Who Eats Three Full Meals A Day?
By Jabo
@jaboUK (64354)
United Kingdom
December 17, 2015 10:19am CST
I returned from my holiday in Spain probably a size bigger than when I went. This was due to the hotel including three meals a day in the price. They were laid out buffet style and as there was so much to choose from, it was tempting to overeat. Even though I only had a croissant for breakfast, I ate too much at the other two meals.
Who needs three proper meals a day? When we are at home we might just have cereals for breakfast, then a snack at lunchtime, (sometimes even nothing), with our main meal being eaten in the evening.
Though I did plenty of walking and even used the exercise equipment on the beach, that wasn't enough to burn off the extra calories. So now I'm trying to lose a few pounds before Christmas (so that I can put it back on again!).
Do you eat three proper meals a day, or would you if it was on offer like it was in our hotel?
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77 responses

@AbbyGreenhill (45494)
• United States
17 Dec 15
I love buffets! I am not a breakfast person so coffee and a muffin would be enough. But lunch and dinner I could 'pig out'.
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@AbbyGreenhill (45494)
• United States
17 Dec 15
@Fleura I am not a calorie counter!
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
17 Dec 15
@AbbyGreenhill If you'd come to Spain with me you would have put the pounds on too then!!
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@celticeagle (171995)
• Boise, Idaho
17 Dec 15
I think you are meant to gain some weight while on holiday. I think that several small meals, 4-5 , is better than three large ones. Breakfast should be supstancial and then small ones the rest of the day.
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@Marcyaz (35316)
• United States
17 Dec 15
@celticeagle I always eat small portions as larger ones are way to much for me to handle. Yes several smaller meals is better than three larger ones.
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
17 Dec 15
@celticeagle Yes, I know I'm doing it the wrong way round, with the biggest meal in the evening, but that's how I like it.
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@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
17 Dec 15
Despite 3 meals a day being recommended by doctors or nutrition experts, very few people actually do eat so much. We tend to have 3 ,meals, but quite often a couple of them are little more than a snack.
This is the major downside to visiting Spain. I am very fond of Spanish food and tend to eat far when there myself.
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
17 Dec 15
@Asylum I've definitely put a few pounds on
. I used to eat breakfast when I was working, as by the time breakfast time came around I'd already done a couple of hours work in the open air, so had an appetite. Even then I hardly ate lunch, as we've always had our main meal in the evenings.
I don't know anybody that eats 3 full meals in their normal lives.

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@allknowing (141593)
• India
18 Dec 15
That used to be our standard but now I skip dinner. Instead I have a good snack in the evening and wind up the night with a hot mug of milk with honey in it.
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@allknowing (141593)
• India
18 Dec 15
@jaboUK I have two good ones - one at breakfast and one at lunch time. I love nibbling in between (lol)
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
18 Dec 15
@allknowing You are doing what the nutritionists tell us - eating less in the evenings.

@Drosophila (16571)
• Ireland
17 Dec 15
I try to eat less but more frequently, part of weight loss efforts.
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
18 Dec 15
@Drosophila That's a sensible way to do it.
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@Drosophila (16571)
• Ireland
18 Dec 15
@jaboUK yep! Me too! It seems to be working, i love food too much to stop eating so I just try to cut down the amount instead.
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@PainsOnSlate (21852)
• Canada
19 Dec 15
Buffets are deadly, there is too much food and too many choices. We never go to a buffet unless like you on vacation and its right in fromnt of our nose. But even so, we are really picky on what we choose. Its been years since I was uncomfortable from over eating. I guess working for Weight Watchers helped me see the light on the scale. 

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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
19 Dec 15
@PainsOnScale I didn't know that you worked for Weight Watchers. Yes the buffets are too tempting, and when you know that I was exposed to them for a month it's no wonder I put on weight.

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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
19 Dec 15
@PainsOnSlate The sandcastle is amazing isn't it? The work that has gone into it!
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@PainsOnSlate (21852)
• Canada
19 Dec 15
By the way the sandcastle is fabulous! I've never seen one that beautiful. I know there are many displays but I've missed them all

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@nanette64 (20364)
• Fairfield, Texas
17 Dec 15
I only eat once a day @jaboUK but if the opportunity arose (like at the hotel), I'd be in a world of doo-doo as I probably would be drawn to the food.
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
18 Dec 15
@nanette64 Now you've pulled at my heart-strings Nanette
, that's sad.

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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
17 Dec 15
@nanette64 Only once a day Nanette? That's not much, you must be thin as a rake!
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@nanette64 (20364)
• Fairfield, Texas
18 Dec 15
@jaboUK 5'8" and 112 lbs. Skeletal would be a good word. And no I'm not anorexic or that other thing. I just can't afford to eat more than that. My daughter occasionally sends me a food package; otherwise, it's tuna fish, soup and chips.
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@Namelesss (3365)
• United States
17 Dec 15
I can snack three times a day but three full meals, no. Run around the house three times everyday between now and Christmas and maybe you will lose a pound or two. :)
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
17 Dec 15
@Namelesss I'd need a bigger house to achieve that!
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@Namelesss (3365)
• United States
17 Dec 15
@jaboUK Haha, make that ten times then. ;)
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@fishtiger58 (29820)
• Momence, Illinois
17 Dec 15
I have an incredibly hard time breaking fast. So mostly I don't eat breakfast which I do know is not good. Small lunch or something when I am ready to break fast, then a normal dinner.... usually.
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
17 Dec 15
@fishtiger58 I know that they say that you shouldn't miss breakfast, but I'm not usually hungry in the mornings either. I often don't eat till 11am - that's why I sometimes don't bother with lunch. Your regime sounds similar except that you break fast at lunch time.
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
18 Dec 15
@fishtiger58 That doesn't sound too healthy to not eat anything all day

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@fishtiger58 (29820)
• Momence, Illinois
17 Dec 15
@jaboUK Sometimes I break fast at lunch time. I have been know to wait until dinner time to eat, drives my husband batty.
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@ChinaLeon (247)
• Tianjin, China
18 Dec 15
Accoriding to the traditional Chinese medicine, the breakfast is the most important and the dinner is the less. Because we should get the energy we need in the day from our breakfast. The reason of eating less in the dinner is that our stomach work most at the midnight when we sleep.So we should eat less in the dinner in case of giving more burden to our stomach.
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
18 Dec 15
@ChinaLeon Thanks for the advice, and I know it makes sense, but I've been doing it my way for 76 years and I can't see me changing now

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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
18 Dec 15
@ChinaLeon That makes sense, but it wouldn't suit me. I'm not very hungry in the morning, but I am at night. Thanks for your input, I see that you are quite a new member, so welcome.

@ChinaLeon (247)
• Tianjin, China
18 Dec 15
@jaboUK Thank you! I think you should have a try. My habit is similar to yours once. But I try this method one years ago, I feel so good in the day now. If you eat more than you need in the dinner, you dont feel hungry in the moring. Because the stomach stiil have to work before the breakfast. If you eat less in the dinner, your stomach will be empty before the breakfast in the moring. Haha . Good luck!
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@youless (112838)
• Guangzhou, China
18 Dec 15
It is quite normal for us to have three meals a day. I pay attention to the breakfast because I heard you should eat like a king for breakfast. And I bring the food to company for my lunch break. I don't eat much for dinner. People say it is the healthy way to eat like a beggar for dinner

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@GreatMartin (23671)
• Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
20 Dec 15
I don't!! I eat one meal--all day!! Start at 10 AM and stop eating at 10 PM!

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@GreatMartin (23671)
• Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
20 Dec 15
@jaboUK They go hand in hand--always eating 'rabbit' food so I won't go after the good tasting fattening food!

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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
18 Dec 15
Please don't look my way. I can never choke down breakfast. In mid morning it is a fruit and some Morinaga tea. Maybe at night I will get a chance to sit down and eat a plate of food. I have never been a real big person on 3 meals a day. I do like to eat around 11 or 12 and this seems to be perfect for me. at night I like to snack on fruit and some cooked veggies more of the time. But for 3 meals a day you'll never see me doing this one at all.
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@Pattitude (1287)
• Newton, North Carolina
17 Dec 15
I try to eat 3 meals/day. It's the only way that I can get the minimum amt of fruits and veggies that we all need. Sometimes I will combine lunch and dinner, though.
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
17 Dec 15
@Pattitude I am more likely to combine breakfast and lunch. I will often eat a bit of fruit as a snack.
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@Pattitude (1287)
• Newton, North Carolina
19 Dec 15
@jaboUK Yeah sometimes I do combine lunch and dinner. Poor lunch must have an identity crisis, since I combine it with other meals!
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@whiteream (8567)
• United States
18 Dec 15
I never have three full meals. I can't see where yo would need to loss any weight from your photo you are small already.
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
18 Dec 15
@whiteream Oh no, I've never been small, I'm quite big boned. The surplus weight settles around my middle

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@whiteream (8567)
• United States
18 Dec 15
@jaboUK Eat well and exercise and I am sure you will be find.
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@ataboy (737)
• United States
18 Dec 15
Quite honestly, I eat what I want and when I want to...I guess I got lucky in the metabolism department...trust me it was a trade-off with many other "departments"!
But I might eat one meal and like 8 snacks some days! Then other days I might eat 4-5 meals! Not necessicarily big ones, but just whatever I see I order and I eat. (Yeas, I aviod waste!...Err...wasting food!)
But I've been on many a cruzes and affairs where they had hellaciousamounts of food layed out like 3-4 times a day and then some!
I'd also like to work this part in...I've eaten three FULL, HUGE thanksgiving meals within like 5-6 hours of one another total! (my ex, my good firend and my parents) It can be done! and ironically the last mean (the ex's Grandma's dinner) was the absolute best one of all! I was willing to risk a rupture with that zesty, gravy-injected, soft, succulant, beautiful white meat. Those sure seem like the "good ol' days!" But I'm not one to rule out today being the "good ol' days" either! 

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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
18 Dec 15
@ataboy Cripes, that took a bit of doing to eat three full Thanksgiving meals.
. You must be lucky with your metabolism.
'Hellacious'!! I'm jealacious of you producing such charming words.
I like your attitude about the good ol days, too - yes, make the most of today, carpe diem.

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