Back from holidays.. Soul Awaken!!

Delhi, India
December 30, 2015 5:12am CST
Hi everyone! I hope you had a nice Christmas celebration, I was on a vacation with my friends. As we went for camping I met a 12 year old boy he was sitting in front of me in the bonfire area and i noticed that where everyone else were having fun but he was quiet and sad. I called him and he told me that he is son of the owner of that place, on asking the reason of his sadness he remained quite for sometime then he said, " i am having cancer and i am not sad because i am going to die in 6 months... i am disappointed because my parents still hopes that i will be fine one day." I was shocked! I was numb for few seconds when i realized his mom was standing in front of me I could not even say hi to her. After a while when i was still thinking about that boy her mother came to me and asked me to enjoy the party, patting me she said, " i know its sad that he is leaving us but some where inside i still hope that one day he will be alright." After the whole incident only one thought came into my mind that whatever the circumstances are we can lose hope, but 'mothers' they just don't!!! Love you mom miss you we must say this often because she wants it! How about your holiday experiences??
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