with my loud TV. He suggested I wear earplugs. Seriously? No. Just keep it down! It's not that hard dude! What can I do besides kick him in the nuts to make him realise this isn't common courtesy?
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7 responses
@Mike197602 (15515)
• United Kingdom
12 Dec 15
You made me laugh Selfish turd hole...think i'll be using that one Sounds like you need to move out...same as i need to move out of my place here. Shame we aren't even in the same time zone as we could be roomies...i'm very tidy and very quiet. I'm sort of trapped here as i pay next to no rent and manage to live quite well on my savings even though i currently have no real job. I'd like to buy a bit of land and put a big old style airstream trailer on it and live peacefully on my own but land is expensive here. not sure of the price in australia but maybe you could do the same or look for a house share on craigslist and move out.
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• Perth, Australia
12 Dec 15
Glad to have made you laugh. :) lol well you sound like a great roomie. Sadly enough I don't have the moola to do this. Would be awesome to have a place where I am in more control but not even close to possible right now. What you want sounds so cool. Like you said, peaceful. I will have a little look but I'm certain I can't afford anything but thank you for the suggestion! Maybe I could even come across a little job on there for I don't have a job at the moment either.
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@Mike197602 (15515)
• United Kingdom
12 Dec 15
@VivaLaDani13 It absolutely sucks beyond words to not have control of your living area. Believe me I know exactly how that feels We're in fairly similar positions except i do have the money to move out it's just not reached the level for me where I feel i've GOT to move out...I want to but i'm holding out until i find the right place to go. I'm not familiar in any way with prices in your area and don't know your exact situation. I know the UK, compared to many places, is a very expensive place to live. Even so, if i got a job like pizza delivery i know i could afford a room in a shared house in my area...i just dont NEED a job like that currently. I think you should do research into shared houses and even go to look at some just to see what you could get. I believe if you do that it'd either make you motivated to get a little job and move out or maybe realise where you are isnt so bad.
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• Perth, Australia
12 Dec 15
@Mike197602 I see what you are saying. Don't get me wrong I love my brother. And I love my dad ( live with him also ) but I 24 years old. I would at least like to know what it is like to have my own space. Of course I would miss them a lot but I really need a place that is all mine. Not that I don't appreciate where I am. I have a roof over my head. That's just perfect but yeah sometimes I wish things could be just a tad different. I'm happy that you are doing alright for now. That's great! :D
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@celticeagle (172306)
• Boise, Idaho
12 Dec 15
Maybe you should get him some headphones for Christmas.
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• Perth, Australia
12 Dec 15
Well he bought these awesome headphones a few months back so he could wear them while he is playing a game so he could "be quiet" for me to get some sleep but I knew as soon as he was telling me that story that this was all bull crap. The real reason was because these headphones had a microphone on them so he can talk....or more like yell at his friends online while playing the actually didn't sort the problem out at all.
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• Perth, Australia
12 Dec 15
@Mike197602 Well that too.
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@Mike197602 (15515)
• United Kingdom
12 Dec 15
@VivaLaDani13 i could be wrong but i think headphones aren't the issue. I think out growing the living space and lack of control of the area is the issue.
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@cacay1 (84408)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
12 Dec 15
It is not easy to deal noise during sleep.The noise irritates us and soon the heart complains.It is indeed a problem.
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@cacay1 (84408)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
12 Dec 15
@VivaLaDani13 very much..
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• Perth, Australia
12 Dec 15
Couldn't agree with you more. Sure is annoying.
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@JudyEv (347851)
• Rockingham, Australia
12 Dec 15
I don't know why young people have to have their stuff so loud. If it's any consolation he'll have hearing problems before he gets too old. I don't have any suggestions about your brother other than destroying his TV somehow - which probably isn't a good idea. :)
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• Perth, Australia
12 Dec 15
HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! I really wasn't expecting that answer from you. That was great!
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• Chennai, India
12 Dec 15
bomb went off in your brother's room lol . i guess the highly technical bomb squad arrived on time and diffused it, thus saving your life friend :) hihi lol jk
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• Perth, Australia
12 Dec 15
hahaha funny!
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
8 May 16
Well you have t.v. in your room too right? Find the very thing he hates on it and put the volume on full. And leave the room closing your door behind. Be non-chalant
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• Perth, Australia
9 May 16
@Daljinder I have thought about it. I try to do what others to do me but it's very hard to. And when I do, I feel guilty straight away lol I suck at this.
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• Mumbai, India
13 Dec 15
It looks your brother is rude with you. You cant change anyone, you have to accept him as he is. Then why cant you change yourself. It sounds like 'why sounds I'. Don't you think we should care for our loved ones. If you care for your brother one day he will realize that he should also care for you and he will value your feelings.
• Mumbai, India
14 Dec 15
@VivaLaDani13 I think you need not to get irritated to do the right thing. Just keep doing the right.
• Perth, Australia
14 Dec 15
@ajoywork33 So what is the right thing for me to do?
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• Perth, Australia
13 Dec 15
What about me should I be changing? I'm not doing anything wrong. I care for my brother very very much. I listen to him and help him out whenever he needs it or use my initiative to just help out. He is the one who needs to realise that there are other people in the house who would like to feel respected and cared for.
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