I like Pringle sandwiches! Do you?

Perth, Australia
January 16, 2016 5:17am CST
I have been the only person I know who likes to get BBQ flavoured Pringles, and make a sandwich out of them. Like literally put them in between 2 slices of buttered bread. I've never really told many people about it. Not because I'm worried what they will think but just because the subject hasn't come up but does that sound weird to you? Do you like to eat something that may sound odd to others?
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21 responses
@JudyEv (348059)
• Rockingham, Australia
16 Jan 16
Yes, it sounds weird to me! :) When we were in the UK almost every meal came with a small amount of potato chips on the plate.
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@DaddyEvil (143378)
• United States
13 Aug 18
Hang on a second, Judy and Dani... What Americans call chips and what the British call chips aren't the same thing! British 'chips' are potato wedges fried but not crispy. They are cooked until you get a wedge that 'feels' baked inside a crispy jacket. They are really tasty, too, though! Uhm... @Owlwings, how can I explain this better, please? Thank you!
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@DaddyEvil (143378)
• United States
13 Aug 18
@VivaLaDani13 @JudyEv What Americans call 'chips', British people call 'crisps'.
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• Perth, Australia
16 Jan 16
lol Well I've seen that in movies actually but was Americans doing it.
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@moffittjc (123114)
• Gainesville, Florida
16 Jan 16
Although I have never tried it personally, I have heard of people making potato chip sandwiches. I guess people will always find a unique way to eat their food! By the way, I am a HUGE fan of Pringles! I just can't get enough of them! I could literally eat them all day long, every day, if it wouldn't kill me!
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@moffittjc (123114)
• Gainesville, Florida
16 Jan 16
@VivaLaDani13 The regular Pringles flavor is my all-time favorite, but I also like the BBQ! They are starting to offer a lot of new flavors, so I'm having fun trying them all out. So far, the only one I don't really like is the sour cream and onion. By the way, several of my UK myLot friends have been teasing me lately about the fact that us Americans leave out the letter "u" from a lot of our words, so I couldn't help but laugh when I saw your words "favourite flavour" in your comments above! My autocorrect feature on my laptop kept changing the spelling when I tried to type "favourite flavour" in the manner of how you Brits and Aussie's spell those words! LOL
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@moffittjc (123114)
• Gainesville, Florida
16 Jan 16
@VivaLaDani13 I remember the Texas BBQ flavor! I notice they seem to keep changing the name of the BBQ flavor...I've seen Texas BBQ, Mesquite BBQ, and the current popular name, Chopotle BBQ. I guess they keep switching it up to use whatever trendy name is popular at the moment. I bet it all tastes the same!
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• Perth, Australia
16 Jan 16
haha yeah I love them too! Many years ago we had a flavour called Texas BBQ but they changed the name to just BBQ. They are my favourite! Do you have a favourite flavour?
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• United States
17 Jan 16
I haven't used Pringles, but I have tried potato chips. Very tasty!
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• Perth, Australia
17 Jan 16
Yeah some other different chips can be nice as a sandwich. :D
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@hereandthere (45638)
• Philippines
16 Jan 16
i think one of my brothers did it once when we were kids, not sure, but no definitely butter on the bread so that's the part that's new to me
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• Philippines
18 Jan 16
@VivaLaDani13 i don't like dry bread, too, but i tend to put mayo, for example, if the filling is dry like scrambled egg or ham. but i'm also okay with just butter on bread, or just peanut butter on bread.
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• Perth, Australia
18 Jan 16
@hereandthere Seems like a lot of people are loving mayo lol
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• Perth, Australia
17 Jan 16
lol well I feel like it would be TOO dry if there was no butter.
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@DaddyEvil (143378)
• United States
13 Aug 18
I've never made a sandwich using just chips (of whatever flavor) before, Dani. My favorite chips of all time are a hard to find variety called Green Onion Potato Chips or sometimes they are called Vidalia (and Sweet Onion) Potato Chips. I buy out the stores when I find this flavor and horde them! This flavor never stay in production long by the same company and are difficult to find. (My family watch for them and let me know if/when they find this flavor in stores near them.) Oh, have you ever eaten cookies made from potato chips? They taste salty/sweet and are delicious! I've never found these cookies in stores but always have to make them myself. Here is the best recipe I've found for them:
If you run out of eggs but want cookies, make these salty-sweet little treats.
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@DaddyEvil (143378)
• United States
13 Aug 18
@VivaLaDani13 I don't make the potato chip cookies often as they are addictive! If you decide to bake them, make sure you have plenty of other people around or you will eat them all yourself!
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• Perth, Australia
13 Aug 18
@DaddyEvil If I enjoy them then I might be ok having them all to myself. Nah I would share! I would feel guilty if I didn't share.
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• Perth, Australia
13 Aug 18
@DaddyEvil I've never heard of Green Onion chips before or Sweet Onion. Maybe we do have them here but never seen them before. And I would do the same thing if there was a flavour I liked but wasn't many around! I've never had or heard of Potato Chip Cookies before either but I would try them for sure! Sounds pretty yummy!
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
8 May 16
No idea what Pringles is. If it is non-veg then I don't want to know it. lol I sometimes eat bread without butter or anything at all. Just out of the packing.
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• Perth, Australia
9 May 16
I used to eat bread like that when I was little lol
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• Perth, Australia
12 Aug 18
@Daljinder When I was little, sometimes I would bite 4 holes in the bread to try make a face! To me, it was art.
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
12 Aug 18
@VivaLaDani13 LOL! Then poured / stuffed whatever you want to eat it with into the holes?
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@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
13 Aug 18
I never tried Pringles in a sandwich but I do sometimes like a potato crisp sandwich (potato crisps are what you call 'chips'), which is very much as you describe. I also sometimes like a 'chip butty' which might best be described to an American as 'steak fries between two pieces of buttered bread' (a 'butty' is a sandwich). Usually, tomato ketchup or brown sauce is added liberally before closing the sandwich.
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@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
13 Aug 18
@VivaLaDani13 We have brown sauce and barbecue sauce these days. Brown sauce is made from dates, plums, vinegar and spices and is a sort of fruity ketchup. Barbecue sauce is very similar but has some smoke flavour added and, I think, some chili.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigation Jump to search This article is about the common British and Irish condiment. For the meat stock based sauce, see Brown sauce (meat stock based). For other uses, see Brown sauce (disambiguation). A ba
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• Perth, Australia
13 Aug 18
@owlwings oh I do that too! ( I also call hot chips "chips" like from a Fish and Chip shop ) I get those chips and will make a sandwich out of them with tomato sauce or BBQ sauce or gravy. Is Brown Sauce BBQ sauce to you? Or is Brown Sauce something else?
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• Perth, Australia
13 Aug 18
@owlwings ah ok gotcha! I think I might like something like that. I like to try new sauces. I like adding flavour to sandwiches sometimes depending on what's inside.
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@LeaPea2417 (37623)
• Toccoa, Georgia
16 Jan 16
I have put potato chips into cold cut and cheese sandwiches before. I don't do that all the time. There is one sandwich I like to eat that may sound odd to some people and it is peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwich. My Mom use to eat it and would make it for me as a kid and I still will eat it today.
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@LeaPea2417 (37623)
• Toccoa, Georgia
17 Jan 16
@VivaLaDani13 I do think I remember someone saying they ate peanut butter and lettuce sandwiches. I will tell you something even more strange, my Grand Mother, when she was alive, liked to eat Peanut Butter and Onion sandwiches. In her later years and my Mom would help her, she was always so happy when my Mom made her one of those sandwiches.
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• Perth, Australia
17 Jan 16
@LeaPea2417 I hope you did lol then I would feel good knowing I haven't been the only one to do that. I would never do it again though. Sounds gross. Don't know what I was thinking when I was little. wow peanut butter and onion is quite unique! Was it raw onion or was it fried onion?
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• Perth, Australia
17 Jan 16
I've never heard of peanut butter and mayo before. I personally wouldn't try it. I like them both but not sure if that combination would go well for me. When I was little I used to eat peanut butter and lettuce sandwiches. Don't know if that is even a thing.
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• United States
16 Jan 16
Not odd, but not very healthy!
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• United States
16 Jan 16
@VivaLaDani13 As long as you do't make a steady diet of potato chip sandwiches LOL
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• Perth, Australia
16 Jan 16
lol I know. But just a treat. Other than that, I make sure I eat vegetables, salads and fruit.
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• Perth, Australia
16 Jan 16
@AbbyGreenhill lol nah. That would make me feel sick.
@meltean59 (182)
• Temple, Texas
17 Jan 16
I have eaten potato chip sandwiches since I was about 10 years old. We moved about 300 miles and that is actually what we literally ate on he trip. My mom bought a loaf of bread and a bag of potato chips. We had potato chip sandwiches and water on the entire trip.
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• Temple, Texas
17 Jan 16
@VivaLaDani13 Not at all.I still love them. I also like peanut butter and mayo sandwiches.
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• Perth, Australia
17 Jan 16
So awesome! Did you ever get bored of eating it too much?
@meltean59 (182)
• Temple, Texas
17 Jan 16
Your post reminded me of our move from west Texas to central Texas in 1966.On the entire trip we ate......... potato chip sandwiches.
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• Temple, Texas
17 Jan 16
@VivaLaDani13 Texas is a really nice state.I have rarely let it.I have no reason. All I need s right here.
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• Perth, Australia
17 Jan 16
@meltean59 Sweet! I can't wait to come see it. I am going to go to Houston hopefully!
• Perth, Australia
17 Jan 16
YAY! You are awesome for 2 reasons! Eating what I eat and being from Texas! I REALLY want to go there! Planning on going this year.
@Missmwngi (12915)
• Nairobi, Kenya
16 Jan 16
I don't thing it is weird but i guess some people would find it weird
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• Perth, Australia
16 Jan 16
I'm still waiting for someone to call me weird lol I wont be offended or anything but just curious if anyone thinks it's extremely weird.
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@Missmwngi (12915)
• Nairobi, Kenya
16 Jan 16
@VivaLaDani13 Ha haa just rock your world with those sandwiches
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• Perth, Australia
16 Jan 16
@Missmwngi I'm just about to make one too! Can't wait!
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• United States
16 Jan 16
@VivaLaDani13 I never heard of such a thing, but to each his/her own. On another note, I had to swear of Pringles, because they are tough to eat in moderation. Now I want to buy them when I go shopping later.
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• Perth, Australia
17 Jan 16
lol They are awesome! I love them. Don't eat them all that much though. Did you end up buying them?
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• Perth, Australia
17 Jan 16
• United States
17 Jan 16
@VivaLaDani13 no I resisted, but gave in to a couple other temptations.
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• Philippines
15 Jun 16
I like Pringles with ketchup. Don't laugh.
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• Perth, Australia
15 Jun 16
@rachz_kisses I wont laugh. But I will admit I have never heard of that before! I don't know if I would like that though lol What flavour of Pringles with ketchup?
• Philippines
15 Jun 16
@VivaLaDani13 The Original.
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@marlina (154129)
• Canada
16 Jan 16
It does sound weird to me, but to each his own!
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• Perth, Australia
16 Jan 16
lol so true.
@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
16 Jan 16
I don't think it's odd, my husband has ordinary crisps (chips) in a sandwich sometimes.
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• Perth, Australia
16 Jan 16
haha awesome!
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@softbabe44 (5816)
• Vancouver, Washington
16 Jan 16
If it was BBQ pringles for you they might have total different sandwich their making trying to keep it secret cause they don't want someone else finding out about.
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• Vancouver, Washington
17 Jan 16
@VivaLaDani13 At least you know what you like to eat.
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• Perth, Australia
17 Jan 16
True! Who knows.
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@gr8nana6 (6614)
• Conyers, Georgia
16 Jan 16
Doesn't sound odd or weird to me. I love potato chips on my lunchmeat sandwiches, ever since my children started that many years ago.
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• Perth, Australia
17 Jan 16
Someone else said that in this discussion and I must say, I have never heard of that until I started this post. I wouldn't mind trying it out one day either. Doesn't sound that bad really.
• United States
16 Jan 16
I like Pringles but have never had them in a sandwich. I do like the sour cream & chive layered with tuna on a sandwich
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• Perth, Australia
17 Jan 16
ALMOST was going to agree but then you said tuna. lol
• Macomb, Illinois
17 Jan 16
It is not at all weird to me! I love putting nice, crisp potato chips on my hamburger with mustard, onion and pickles. Dill pickle potato chips are one of my favorites. Chips are also good on a tuna sandwich. One of my favorite sandwiches during the holiday seasons is cornbread dressing on bread. Instead of mayonnaise, you can use gravy. Its delicious!
• Perth, Australia
17 Jan 16
Sweet! All sounds pretty nice except the tuna thing because I don't like tuna. I haven't tried any thing else you mentioned but it sounds nice!