~Being Ignored~

Valdosta, Georgia
January 7, 2016 5:45pm CST
I will not mention any names what so ever but I have messaged someone a couple of times...and they are ignoring me! At first I thought maybe they just haven't been here and anyone can look past that but- they were here 30 minutes ago! So...I know I promised I wouldn't mention any names...but, well...I lied! @ataboy Answer me mister or else! I know I am not very scary...at all. On a more serious note-have you ever been completely ignored and you didn't have a clue as to why? (This was just meant for fun no serious nellies)
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29 responses
@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
8 Jan 16
That ataboy seems like a fun person, perhaps he hasn't noticed your message.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
8 Jan 16
@jaboUK He is for sure a fun person and a sweetheart.
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
8 Jan 16
@ataboy You got it - absolutely delightful, and scintillating and... you get the picture
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@ataboy (737)
• United States
8 Jan 16
He dose sound like an absolutely delightful guy, doesn't he! He also probably feels pretty small at the moment! LOL! J/K! Well, not entirely!
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@JudyEv (348065)
• Rockingham, Australia
8 Jan 16
I don't think this happens to me often. If it does, I'm too thick to notice :)
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• Valdosta, Georgia
8 Jan 16
@JudyEv Lol well that is good-either way! =)
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@JudyEv (348065)
• Rockingham, Australia
9 Jan 16
@ataboy Thank you. That's a lovely thing to say. I don't like confrontations so I keep my mouth shut fairly well - doesn't mean I don't think nasty things sometimes.
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@ataboy (737)
• United States
9 Jan 16
I don't think that Loving (nor you) have anything to worry about, Judy! Would not not agree?! "Thick skin" a good trait to have, but somehow I suspect that neither she, nor you will need to use such things!
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@Raine38 (12388)
• United States
8 Jan 16
Oh yes, I know how it was to be ignored. It's no fun and I felt unimportant. Back then I will just suk and let the incident ruin my day. But now, I just brush it off and move on. I have better friends and other people who deserve my time so why waste it worrying or thinking about someone who ignored me? On to your post, I hope that person finally touches base with you! ??
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• Valdosta, Georgia
8 Jan 16
@Raine38 Being ignored is not a good feeling at all, your right. I usually don't let it bother me either offline, but this post was just to get this person's attention mostly which I accomplished!
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• India
8 Jan 16
@Raine38 Yes. Why should we suffer if someone doesn't value us. I have also learnt that from my past experiences. Just Let it Go and move on.
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• United States
8 Jan 16
I cant say I have been ignored in that way Lovings. I hope you get an answer soon.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
8 Jan 16
@TiarasOceanView He answered me in this discussion and messaged me back! Apparently I got his attention. Lol
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• United States
8 Jan 16
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@ataboy (737)
• United States
9 Jan 16
Thank you, @TiarasOcean, certainly a misjudgement on my part only is a little bit terrible, right! I'm just messing with Loving! Such an ideal critter she is! If I've EVER said even the most minuscule negative word about her please point it out, by all means! Yes that right...Publicly or privately she is nothing short of an ~amazing~ person ! And "NO!" she was not asking or such a compliment!
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@Missmwngi (12915)
• Nairobi, Kenya
8 Jan 16
I hope you get a reply lol
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• Valdosta, Georgia
9 Jan 16
@ataboy My ninja can be scary at times! But don't worry I rarely have to bring that side out.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
9 Jan 16
@Missmwngi He did finally respond-he knew better! Lol.
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@ataboy (737)
• United States
9 Jan 16
@LovingMyBabies, no, actually I chose to respond to you! Your worth it Loving! Although, I might meet my demise if I had not, as per your ninja emoticon!
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@ataboy (737)
• United States
8 Jan 16
Ouch! Zang! But totally called for! I have been intermittently here, yes. I think the world of you Loving, I think you know that! And, I didn't mean to convey the feeling of ~being ignored~ to you! By the way, isn't lying unbecoming of such an angel ? (A couple of times, huh? Hmm... I thought that a couple involved two, but I guess one qualifies as a couple, somewhere!) All I can say is that my notifications are overwhelming me, and I try to get through them first so that I can reply in a more relaxed, and while you're not the only PM I've neglected to respond to for a few days, your the one that I would like most to reply to. But, no more excuses! I will put off everything I'm working on and hope that everyone here will understand that if I don't respond to you it's because I have more pressing matters to attend to! Not everyone can come first... And now I will willing accept the lashings that I have coming! Oh, and if I ever don't happen to reply to someone, they can assume that it has nothing to do with my thoughts of them. I don't do the "hint" thing. If I don't want to speak with someone I will tell them "I don't want to speak with you." I always want to speak with you Loving! I know it was a half-joke, half-serious post, but I'm quite sorry for what I can only say was procrastinating on my part! ...I'm trying to set a record here!
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• Valdosta, Georgia
8 Jan 16
@ataboy Yes lying was very bad for an angel! Shame on me for that one. Lol. As for the two-I counted my response as a message as well. It is totally okay, I meant this as totally fun and in hopes of getting your attention-which worked. It is good to know that if you didn't want to speak with me you would just tell me. I wasn't sure so I'm glad you clarified that! I think you set the hug record for sure! Lol. There's no way I can beat all of those!
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• Valdosta, Georgia
22 Jan 16
@ataboy You must be pretty important and special around here!
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@ataboy (737)
• United States
10 Jan 16
@LovingMyBabies - Still, I must say that having my name "tagged" in a discussion that has nearly 40 likes at present is nothing I ever expected to see! LOL!
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@celticeagle (172744)
• Boise, Idaho
8 Jan 16
Maybe he has been in another part of the site and hasn't noticed that he has a message yet. That has happened to me before.
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@celticeagle (172744)
• Boise, Idaho
9 Jan 16
@LovingMyBabies ....Glad it was attended to.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
8 Jan 16
@celticeagle Yeah it was just an over sight which is totally fine. =) I'm glad it got his attention after all.
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@allknowing (142102)
• India
8 Jan 16
There are countless reasons why this happens and if you have no reasons to believe that there has been hurts exchange then you need to wait patiently. In the meanwhile I notice not only a message but countless hugs have been sent your way (lol)
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• Valdosta, Georgia
8 Jan 16
@allknowing Yeah, it was just an oversight and this post was mostly just to get the persons attention. Yes, it definitely made up for everything!
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@BelleStarr (61347)
• United States
8 Jan 16
I am sure I have and I just figured they were not interested in communicating with me so I moved on.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
8 Jan 16
@BelleStarr Yeah, I have been ignored plenty of times too. This time it was just an oversight.
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@WorDazza (15830)
• Manchester, England
8 Jan 16
Sometimes I wish more people would ignore me. I might get more stuff done!!
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• Valdosta, Georgia
9 Jan 16
@WorDazza Lol, I have those times too but not very often.
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@DianneN (247183)
• United States
8 Jan 16
I get ignored on Facebook by my son's wife. It irks me, but I will never tell my son. I don't want it to come between them
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• Valdosta, Georgia
8 Jan 16
@DianneN I'm sorry, that is awful. And it is worse that you cant really say anything about it to your son. =(
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@Morleyhunt (21744)
• Canada
7 Jan 16
I have a brother who has been ignoring me for Five years. It's his loss. I'm not that hard to get along with.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
7 Jan 16
@MorleyHunt I'm sorry, that's sad. Did y'all have a fight or something?
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• Valdosta, Georgia
8 Jan 16
@Morleyhunt That is sad when nothing actually happened. I don't understand why some wives/husbands keep them away from their loved ones, it is silly to me.
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@Morleyhunt (21744)
• Canada
8 Jan 16
@LovingMyBabies I'm not actually sure. I was accused of saying something (he had a 'reliable source') that not only did I not say. The thought had not even crossed my mind. I believe it is more his wife who is keeping him on a very short leash. That is so sad.
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@andriaperry (118451)
• Anniston, Alabama
7 Jan 16
Happens to me all the time :)
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• Valdosta, Georgia
7 Jan 16
@andriaperry I hate when it happens!
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@fishtiger58 (29820)
• Momence, Illinois
9 Jan 16
Well he better answer you soon or else lol jk
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• Valdosta, Georgia
9 Jan 16
@fishtiger58 He did finally respond-I think he knew he would be in trouble if he didn't!
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@ataboy (737)
• United States
9 Jan 16
Good for you @fishtiger58!
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@ataboy (737)
• United States
9 Jan 16
@LovingMyBabies "finally"...yes it's true...but harsh! Geez!
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@Marcyaz (35316)
• United States
8 Jan 16
No I don't recall being ignored like that but if I was I wouldn't let it bother me I would just think oh well and go on about my way.
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@Marcyaz (35316)
• United States
9 Jan 16
@LovingMyBabies Being ignored is no fun that is for sure but you just go on about your business. Playing really..
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• Valdosta, Georgia
8 Jan 16
@Marcyaz Being really ignored is not fun but this was just me playing actually. =)
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@irenen1 (228)
• New Bedford, Massachusetts
8 Jan 16
Being ignored is much better than being bad-mouthed behind your back. Count your blessings.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
8 Jan 16
@irenen1 That is a good point but I was only playing and trying to get his attention.
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@ataboy (737)
• United States
9 Jan 16
@jstory07 (142412)
• Roseburg, Oregon
8 Jan 16
He will not be ignoring you now I hope.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
8 Jan 16
@jstory07 I don't think he will ever do that again either!
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• Valdosta, Georgia
9 Jan 16
@ataboy Glad I could teach you a lesson.
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@ataboy (737)
• United States
9 Jan 16
@jstory07 - LOL! You're right there! @LovingMyBabies...Yeah, I have learned not to mess with such formidable force!
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@LadyDuck (472507)
• Switzerland
8 Jan 16
This happens time by time, but I do not really care if this happens in the virtual world.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
8 Jan 16
@LadyDuck Yeah I was only playing but it definitely got his attention! Lol.
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@ataboy (737)
• United States
9 Jan 16
@LovingMyBabies Yup, she did @LadyDuck!
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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
8 Jan 16
Arr looks like you have an answer!
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• Valdosta, Georgia
9 Jan 16
@garymarsh6 Yes I did get a response so my discussion worked!
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• Valdosta, Georgia
9 Jan 16
@ataboy Your so sweet!
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@ataboy (737)
• United States
9 Jan 16
@LovingMyBabies What can I say @garymarsh6, I have a soft-spot for the deserving!
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• India
8 Jan 16
Oh yes, I was into that situation and also now, but not here in mylot. Earlier in my company suddenly few colleagues started ignoring me who were kinda good friends. That was weird as there was no explanation. Since I was too busy in my professional commitments I did not care. Now also sometimes I feel totally ignore but I have learnt to move on. Just don't care.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
8 Jan 16
@WriterMukund I hate when that happens-especially with no explanation at all. That is strange. It is better to move on and not stress over it.
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• India
9 Jan 16
@LovingMyBabies Yes, seriously. Of course when it is for the first time, we hate it. But then we learn to move on we do move on.
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