Peace Happens with the Right Mind-set

Peace and coexistence
@Shiva49 (26954)
January 6, 2016 9:05am CST
Everyone yearns for peace though some take a view we have to be practical to live in a strife strewn world and it is naive to expect anything better. However, with weapons of mass destruction getting more potent by the day, are we not inching, or rather galloping, towards total annihilation? The major powers seem to battle for peace every day, but are they serious or out to expand their sphere of influence, more led by self-interest? And they compete to supply ammunition for wars all the time. So it looks like setting fire and then putting out the flames later. We should be aware of what we will reap by what we are sowing now. Great progress towards peace has happened in recent times. The harsh climate of Cold War seems to be well past, Iron Curtain is dismantled. China has been integrated into world order despite hiccups. At another level, Apartheid is history. However, when one intractable issue gets resolved others wait in the queue. We have missed many an opportunity to hit when the iron is hot as self-interests cloud matters of life and death of the vast majority. When we take an attitude that we should win and others should lose in the bargain, then issues fester. Can we not move to the next stage of coexistence, inclusive living? For that ego and greed have to be set aside – our biggest stumbling blocks from time immemorial.
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12 responses
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
7 Jan 16
Sad that some world leaders have a mind set that is contradictory to what the others are aiming for - world peace .
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@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
7 Jan 16
@Shiva49 Oh my , i don't even like to think of a war .
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@Shiva49 (26954)
• Singapore
7 Jan 16
@SIMPLYD The irony is no one wants war but few manipulate our minds for their selfish ends and lead us to our doom. Let us pause, ponder, and expose those who are behind such heinous acts - siva
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@Shiva49 (26954)
• Singapore
7 Jan 16
Sadly, there is no consensus. After First World War, League of Nations was born, then the now forgotten and marginalized, United Nations after the Second. It is relevant to recall Einstein's words - I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones - siva
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• United States
6 Jan 16
Very lovely post! I shall meditate on these wisdoms, especially to set aside the Ego! That's the hardest part sometimes.
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@Shiva49 (26954)
• Singapore
7 Jan 16
Thanks, I feel we all need constant reminding and that includes the leaders we elect! When we live without ego, we merge with the creative process and thereby feel the pulse of our Creator! Our heart beats in unison with the rhythm of creation - siva
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@ptrikha_2 (47455)
• India
28 Dec 16
@Shiva49 And some of my close fellows bemoan the lack of ego in me. Sometimes I even have to put up a false pretense of ego.
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@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
7 Jan 16
It is not possible. In this world, there are fewer wise men than fools. Since more people are fools, you can expect them to lose and the wise ones win. You can see it everywhere.
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@Shiva49 (26954)
• Singapore
7 Jan 16
If they are really wise then we have nothing to worry, but the issue is the few who dictate our agenda are up to no good, fooling the majority! siva
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@BelleStarr (61338)
• United States
8 Jan 16
As long as men are greedy for power we will never have peace.
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@Shiva49 (26954)
• Singapore
8 Jan 16
Yes, that is the biggest challenge we face - greed of few casting its long shadow on humanity - siva
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@cacay1 (84355)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
7 Jan 16
Universal peace is hard to achieve this time .The mind set of others like the leftists group cannot be changed to goodness.
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@cacay1 (84355)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
7 Jan 16
@Shiva49 Hi? Are you this siva I met at wiki?Just asking. Your comment is highly appreciated.
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@Shiva49 (26954)
• Singapore
8 Jan 16
@cacay1 Yes Erly. I have been with Wikinut too - siva
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@Shiva49 (26954)
• Singapore
7 Jan 16
Agreed Erly, but we have to press on as our survival is at stake if we allow few to run amok. The good have to bury their superficial differences to unite - siva
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@RonElFran (1214)
• Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania
9 Jan 16
I see no evidence that humanity will ever achieve lasting peace on its own. As you say, ego and greed would have to be set aside. That's another way of saying human nature would have to change. Since that's not going to happen, human efforts to achieve a general peace will be unavailing.
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@Shiva49 (26954)
• Singapore
9 Jan 16
Agreed Ronald I may sound idealistic but I never lose hope. I recall a conversation with my colleague, a British man, more than thirty years ago. I was curious about the apartheid system, so I asked him how he sees and justifies it. We used to talk about everything under the sun and so I thought it was fine. Then his face contorted and said " Siva, I rather skip this". I told him "why Peter, you can just give your views" and he responded "It is tough to talk about this issue with an Indian, so I excuse myself. You may never understand where I come from". Why I state this now is every problem has a solution and with the right mindset. And hit when the iron is hot is never off the mark. Many intractable issues have been resolved and I recall many children in Europe telling at the height of the Cold War that they are doomed to perish in a nuclear holocaust but things have changed, but do we really want to live and let live? The choice is ours finally as humanity - siva
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
6 Jan 16
Globalisation was wrong. It caused certain countries to think that what was right (and peaceful too) in some countries was wrong - so they invaded them and look what we have now While weapons are produced, someone needs to sell them so there will always be wars and while dollar signs fill the minds of some other people there will never be peace Until we ALL understand that there is only one race - the human race - and that everyone has a right to their place on this planet, the right mindest is utopic.
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@Shiva49 (26954)
• Singapore
7 Jan 16
Agreed, the actions to inject doses of democracy on the unprepared have led to anarchy in place of dictatorship that their people were used to.It is time to wean away from oil that dictates our economies. If hundreds of billions of dollars are invested in oil industry, why not on renewable energy that are universal? The elite club is the nuclear club where few are members and those within say no new members allowed! Then can we blame others trying to gatecrash to see how it feels to be a member and enjoy the privileges that go with it? Let us bring down brick by brick the walls of hypocrisy. It is not like times we are blissfully unaware of life at every level like times when "if they don't have bread, let them eat cake". Another elite club is arms trade which end up in "wrong hands". The profits are irresistible to the greedy! The sad part is the big powers have their way, compete with each other, in areas that lead us to our doom. Live and let live - is overlooked when greed and ego blind what we do - siva
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@artemeis (4194)
• China
18 Jan 16
I think you hit it right on the nail when you said that sadly there was no consensus today and I have to agree here since there are so many differences and diversification around us. Nothing is actually the best given rule in governance and practice to achieve peace. Even when there's no war, we are already witnessing various altercations that could just escalate into what the Middle East is experiencing. Take the insistence of the West that China violating human rights of the Chinese in Mainland China. Forcing democracy into our throats by interfering with our ties with Taiwan. I like what your former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew once said that not everything in the West is acceptable and I am sure your country does not fully adopt the Western culture. But these influences will somehow work its way into the countries' opposition parties to stir up another hornet's nest effect hindering growth and progress within the community. In some cases erupted into wars like the Arab Spring movement to the Syrian War. Sometimes I felt that there would be lesser disputes if the West could simply mind their own business and let others go about improving their governance. Meddling simply makes matters worse when it affects growth and progress.
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@artemeis (4194)
• China
21 Jan 16
@Shiva49 Let's hope for world peace especially in the Middle East region and that the oil price will stop dropping - both of these are affecting the world's economy.
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@Shiva49 (26954)
• Singapore
21 Jan 16
@artemeis Peace will happen when we mind our own business - treat others like we want to be treated. Other species practice this but we miss the plot! No one has seen God, so what use fighting over beliefs? Our Gods, if they are worth their salt, can take care of themselves. We have many leaders but they don't want to work together to benefit the 99% everywhere who yearn for peace - siva
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@Shiva49 (26954)
• Singapore
18 Jan 16
I agree with you that America does not get it, or pretends not to hear the truth. Their actions seems more to foment trouble, sort of first setting fire, then make a hue and cry, and then put it out. There is human rights hypocrisy - clearly they too have a political agenda. They see human right violations in few countries while looking the other way when some are concerned. When they self-introspect they will find all are "sinners". I heard your former president Jiang Zemin telling that democracy has to wait till your people have food, work and shelter. Deng Xiaoping also was clear that the system has to work - "it does not matter whether the cat is black or white, it has to catch mice". He also stated that no point in arguing about political systems. I also feel it is like fighting whose religion is better - the reality is all are man made. Humanity should prevail above all - we need to be kind, considerate with live and let live attitude, compassionate. I have seen many who are pious for all purposes but leading a selfish life. The Arab Spring has been a disaster - for the people it is from the frying pan to the fire! Democracy cannot function in certain cultures where even their beliefs brook no questioning! Unsolicited advice should stop - first get your house in order and show by example and stop being a hypocrite and also don't allow unbridled greed of few to destroy humanity; sadly, it remains the boss and dictates our policies. Our leaders should keep the welfare of 99% close to their hearts; the rest are mere details - siva
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@allknowing (141710)
• India
11 Mar 16
I think I have reached there and that is to know when to give up and move on and that brings me peace.
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@Shiva49 (26954)
• Singapore
11 Mar 16
Yes, we learn along the way and should not repeat mistakes. I am more aware of those who lay a trap, needle me to test me. I make it clear - been there, done that! siva
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@innertalks (22397)
• Australia
29 Jan 16
Make sure you are the one riding atop your donkey mind!!
We have the right mind-set when we know what it is. This comes from paying attention to life, our life, and those around us too. It has been said if we simply pay more attention to life, and to what is happening around us, we might avoid a lot of angst, but how important is this? Paying attention brings you into the moment, and this is where happiness lives and be's itself in you. Awareness helps you to spot the truth of what you are doing, and to see if you are living from any non-truths, or from any non-love too. Paying attention is helping you to gain this awareness, and to increase its level in you too. The right mind-set has to be continually worked on to ensure that you have not moved away from it too, I feel.
@innertalks (22397)
• Australia
30 Jan 16
@Shiva49 I myself tend to be a selfish person, putting my own ideas first, unless I think the other person is going to cause me trouble, then I tend to help them, or do things that they want, so my living with them being around me will be easier for me. This is being more selfish, of course, by my putting myself first again, indirectly so. "Wisdom ceases to be wisdom when it becomes too proud to weep, too grave to laugh, and too selfish to seek other than itself." The much loved poet Lebanese poet, Khalil Gibran (1883 to 1931) said this Selfishness is simply being too self-directed. Instead of being intimately connected inwardly to oneness, you are outwardly connected more to your outer self within that oneness, as an individual. Oneness is the many in the one, and also the one in the many. You cannot have it in only the one way, or direction. Oneness to have you included within it, must be allowed to live in you, and you must allow yourself to live within it. When this is achieved, you will no longer be selfish.
"Wisdom ceases to be wisdom when it becomes too proud to weep, too grave to laugh, and too selfish to seek other than itself." - Khalil Gibran quotes from
@Shiva49 (26954)
• Singapore
30 Jan 16
@innertalks I feel as long as we don't deprive others it is okay to look after ourselves first. Sometimes there are wheels within wheels in terms of meaning and that goes for my attitude too. My leading an unselfish life can be interpreted that I am selfish as I stand to gain more in some ways especially at the "end of the day"! My whole life is just to chip in to help, not to upset others and even their apple carts, and to be left alone. I treat others as I like to be treated. I try to understand where others come from and if they have a helpful and happy countenance I will try to find more whether I too can adapt such an attitude. A smile even in times of adversity helps a lot to overcome them. My take is help where I can but stay away if I can't - better to mind own business is the best option in most times! We have the freedom to weave in and out of oneness than be trapped by it - siva
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@Shiva49 (26954)
• Singapore
29 Jan 16
Attitude decides our altitude though we tend to work at cross purposes perpetually from time immemorial, democracy or otherwise. Democracy in some countries is taken as free for all - one can get away with murder even! We cannot go wrong if our actions benefit society. I don't want to sound "holier than thou", but I have never lived a selfish life. I make sure every action of mine benefit others more. Many are lost souls who yearn for attention and love, even an understanding glance. I know many who think for them to gain others should lose and that attitude is true even among countries. They prop up countries that are perennial bad fellows but they are strange bed-fellows in the bargain! I hope we all wise up to the realization that our true potential lies in unity in diversity and that is how the whole universe works and conceptualized - siva
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@innertalks (22397)
• Australia
6 Jan 16
That's a great accompanying photo siva. The birds are peacefully sitting on the fingers of the open hand, but I guess they would still sit on a statue even if it was a closed fist. Let's hope peace is attained before we are all blown to pieces. "Inclusive living" can be found by living individually, while still remaining linked into the whole. Like your hand in that picture, it is the whole that supports the individual bird too.
@innertalks (22397)
• Australia
7 Jan 16
@innertalks What is the answer here then? When good men say nothing, nothing changes. The good must speak up to rebalance the mix, and only then will the mix become not more mixed up, but more even in its distribution, instead of it just going ahead only in one way, it might consider other ways then too.
@Shiva49 (26954)
• Singapore
7 Jan 16
@innertalks Nice analogy Steve, thanks - the bureaucracy is a bigger behemoth, tougher to bring down than an elephant though! The majority are shackled in chains trying to make sense of how to release themselves as few tighten their grip like a python does every time the victim takes a breath! For our leaders, it is more to divert attention from pressing domestic issues to go after international adventures. There are so much of waste lands in countries that go to stake claim on lands faraway from their own. And then there are nuclear powers where the vast majority do not even have a square meal a day! Whose ego and greed is satiated by wars? Then the plot starts to unravel. We fall easy prey to emotions especially when it relates to beliefs. Unless we can cap such runaway emotions that are pointless, we will be forever going around in circles manipulated by few. The lament of Einstein is ever relevant - we need knock out blows to get back to our senses. I remember a cricket match in Indonesia of all places where, well, India played Rest of the World and I represented India, but don't sign off yet! My friend who was mostly cranky got a hit on his head and was knocked out and we expected the worst. Miraculously he survived and became a changed person and for the better! siva
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@Shiva49 (26954)
• Singapore
7 Jan 16
Thanks Steve, other species show us the way though we think we are the lord of all we survey! Yasser Arafat said - "When I point to the moon, people look at my fingers". I think that is happening now. Despite the lessons from history and what is laid down in scriptures, we just don't get it, get our acts together! Live and let live - sounds great but we find it tough to put to practice. The irony is we have everything provided on a silver platter to meet all our needs but we put greed at the top of the agenda or allow few to set our agenda, irrespective of us living in democratic societies - siva
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25 Dec 16
In a world dominated by self-interests of world powers that are backed by huge conglomerates one could only be pessimistic about peace in Middle East. The self interests of parties in the region are diametrically polar to each other and lasting peace cannot occur in such a political construct.
@innertalks (22397)
• Australia
26 Dec 16
@Shiva49 We have some leaders here, who concoct stories to make themselves look good. Police tactics are often overplayed for the same reason, so they can be seen to be doing their "work" properly. The truth is never fully revealed. Truth brings peace, so whilst peace is being delayed by lack of a higher consciousness, truth too is often a victim here, as well. How is higher consciousness related to peace? Jesus said, "my peace I leave you", but what did he mean by that exactly, what is his peace? "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you." This quote is from the Christian bible book of John, from chapter 14, verse 27. Consciousness is built on a blanket of love, loving, but not often on a rock of fear, fearing. Consciousness is not built on fear, nor on a rock of fear fearing, but on a rock of peace being brought to love unconditionally so, peacefully and lovingly, with God's blanket of love lying upon it. This means that the blanket brings peace or comfort, whereas the rock brings hardness and inflexibility, but in the end the rock wins out because we find that the blanket of love is always being placed over the rock which is God's foundational stone of peace, but which can only be embraced as peace though when his love softens it. We all need to be softened by God's love, otherwise, our hearts will so often remain hardened, like a rock. A hardened heart can never find peace. A hard form of peace being forced onto people is like a dictatorship or overly strict police rule, or a nanny state, if you might call it that, instead. Yes, higher consciousness brings peace, because it always has been brought about by love. You cannot become more highly conscious then, unless you become more loving first, or more peaceful. Love, consciousness and love are all related intimately together.
@Shiva49 (26954)
• Singapore
26 Dec 16
@innertalks Well enunciated, thanks Steve. Love and truth should be omnipresent The irony is we all know what to do, how to behave, to live in peace but our big power leaders spit fire, threaten, and try to browbeat others to stoke their ego. Then it becomes a challenge for others to do the same and that has become international diplomacy fostered by our pea brained leaders that get elected. They play into the hands of those who benefit from wars and strife. The message and yearning of 99% remain a dream despite them being everywhere. Again we are easily manipulated that our beliefs have to compete with each other and we take up the cudgels on behalf of our various gods. The first step towards higher consciousness is to acknowledge we are from the same source and there can be only one creator - we share the same air, water and the rest. Our physical body is composed of the same material, even our thinking and potential. We should look at the oneness of humanity and appreciate the uniqueness in each of us than: " why worry about a speck in your friend's eye when you have a log in your own?" The progress that we are supposed making comes at a heavy price - lack of time to forget our innate compassion, love and empathy. Yes, we need an over conquering and all encompassing love to survive. Einstein's words are ever relevant "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." siva
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@Shiva49 (26954)
• Singapore
26 Dec 16
Thanks for your input. There should be a shift to higher consciousness to achieve peace or rather win the battle against hatred, greed and self-interest. We are now looking for peace with blood in our hands. Big powers are talking of more deadly nuclear weapons as the means towards peace! We need leaders who think others have also a right to exist. But then the leaders of countries and religions are promoting hatred and there by all out destruction. The irony is 99% suffer due to the present way of life and they want the change. Sadly, it is still the tyranny of 1% - siva
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