Move along...Nothing to say here

@troyburns (1405)
New Zealand
January 13, 2016 5:19am CST
I've had a lot of different ideas running through my head in the past few days, but putting them into words that are coherent, unbiased and inoffensive requires an investment of time and concentration that I just don't have right now. School holidays and all that... So I'll skip the heavy stuff and just say hi, the weather has improved at last, the family's good and I'm eating well. Nothing more to add really. Except this: MyLot and its ilk are a great argument against prejudice and discrimination. Look at what we share here. Personal stuff about families and relationships, little worries and triumphs, experiences everyone understands. There is little concern for discussion about politics, religion or the multitude of domestic and international challenges which lie beyond our own doors. And it's not just us: Most of those who seem so different are dealing with the very same issues - raising kids well, finding or sustaining love, making a buck. Male or female, black or white, straight or gay, Christian or whatever, we are all most interested in the little, everyday things in life. It seems so silly to worry about race, gender, sexual orientation or religion, when it's pretty clear that what we have in common is far greater than the rice paper walls of difference. It's people like me you really need to worry about.
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21 responses
• United States
13 Jan 16
I spent 1997 - 1999 living and doing business in South Africa. I was told over and over that people were different there. I responded that I disagreed. We all want to be happy and wish the best for our children. Okay, they said. I was right.
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@troyburns (1405)
• New Zealand
14 Jan 16
@ElizabethWallace - Culture, religion and politics are just garments we drape over our essential needs and personalities. As with any fashion statement they shape how others see us but don't define who we really are.
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• United States
14 Jan 16
@troyburns Yes, and then there are special interest groups who encourage people to think they are different than everyone else. It gives them power, but harms society.
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@allknowing (142850)
• India
13 Jan 16
myLot has brought the world together and the realisation that we have so much in common although on the face of it we appear so so different.
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@allknowing (142850)
• India
14 Jan 16
@Marilynda1225 And this despite eating different foods, different climate, different languages..............................
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• United States
13 Jan 16
@allknowing it really shows us how similar we all are
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@troyburns (1405)
• New Zealand
14 Jan 16
@allknowing - That's so true. You and I are from very different places and cultures, but I'm pretty sure we want the same things from life. Which part of India are you from?
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@hereandthere (45638)
• Philippines
13 Jan 16
i remember your posts at the b. i admit i sometimes i go straight to the comments because that's where your topic gets unfolded, explained and discussed from different angles and you were great at moderating them.
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• Philippines
14 Jan 16
@troyburns i used a different name there. even though i didn't comment as much in your posts there, i always read and learned something from them (and the commenters, too) because of the interaction it generated. to me, mylot was just a familiar pond, and the big b was like moving to the ocean.
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@troyburns (1405)
• New Zealand
14 Jan 16
@hereandthere - Thanks for the lovely compliment. My posts are usually followed by really good comments, which I'm thankful for. It's what makes them true discussions - we can't always say that about the topics posted here. Were you hereandthere at the other place?
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• United States
13 Jan 16
Pray tell, why do we need to worry about you? I love the comaraderie here.
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@troyburns (1405)
• New Zealand
13 Jan 16
@ScribbledAdNauseum - Maybe it's my lean and hungry look? The camaraderie is pretty great here - to a point. I'd like to see us agree to disagree more often, and still like the person who is challenging us. What we have in common is greater than what sets us apart, and a few folk forget that now and again.
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@WorDazza (15830)
• Manchester, England
13 Jan 16
@troyburns If I didn't agree to disagree then I would never agree with anything!!!
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• United States
13 Jan 16
@troyburns Honestly the disagreements here end more amicably than they used to. I remember the old mylot and all the political debates that ended very poorly.
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@Drosophila (16571)
• Ireland
14 Jan 16
I don't post politics, because I feel there's very little need for me to go on about things every news channel is on about. I don't post religion, because I dont feel most myLot users want to discuss religion. If there's anything theology wise I want to look up, I just go onto a different channel. I guess out of these 2 major heavy duty areas, it comes down to our day to days.. Unfortunately I lead a boring life, so not much to go on about there... Race, gender, laws, society, democracy all are great topics, but they feel somewhat to heavy to be discussed in a light tone. For me my real life is already serious enough, am not sure I want to continue that heaviness on an entertainment outlet too. I guess that's why most of my posts are not designed to be thought provoking.. And I still don't get why we should worry about you yet?
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@Drosophila (16571)
• Ireland
14 Jan 16
@troyburns yep and maybe that's part of the problem right? people who feel it's their duty/place to "right the wrongs".. I get that myself sometimes, when I see unjust stuff going down, like "unfair dismissal" and so on. But, I have to keep reminding myself, in fact, it is not my place to "take matters into my own hands". In fact, my first duty as a valuable member of the society is to take care of myself and help others when I can. The very least I could do is not to cause more drama for the world right? But, payback will be dealt with in due time, just not by me is all..
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@troyburns (1405)
• New Zealand
14 Jan 16
@Drosophila - Don't worry - I'm mostly harmless :) I do feel, however, that it's people like me - more driven by causes than by day to day stuff - who are responsible for most of the problems we face. I don't have the energy to be an agitator or a terrorist, but I suspect that many of those folks also spend more time worrying about external things than they do about their own lives. Not sure I explained that very well, but I hope you get my meaning.
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@WorDazza (15830)
• Manchester, England
13 Jan 16
I tend to shy away from the heavy stuff on here particularly when it concerns religion. Not because I'm afraid of disagreement but because I find that banging my head against a brick wall isn't conducive to my health and well being!!
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@WorDazza (15830)
• Manchester, England
13 Jan 16
@troyburns More often than not the human sexuality thing is quite closely linked to religion. Interestingly enough it has recently been brought to my attention that an old foe of mine, an evolution denier from Bubblews, has surfaced here. All the usual tactics were used, trying to personally discredit Darwin, 'it's only a theory', quote-mining eminent evolutionary biologists. It wasn't until Bubblews folded I discovered the website from where most of the post contents came. Effectively it was plagiarism. I'm ready this time if the same tactics are used.
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@WorDazza (15830)
• Manchester, England
13 Jan 16
@ElizabethWallace Life's too short to argue against such firmly entrenched beliefs. What I mean is I'm ready to the extent that if those posts are repeated I'll be reporting them for plagiarism as large chunks of them were lifted verbatim from a website with no credits given. The intent was obviously to pass off the ideas and analysis as their own as they graciously accepted all of the plaudits from fellow evolution deniers. Maybe I'm doing them a disservice and they wrote the website content. But I doubt it!!
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• United States
13 Jan 16
@WorDazza Why bother? People like that do not think enough to be able to change their minds with facts.
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@crossbones27 (50310)
• Mojave, California
3 Mar 16
For someone who had nothing to say. You sure said a a lot. People do worry to much about things that really have little to no impact on their life. I guess we all get sucked into the madness somehow. Hard not to. Most of us are just trying to get through the grind to find better days.
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@troyburns (1405)
• New Zealand
3 Mar 16
@crossbones27 - Hi mate. For me, everyday concerns get rather overwhelming at times and I find that thinking and writing about the big issues 'out there' can be a welcome distraction. I don't hope to change anyone's mind, but in writing about these things I do hope to clear my own. Cheers.
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@jstory07 (142707)
• Roseburg, Oregon
7 Feb 16
It is the little things in life that makes life worth living.
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@boiboing (13153)
• Northampton, England
13 Jan 16
Yeah, I do worry about you.
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@troyburns (1405)
• New Zealand
14 Jan 16
@boiboing - Is that because I eat cats?
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@boiboing (13153)
• Northampton, England
14 Jan 16
@troyburns so you are a wolf in lamb's clothing.
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27 Feb 16
I've missed reading you on here! You are so right & have such a great way of putting it on paper for us!
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27 Feb 16
@troyburns I haven't written anything of substance for awhile. My brain is just not there right now! :-) I always appreciate what you have to say.
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@troyburns (1405)
• New Zealand
27 Feb 16
@jillybean1222 - Hi Jilly. I've taken quite a break for no good reason, but I'm thinking of writing a few more discussions soon. Just not sure whether there is much call here for the things which I find most interesting.
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@just4him (318844)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
18 Jan 16
I don't think I need to worry about you either. Wouldn't it be great if those who ran our countries had this insight? Peace just might happen if they did.
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@Vivenda (583)
• Portsmouth, England
29 Jan 16
I get into enough trouble talking politics and religion in real life without doing so here! As it is, I've got into a few debates. Come to think of it, I rather enjoy them...
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
30 Jan 16
Well you intrigued me. I would love to read and learn from your posts on such topics . They do interest me. I may not be knowledgeable enough to contribute anything but I would put my views forth where I feel I could... Definitely discuss such things that is what a discussion is about
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• Te Puke, New Zealand
13 Jan 16
Hi well a fellow kiwi now that's strange in itself lol I've come from a discussion forum before I came here and man there were some disagreements that went on for days it was entertaining and some harsh things were said, not everyone's cup of tea I find here everyone is so respectful not a bad thing but yeah not much debating which I guess everyone is different :) Nice to see another kiwi around :)
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@troyburns (1405)
• New Zealand
13 Jan 16
@Wonderwall79 - Hey mate. Not many Kiwis here but hopefully a few more will join. I'm across the country from you - near Pukekohe. Disagreements can be fun if they're handled right and there are no personal attacks, but it's not always easy to know what someone else will find personally offensive.
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• Te Puke, New Zealand
14 Jan 16
@troyburns hey buddy Yeah haha I totally agree it's quite fun if it's just debating and stuff yeah when it gets to the point where bottles are being broken on the side of bars and then it gets nasty and personal ain't too much fun haha But yes it may take us to strike up a debate haha Yeah it's seems most here agree with one another which isn't all bad on the other site I was on man there was some venom on some topics wow Food to meet you man no doubt we'll cross paths again I hope :)
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
28 Feb 16
I do worry about you. Just kidding. I found I was getting lured into discussions on politics and religion and for my own peace of mind, I stepped away for a while. I have decided that I want to argue in person and not on the internet. I would rather chat here about things that we all share rather than the things that divide us.
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@troyburns (1405)
• New Zealand
28 Feb 16
@Rollo1 - I don't much like arguing in person. On the page you have the chance to explain your point of view but that rarely seems to happen in real life. Face to face, most people are too rude or defensive to actually listen to a differing opinion. The things we all share define our humanity. That other stuff - what I usually write about - just defines what clubs we belong to. Good to see you here again.
• Preston, England
5 Mar 16
we are a very open minded cosmopolitan community - I think anyone coming in with real discrimination, bigotry and hatred will get short shrift here
@valmnz (17097)
• New Zealand
27 Feb 16
Ordinary people all over the world are what life is all about. Thank heavens for sites like this to show us that.
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@PainsOnSlate (21852)
• Canada
25 Feb 16
Its a small world and it get smaller every day. We all do have similar lives and thoughts and cares. I can talk politics to some degree with anyone but i avoid religion. Religion is the only subject I've run into that is a thousand miles long with a thousand different ideals. Any other subject, family, relationships, hobbies, loves and a million more can be talked about with humor and insight...
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@Auntylou (4264)
• Oxford, England
13 Feb 16
I don't see why we should worry about people like you.
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@paigea (36315)
• Canada
29 Feb 16
I have always thought that. We are all just trying to live our life.