I'm Wondering About Likes on Mylot, How You Use Them and...

Midland, Michigan
January 30, 2016 11:59pm CST
I've been thinking of asking folks how they use likes here. I know some think it helps to promote discussions and responses encouraging additions to our banks, but I'm curious about your intentions when liking in the different ways here. When liking posts, I'm showing that I read what was written, and I guess that's mostly what I do when liking comments and responses. I try to like a lot of comments on posts I read by others especially when no one else has liked any of them, for to me it shows the writer that their comment has been read. There are many times when I know that no one has liked something I said, and while I'm not really worried about whether it's providing pennies to my bank, I wonder more whether it was read by anyone at all, especially the author of the discussion my comment is on. I know we all will forget to like either the discussion itself, or some of the responses and comments, but when you look at an older discussion and the author never returns for replies of any type or to like any of the interaction received it makes you wonder whether they ever went back to check on it at all. There are some members that will spend a lot of time liking each and every response or comment on posts, but don't provide their own response or comment. Many of these folks are from other countries and maybe still learning, but I wonder whether some [meaning those receiving the likes] will still visit the liker's posts, (and leave comments on them) even if no comments from them are forthcoming? One thing I have noticed recently as I've been doing better keeping up with my notifications. I've found that it will tell me when someone likes my comment/response, but it won't tell me whether they replied to that same comment/response. For instance, earlier today I responded to an older post Janet wrote before Christmas. I spent some time there involved in the words of the rest that visited. She spent time replying to my comments, and I'm not questioning that, but a few others that I replied directly to seemed to mainly like my comment without any reply to it. Just in case, I thought I'd double-check and I discovered that they did in fact reply directly to me. I found this more than once today even though I looked through my notifications and didn't find anything about that reply even when one person mentioned me in it. Also, I'll say that now that I know that we can hover over the comment we made to see which one was liked, I rarely go back to that comment. But, for ones where I am looking for an answer to a question and that type of thing, I think I'll be heading back to make sure one wasn't left first before ruling it out. So, my question[s] are these: 1. Do you try to at least leave likes on your own discussions to let folks know that you've read what they wrote? and... 2. Do you leave likes on the discussions of others when you've read responses and comments, whether or not the person has received other likes on them too? and... 3. When you receive notifications on likes whether on your own posts or on comments/responses you left elsewhere, do you go to each one or peek and delete? and... 4. Have you ever noticed that you didn't get certain notifications when they took place? Edit: 5. My real question here, if you only get likes from a specific member on anything you write, do you still go to them and leave a comment on something they've written be it their discussions, along with responses and comments they leave around the site?
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20 responses
@BelleStarr (61338)
• United States
2 Feb 16
I like every post I read unless it is offensive and then I just leave it. I also like and comment on comments. When I just leave a like it is to end the conversation. I shows that I have read it but now have nothing more to say.
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@BelleStarr (61338)
• United States
2 Feb 16
@MarshaMusselman When people don't comment I pretty much ignore them because they are either like "*hores" or didn't even read the post. I know that sounds cold but it is how I feel. If I like it, I will make a comment.
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• Midland, Michigan
2 Feb 16
I think that's the consensus of most of us here. I forgot one other point, I think. After getting responses here, I realized I must have forgotten to ask the main question I was after when starting this discussion. I've seen a few folks mainly plaster likes on everything related to me, yet barely respond or comment on any of those very same discussions/resonses or comments.It may be they were getting their toes wet first as it's getting better now. I was also curious whether members went and left comments on the discussions of those that mainly liked things and didn't leave comments for them? It's pretty sad when I forget what I began a discussion for, when I feel I have to explain every portion I get lost myself.
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• Midland, Michigan
2 Feb 16
@BelleStarr What about if it's someone you saw on another site that was quite active there.? I held off on responding to their discussions too, but now they're commenting more than I saw at first.
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@DeborahDiane (40374)
• Laguna Woods, California
1 Feb 16
I like the comments people leave on my posts. I also like comments on other people's posts when I find them interesting. I usually respond to comments on my posts, but sometimes I have nothing really to say, so I just like the comment.
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• Midland, Michigan
1 Feb 16
There's one main question I forgot to ask. Well maybe I did mention it somewhat, but have you noticed certain people will like a lot of comments and responses without every doing either on your own posts? I've wondered also if anyone tends to visit with those that mainly like without following up with comments of any type.
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• United States
4 Feb 16
@deborahdiane I was going to say the same thing so I'm just going to add me too on your comment.
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• Laguna Woods, California
2 Feb 16
@MarshaMusselman - Honestly, just like when I was on Bubblews and on other sites where I write, I pay absolutely no attention to whether other people are liking, commenting, both, neither, or whatever. I just write and respond to the people who comment on my posts by trying to reciprocate when I can.
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@PainsOnSlate (21852)
• Canada
4 Feb 16
Yes yes yes and yes. I ran across a newbie the other day who asked me a question about my comment, he was asking how make money and work the site. I had responded to his post because he just joined and I suggested he write less and do all of the things you mentioned above, building a base of friends who will return the favours. I will look for him later and give you an up date. He ignored my suggestions. I checked his stats later and he'd had posted over 20 ( not sure of his number) ...he had only made one comment..and that was to me....he was getting 3 to 10 comments on each post, I am amazed that some comment over and over when the person does nothing in return.
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• Midland, Michigan
4 Feb 16
There are a few here that don't reciprocate as they don't think that's the name of the game. I'll still visit with some of them once in awhile, but not on a regular basis. Many of them have been on mylot when it first began many years ago. It may be that they're not that interested in what I write, on the other hand I've looked at some of the discussions they participate in and they aren't all that different. I don't rule some of them out completely, for maybe they are pretty much sticking with those they knew before, I don't really know. If I had loads of time to use up I could do some research on it, but won't. There's a girl here that writes even more than that each day. She does get around and participates in the posts of others here, but most of us don't have time to pay each and every post of hers a visit. And I'm not talking about Patsie but someone I didn't meet on B.
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• Canada
4 Feb 16
I just looked him up. He now had made 2 comments and 0 responses. His numbers of posts have gotten smaller...15 now when I looked the last time it was over 25. He must have removed the posts that didn't get comments or he's posting copy and paste and getting caught. On my iPad I can't look for cheaters, on my computer at home I do it every day....I'm on vacation.
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• Canada
4 Feb 16
@MarshaMusselman I don't worry about how many they post, if they comment on mine I return the favor...I don't have enough time to read every post my friends post but I can return the favor when they comment on mine. I don't intend to get wealthy here, but I do intend to have fun...
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@Mike197602 (15515)
• United Kingdom
31 Jan 16
I've dropped most notifiers to make things simple. To me likes are irrelevant as they don't need a response. I'll get back to anyone who mentions me specifically and I check the ones that say someone has commented on your response as that could be made to me too. I leave likes on most responses/comments on my discussions unless they're really crap then I don't bother
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• Midland, Michigan
31 Jan 16
I wonder for those not getting notifications for likes if they do get all the relevant ones of comments, responses and mentions received, or if some of those get lost in the shuffle like they seem to for me here and there? I've only noticed this recently, as I've been keeping up with the notifications more, so I don't know if it's been this way for a while now, if it's a bug that should be reported, or what exactly.
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• Midland, Michigan
1 Feb 16
@Mike197602 I checked to see what ones I checked and found I mistakenly checked one and not a different one that should have been checked. I've since changed it and now we'll see if i miss a few still or not.
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@Mike197602 (15515)
• United Kingdom
31 Jan 16
@MarshaMusselman I couldn't say to be honest. I think I get all the notifications I've signed up to. If I'm missing some then I'm not missing them if you get what I mean
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• United States
5 Feb 16
I just joined three days ago and am still figuring things out. If I read a post and I like it, I also try to comment on it. I will also check out the writer and see if I want to follow them. Once in a while I read something, maybe a one-sentence post, and I don't bother commenting, especially when my comment would be as long or longer than the post.
• Midland, Michigan
5 Feb 16
Most of us don't bother with the one liner posts either, but for different reasons.
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• United States
5 Feb 16
@MarshaMusselman I take the one-liners as "no effort" and I respond appropriately!
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@AliCanary (3279)
6 Feb 16
I'm brand new and have only one post, here, but I remember that it was pretty hard to keep up with responding to every comment on each post before, if I posted a lot. However, if each post has an opportunity to keep growing and earning, then it makes more sense to produce fewer posts and to interact more. As Belle Starr said, I would leave a Like if I had nothing else to say but wanted to let the person know that I read and appreciated their comment.
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• Midland, Michigan
8 Feb 16
@AliCanary That part is difficult to be sure. I've not figured out the best way to do it yet either. New discussions raise the bank significantly if we're not writing too many in a day, but then to have time to visit with those that stop by on that one and all the previous ones can be difficult for some of us at times. Sometimes when I consider starting a new one I remember all those I'd not visited with as yet, and wonder whether I should begin a new one right away or not. If I have several hours to interact with folks, then I think that's a good time to write a new one and then visit with all those that stopped by on previous discussions. But, if i have a limited time to interact, then I may only do that without putting up something new. There's no one way or right way here.
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• Midland, Michigan
6 Feb 16
I know of a few that have't written much themselves as far as starting new discussions and mainly spend their time on the discussions of others, yet seem to do fine here. If pennies keep getting added to your bank, then it may be worth it to hold off a bit before posting again. However, if you continue to visit the same people over and over again, then it might be good to put up a new discussion periodically, whether weekly or twice weekly or whatever you deem necessary to give those people something new to read of yours that they can comment on rather than revisiting your previous posts over and over again.
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@AliCanary (3279)
6 Feb 16
@MarshaMusselman - sure, that seems like very sound advice. Interaction seems quite valuable here, but it would be frustrating for someone who wanted to come visit my posts to not see anything new. I do feel like I want to address the interactions on my older post before moving on to the next, but I guess I need to figure out a way to do it all!
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• Austin, Texas
2 Mar 16
If I like a discussion (or like a comment) but don't leave comments, I don't expect remarks to be made such as “Thanks for the like” or any type of reciprocation at all. For me, if you just show me you even like what I've written, I'm happy with that. Truly grateful for the acknowledgement. If you go further and leave comments? I'm ecstatic! Usually if I am going to leave a comment, I also like the post. They two seem to go hand in hand. It's my own rule. Some discussions I just like however, I don't have anything else to add by commenting.
• Austin, Texas
3 Mar 16
@MarshaMusselman - Well! Not sure how the myLot algorithm magic works. But it's clear to me that just “Liking” ain't gonna cut it if you're trying to generate residual income. But some folks aren't here for the money. I'm not one of those folks. But even if you are here to socialize, seems to me that just “Liking” still ain't gonna cut it. The Like it and Leave it logic escapes me. (O.o)
• Midland, Michigan
7 Mar 16
@cmoneyspinner I don't get that logic either especially when I see folks from bubblews doing it. It seems to me that they are thinking that if they like enough of what I post whether on my own discussions or what I've said elsewhere, that I will in turn check them out. But even when I do pay some time on their discussions, a few still haven't visited on mine. I don't get that at all. Now I just delete those notifications. I don't know that this is a site for much residual income. You may make a little if people such as yourself visit old posts not seen when written, but overall I don't know that we make anything from outside views. Unless any from our sharing sites bother to register and then comment on what we've written, then it may benefit us, but not long term. If you want more residual income, hubpages seems the best for that thus far. I've made money from there even though I don't do anything there at present. And they send the money when it hits fifty dollars, so you don't have to ask for it.
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• Midland, Michigan
2 Mar 16
I can almost always find something to say on a discussion. The only types I've not left comments on are ones about sports and things I'm not interested in at all, but I'll usually try to find a post that I can comment on before giving up altogether. I don't expect to be thanked for liking posts either, but I also don't expect people to reciprocate if I'm only liking what they've written if I've not commented too. Part of the reason I asked this question is that most of us from bubblews made a point to reciprocate visits because we wanted to, not because we felt forced. WHereas here there are a few members from bubblews that mainly will like posts and discussions, but not pay any visits with comments even if and when I do so for them. After a bit, I don't bother with them any longer. There are also a few mylotters, mostly not ones seen on bubblews, that don't visit even when you've visited with them. But, that's just a small handful. The difficulty is that for a few of them, I still enjoy reading what they've written, but I know ahead of time that I'm sure I won't see them gracing my pages with comments of their own, or very rarely. The good thing is that here we get paid when people interact with anything we say whether it's on our own posts or that of others. So, when someone responds to a post and it strikes something in me, I'll take the time to comment to them so their response has some interaction.
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@LadyDuck (472507)
• Switzerland
31 Jan 16
I use a like to let people know that I have read their comment, if there is no reason to comment back. I always like the posts I read.
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• Midland, Michigan
31 Jan 16
I do the same whether it's my own discussions I'm reading comments on or that of another writer/member.
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@amnabas (14889)
• Karachi, Pakistan
31 Jan 16
Yes I noticed sometimes I get less notifications but I get more comments and likes on my discussions.
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@wolfgirl569 (112662)
• Marion, Ohio
1 Feb 16
I always like the posts that I have read and if I dont have a response to a comment I try to like it so they know I read it
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• Midland, Michigan
1 Feb 16
The same for me, although I will comment on a lot of other responses and comments whether on my own post or not. But it also depends on the topic or what's being discussed. I'll like whether or not I make a reply/comment/ response.
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@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
3 Feb 16
Okay, I sorta got lost in all those points so I'll just summarize what I do and hope it covers all of it. I read every comment. There have been times recently when I didn't 'like' the post, but I did respond to it. Mostly however, I 'like' every comment on the post I've written, and go to said person's profile and read what they've written and will 'like' it unless it was the case of the recent one I've read in which case I couldn't like it for personal reasons and presented my opposition in a friendly manner to his post in response. If I have a great interest in the post and there are other comments, I will look them over, read, like and comment on them. If the post has a question about something I don't know anything about but want to, I will certainly read all responses. I might or might not like those and I might or might not comment, it depends on the answer. Especially if I learn something I didn't know before. If it's a post that is just a 'fluff' post, just something someone wrote but has no need for more than one reply on it, then I generally don't look at the other responses. I hope that covered all your points.
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@JudyEv (347848)
• Rockingham, Australia
31 Jan 16
I like and respond to every comment and response on my posts. A comment on my comment will sometimes get a like only, especially if there is really nothing to add. I like and almost always respond to posts I open from others here. Sometimes I go through the comments and like/comment if I have something to add. If I don't like a post (too short or offensive or too provocative) I'll move on.
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@MarymargII (12422)
• Toronto, Ontario
6 Feb 16
I like and comment on new posts I've read. I have the intention that I'm adding pennies to that person's banks. And just to keep the conversation going I will continue to like and comment until I have nothing left to say or want to end the exchange for now. To end it- I will just like the final comment and move on. I have no idea which of those things I do actually adds to our banks only that it grows---ha!
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• Midland, Michigan
8 Feb 16
@MarymargII They are only willing to say that it's what's written on the help page, that whatever we post, be it discussion or response/comment that if any of them get replied to that's where we make something. But, I've found that I'll make money before anyone gets around to replying on comments/responses I've left elsewhere, so I personally, don't think that's totally it entirely. One person told me recently that he's seen it where if threads continue on discussions, that seems to help quite a bit more than anything else. So if you make response and several people should be responding on the post itself, but do it on someone else's thread, then they may make a bit more along with the author. We'll never know.
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• Midland, Michigan
6 Feb 16
No one knows exactly what it is that grows the banks, not even the admin/moderator. All we can go by is how it's explained under the help section.
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@MarymargII (12422)
• Toronto, Ontario
7 Feb 16
@MarshaMusselman Well it's got to be the amount of activity that we do and maybe we do get a penny or two for just likes?
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@tahashif (63)
• Karachi, Pakistan
31 Jan 16
If u like any post you can go on that post and there are options of like tag and response and from there you can like post
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• Midland, Michigan
31 Jan 16
Yes, once we all found the hidden section for comments and likes and such, I think most understand how or where to do that. My question is do you like discussions and responses/comments whether on your own discussions or that of others when you read what was written?
@rosekiss (30413)
• Eugene, Oregon
2 Mar 16
After I read a discussion, and I like it then I will respond as well. I won't like a discussion unless i am going to respond to the discussion. I find that to like a discussion to just like it, and not respond, then I don't feel that it is right. I also comment and like them as well. I just feel that if a person is going to take the time to write a discssion, and I can give feedback, I will after liking it.
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• Midland, Michigan
3 Mar 16
Io think that for the most part, that is what the majority of those here will do also, Karen, in that they will comment as well as like discussions, it's only a few that give lots of likes, but no comments whatsoever. And, it's not like they don't give them out at all, but I don't know how they pick and choose.
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@rosekiss (30413)
• Eugene, Oregon
3 Mar 16
@MarshaMusselman I don't understand that either. If they are going to like a discussion, you would think, they would take time to read it and respond, as that is the proper thing to do.
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@rebelann (113389)
• El Paso, Texas
8 Feb 16
Well, since Mylot is not like Gather or Bubblews, likes do nothing so I tend to spend more time interacting although a short discussion by someone can be intriguing enough to start a lot of discussions and those can be fun (in case you didn’t already know ) when people begin those funny long threads.
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• Preston, England
6 Feb 16
answers - 1/. yes as it is a thanks to writers for feedback. 2/. yes again, though I do avoid liking contentious points or comments not adding anything and I miss some if in a hurry too - 3/. I delete notifications once I have visited and responded to them, 4/. they often shift around which can be confusing if a new comment is in the middle rather than the top 5/. I try my best to but not always successfully
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• Preston, England
6 Feb 16
@MarshaMusselman sometimes I'll settle for just liking if I can't think what to reply or others have already said what I would have written
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• Midland, Michigan
6 Feb 16
On the other site, I didn't visit with those that mainly provided likes to my posts and never any comments. Here, I might visit with them a bit and see if they begin commenting or not. There was a newer member recently that was only liking what I said whether on my own posts or that of others, but wasn't commenting directly to anything I wrote. After I commented on one of hers she then began to interact with me more than just likes. So, I might visit with those folks periodically, as time permits, but not necessarily regularly unless I'm caught up with extra time. There are a few members, yourself not being one of them, that don't bother to visit with those that visit with them. For them, if I like to see what they write, I'll visit monthly or whatever, but not on a regular basis.
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@valmnz (17097)
• New Zealand
5 Feb 16
I do try to like the responses left by others if I don't feel the need to comment, to let them know I'veread their comment. However, as I have lots of doen tims away from here that doesn't always happen unfortunatey.
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• Midland, Michigan
5 Feb 16
Especially if you're not able to get back before the week before's notifications are deleted. I'm going to try to get a bit done today before work, we'll see how that goes. I tried posting last night, but it got lost because I've been having issues with shockwave on my computer. Once I realized I might lose the post, I tried to copy it to paste it, but the function wouldn't work by then. I may write that first and then do other things, or wait to write it after work. I do stop back in every other day or so just to make sure I don't miss any notifications I might want to like or respond to.
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@Gabugs (1895)
• United States
9 Feb 16
@marshamusselman I have 'liked' your discussion as it has raised some interesting points. I don't know about others, but I generally 'like' almost all of the posts I read of my connections. The exception is if there are too many grammatical/spelling mistakes. I do make it a point to comment on all the posts I read. Also, if anyone has commented on the discussion I have started, I make it a point to acknowledge with a 'like' for the time spent and respond accordingly.
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@MarymargII (12422)
• Toronto, Ontario
4 Feb 16
I like what you are saying Marsha- ha! I kind of do what Belle Starr (below) says and am not sure if we get paid for every like or do others? And btw it is so very wonderful to have found you on here and thanks for finding me- Hello and I hope all is well in your world. Happy to read you again on this new and lovely site that I just joined!!
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