About Beijing haz,how do you think?
By lauren
@laurenzhong (18)
Beijing, China
January 10, 2016 9:11pm CST
Keep the first working day of 2016, the Beijing municipal environmental protection bureau released full-year 2015 air quality data.Thanks to world championships and the military parade, the first ten months of PM2.5 in Beijing cumulative concentration once fell to 69.7 micrograms per cubic meter, fell 21.8% year on year.Nearly lost the last two months, a average of less than three days a heavy pollution!In two months time, pull the annual average concentration of up to 80.6 micrograms per cubic meter, year-on-year decline narrowed to 6.2%!December the heaviest pollution, heavy pollution process occurs four times a month, two sound "red alert, heavy pollution days up to 13 days, tied for January 2013 monthly record the history of the most heavy pollution days!
As we all know,environment and economy are two thing that we just choose one sometimes. Hebei province contribute a lot for Beijing,as it is capital,but also do harm to environment.Industrial production is the largest source of fog, Hebei is the early stage of the industrialization of this stage, it is major industrial form steel, cement, "these things can discharge a lot of fog, if want Beijing to eliminate the fog haze, industrial production in hebei province will pause, but, once pauses, industrial production in hebei province in hebei people now development level and the level of human capital, that he could get what?
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