Buffy The Vampire Slayer

@Duvessa (913)
United States
September 6, 2006 9:37pm CST
Who is your fav Scooby? Who is your fav villan? What is your fav episode? What is your favorite season finale? Who is your fav villan turned scooby?
6 responses
@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
12 Feb 07
Fav Scooby: Probably Xander Fav Villain: Drusilla Fav Episode: I dunno FAV Season Finale: The third season's one I think Dav villain turned scooby: Anya
• New Zealand
17 Aug 07
Fav scooby: Willow Fav villain: Dru or Faith Fav episode: Any with Willow/Tara and Faith Fav season finale: Seasons 6 Fav villain turned scooby: Faith. Yes I'm a huge Faith fan haha.
3 Jun 08
Hi Buffy Fans... Fav Scooby - I love Buffy Fav Villan - The Gentlemen Fav Episode - from season 3 and willow and zander are vampires Fav season finale - season 5 Fav villan turned scooby - Spike xxx
• United States
7 Sep 06
How many villain-turned-scoobys are there? Spike, Faith, Angel, Anya, Cordelia (perhaps)... anyone else?
• United States
14 Sep 06
I never really watch that show. What's a scooby?
21 Oct 06
my favorite scooby has got to be willow she is so cool that i even named my daugther after her but i didnt like any of the scoobys in the last season when they all ganged up on buffy i thought they were complete ungrateful gits after all she had done for tham
• Australia
12 May 08
Scooby: Willow [including vamp and dark] Villain: Drusilla Season Finale: 2 Villain Turned Scooby: Faith