~What Others Think~

Valdosta, Georgia
December 13, 2015 1:49pm CST
This is something at times I have wondered about. Not that it consumes all of my thoughts or anything but now and then I do wonder-if I passed away tomorrow what impression have I left on people in life? The other day my friend was telling me of a girl that passed away in a car accident, she was only 17 years old. She was saying how sweet, kind, loving, Godly and amazing she was. She said she was the closest thing to perfection that you could imagine. It made me think if I passed away, what would people say about me? Have you ever wondered this? Even being here, I wonder when you see my username what thoughts come to mind?
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18 responses
@celticeagle (172306)
• Boise, Idaho
13 Dec 15
The thoughts that come to mind are that of a loving woman whose family always came first. She loved children and adored her husband. And, she was a hard worker.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
13 Dec 15
@celticeagle Aw, thank you so much! When I see your name I think of someone who is always honest, very caring and intelligent as well as a good friend.
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@Marcyaz (35316)
• United States
13 Dec 15
Celticeagle, I have to agree with what you have said.
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@celticeagle (172306)
• Boise, Idaho
13 Dec 15
@LovingMyBabies ...You are certainly welcome. I am always honest, sometimes too much so. LOL Thank you.
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@Namelesss (3365)
• United States
13 Dec 15
When I see your avatar and discussion topics I see a smart young woman giving it her all. A woman who loves her family and like anyone she has her good days and her bad days. I see a thinker. A woman who will have a huge impact on her children long after she's gone because she put them before her own needs.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
13 Dec 15
@Nameless Thank you so much. =) When I see your name I think of someone accepting, thoughtful, honest and someone who sticks by you through thick and thin.
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@ataboy (737)
• United States
14 Dec 15
I agree with @LovingMyBabies, @Namelesss...even if she did misss an "s" in your name! I remember my first rely to you where I totally disagreed, respectfully, with your topic! I was expecting a nasty response or anarguemnt, but nope! A totally friendly comment followed, accepting both sides of the argument as having validity! A rare thing to stumble across OL or ANYHERE for that matter to be honest! So, many times first impressions DO in-fact stick! Thx, Namelesss!
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• Valdosta, Georgia
14 Dec 15
@ataboy Oops I absolutely did and did not even realize until you pointed it out! I feel silly now. Lol.
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@Marcyaz (35316)
• United States
13 Dec 15
what I think is of a woman who loves her family.
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@Marcyaz (35316)
• United States
14 Dec 15
@LovingMyBabies I could tell that you love your family buy your user name and by your writings.
• Valdosta, Georgia
14 Dec 15
@Marcyaz Thank you so much. =) I do love my family very much!
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@dodo19 (47363)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
14 Dec 15
What I see is a kind person, who cares for her family. That's what I can gather from your posts, and such. You really seem like a good person.
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@Marcyaz (35316)
• United States
14 Dec 15
That is what I see from her post also.
• Valdosta, Georgia
14 Dec 15
@dodo19 Thank you very much. =) I try to be a good person and I am glad others see that in me.
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@jstory07 (142285)
• Roseburg, Oregon
14 Dec 15
i do not worry about things that have not happened yet. Just enjoy your life now.
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@Marcyaz (35316)
• United States
14 Dec 15
Enjoy life as much as possible.
• Valdosta, Georgia
14 Dec 15
@jstory07 I am not worried at all, just something I was thinking about.
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• United States
14 Dec 15
@LovingMyBabies You come across as one who cares about people and is honest and works hard.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
14 Dec 15
@HanVanMeegerin Aw, well thank you. I try to be all of those things. =)
@Mike197602 (15515)
• United Kingdom
15 Dec 15
@LovingMyBabies he's a pathological liar
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• Valdosta, Georgia
15 Dec 15
@Mike197602 What are you trying to say?
@kaka135 (14934)
• Malaysia
15 Dec 15
I think I have thought this question before, but I'd just let others think and not think about it. You are a loving person, a person who loves the family, including her husband and her children.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
15 Dec 15
@kaka135 Yeah, every once in a while I think of these kind of things. Well, thank you-I do love my family very much.
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@Blondie2222 (28611)
• United States
14 Dec 15
I wonder this alot but never know the answer and may never know the answer.
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@Blondie2222 (28611)
• United States
15 Dec 15
@LovingMyBabies aww thank you. I really do care about others and try to help people whenever i can.
• Valdosta, Georgia
14 Dec 15
@Blondie2222 Well when I see you I think of a really sweet person who cares about others. =)
@suzzy3 (8341)
14 Dec 15
I see a good woman who loves her family. She is always busy and knows her own mind. I see someone kind and sweet.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
15 Dec 15
@suzzy3 Thank you so much!
@kyrararen (601)
• Indonesia
14 Dec 15
when I saw your username and the avatar, I thought you must be a mommy. it is a habit of mine to refrain from putting label and whatnot. Unless I have interracted with someone then I will know for a fact the traits and so on. I don't wonder what people who doesn't know say about me. I don't see the point of doing so.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
14 Dec 15
@kyrararen Yes I am a mommy. =) I care what others think because I want to leave a good impression in this world. I want to change the world just a little bit, by bringing some light in this dark world.
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• Indonesia
15 Dec 15
@LovingMyBabies the existence of people like you that makes the world worth to live in. I really appreciate it.
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• Torrington, Connecticut
13 Dec 15
That same fear of caring about what others think stops a lot of people from stepping fear out of their safe zone and simply living life
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• Valdosta, Georgia
13 Dec 15
@BACONSTRIPSXXX Its not really a fear at all, at least not for me. It's more of a curious type of thing. I am always thinking, maybe too much? Lol.
@whiteream (8567)
• United States
15 Dec 15
I think at some point we all wonder this. What impact do we have on the world. I use to not think much of myself until I saw myself through other people's eyes. Most people see me as a wise, loving , caring person. I never know it until they told, me.
@anh101 (1379)
14 Dec 15
If so people will be happy, i think, cuz they don't love to hear what i say like: "You know what, I love to do what I do, because I know there is some day that I am gonna die, and everyone is the same." They think I am crazy becuz nobody wants to hear that truth. They think im talkative for a while and sometimes, i am just silent, they think im boring becuz i don't talk clothes. Sometimes, i always talk to myself. My friends they don't love to talk to me cuz i love to point out how bad we are and discussing how to change it. While they wanna talk and look at how good and comfortable they are just becuz they wanna find a comfortable feeling. I am not feeling lost, becuz i'll be with God. For example: when they talk about educating children in VN, they tell me the capital is great, and stuff, while a political mind tell me how can it be a good place where people deny that the roads is full of block, the river around a city becomes a drain with black color, a 25 years old man becomes a leader of a big province (like county in western country) without our knowing nothing about the votes. How a place can be good for education? And they tell me: you know this is the best. OMG!
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@ataboy (737)
• United States
14 Dec 15
I have. I like to think. It's often underrated! (but seriously, it is!) I can only go on what I have spoken with you about thus far, Loving...but I'm sure people will say wonderful things about you if and when that inevitable moment does finally come! I've barely known you a day now, and I would be quite sad to learn your passing and say nice things, TRUE things, things that I've observed about you and 'your ways'! Everyone says "S/he was the type of person that would light up every room that they entered!" I would speak in such overused clichés! That's for sure! I'm on the fence as to if I care what people say about me when I die. Sounds harsh, I know. But I have a purpose for my pristine reputation when I'm alive...an not so much afterwards. If people say bad things then they were probably deceiving me all along, so let other people see how they look saying such things about the recently departed! I'd also hate to think that people will miss me, because that causes them pain. So there are different ways of looking at it I suppose! What good is a legacy to someone that's not around to witness it? I go back and forth though, and you could probably talk me in another direction pretty easily...I'm quit malleable with respect to this concept I suppose!
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• Valdosta, Georgia
14 Dec 15
@ataboy I enjoy thinking too-maybe too much. Lol. I am naturally a curious person and I love finding out others opinions on things. So I think of things and have to ask my MyLot friends. Thank you very much, I try to be a good example for others and I do try to be a light in this dark world. I think it depends on what our goals are in life. My goals in this life are to let others see Christ in me, to be kind towards others and make people feel good, love and help people, and to be a good wife and mother. So, in order to have these goals fulfilled I would want to know that I accomplished them in life. The only thing that upsets me about dying is leaving my loved ones and friends behind-that makes me sad thinking about it.
@MusesM (584)
14 Dec 15
oh no,there is times that i did wondered if i passed away,what would people say about me,and i mean pass away now or tomorrow,did they know i am not here
@T_gray (7774)
• Salina, Kansas
15 Dec 15
I've only been around a short time but I know you love your family. You seem like a good person in my book.
@andriaperry (118423)
• Anniston, Alabama
14 Dec 15
Hard worker, thoughtful, good mother. That`s what I get from your posts when you was at bubble.
@sakeguci (80)
• Tangerang, Indonesia
14 Dec 15
well the simple thing in my think is that my best friend will make fun of me in front my grave and i will smile to them because it's make me happy.to have best friend like them and they will run away if i smile to them , that's what i call friendship