Lacking myLot Motivation!

West Haven, Connecticut
February 8, 2016 1:11pm CST
I dont know whats going on with me but I find myself on myLot less and less. The first month that I signed up I was on the site all day long and was averaging a dollar a day and reached payout at 29 dollars. Now I can barely manage to make 25 cents a day no matter how hard I try. Im not sure if earnings have decreased or if I simply lost my drive and motivation to be online for hours commenting and interacting...
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19 responses
@1hopefulman (45120)
• Canada
8 Feb 16
It could be both!
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• West Haven, Connecticut
9 Feb 16
Yeah I agree Felix, I am taking a break to come back with some new ideas
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@1hopefulman (45120)
• Canada
9 Feb 16
@BACONSTRIPSXXX We don't feel the same every day. Some days I'm here a lot and some days I'm not here at all. Some days everything is interesting and some days nothing is.
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@kevin1877uk (36988)
8 Feb 16
Hopefully it will come back and you'll be back to normal and being here more. I think we all go through that at some point lack of motivation.
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@kevin1877uk (36988)
8 Feb 16
@BACONSTRIPSXXX I was the same sometimes and I think we need to have that break from time to time.
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• West Haven, Connecticut
8 Feb 16
Yeah it happened when I was on Bubblews and I had to take a few days break from the site in order to get my Mojo Back lol
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@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
8 Feb 16
That's normal. it happens once in a while, just relax, maybe just some kind of a burn out, you made a lot of posts, 3k plus for someone who is fairly new.
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• West Haven, Connecticut
8 Feb 16
3k lol never, I have made 320 post in 5 months lol I think that isnt too much
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@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
8 Feb 16
@BACONSTRIPSXXX the number after your name is 3502
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• West Haven, Connecticut
8 Feb 16
@louievill That counts as interactions not the amount of post I made lol That would mean you made 5,933 post when really you have only made 90 discussions
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@jstory07 (137828)
• Roseburg, Oregon
8 Feb 16
It probably is both i am making less and I am on more since i retired.
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• West Haven, Connecticut
9 Feb 16
Yeah earnings are slow and im not on as much posting left and right
@else34 (13516)
• New Delhi, India
9 Feb 16
@BACONSTRIPSXXX,Think of me,I rarely earn more than 10 or 15 cents a day.Usually I end up making just 5 or 6 cents.
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@else34 (13516)
• New Delhi, India
9 Feb 16
@BACONSTRIPSXXX Agree.It actually takes me months- more than three months- to reach the payout.
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@else34 (13516)
• New Delhi, India
9 Feb 16
@BACONSTRIPSXXX I am not in a hurry.Mylot is fun for me.I am here for fun.
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• West Haven, Connecticut
9 Feb 16
It wouldnt be worth be here at that rate, payout would literally take months
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@trivia79 (7828)
• El Segundo, California
9 Feb 16
wow! a dollar a day?! the highest gained so far i got was i think $0.8 (many of this portion was gained when is was offline)
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• West Haven, Connecticut
9 Feb 16
Yeah, the most I ever made was 1.37$ in one day
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• West Haven, Connecticut
9 Feb 16
@trivia79 Nope, apparently I have never care to try out any offers, its pointless to start singing up to crap to then receive a ton of spam emails for 15 cents, I Pass on the offers lol
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@trivia79 (7828)
• El Segundo, California
9 Feb 16
@BACONSTRIPSXXX wow! pure interactions only? no offers?
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@rosekiss (30380)
• Eugene, Oregon
8 Feb 16
Each day is dfferrent than the nxt one, but I have seen my earnings shyrocket. I am averagine over 50 cents a day most days, and some I do much more, and some much less. It just depends on how much I do and how much interaction there is. I am going to try my hardest to make payout his month, but I won't stress if I don't as there is always next month to get it.
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• West Haven, Connecticut
9 Feb 16
Yeah I have good and bad days, im going to try and get on some more and become as active as possible
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@rosekiss (30380)
• Eugene, Oregon
9 Feb 16
@BACONSTRIPSXXX When yoiu first started, you were here everyday, and posted a lot of discussions. I have missed seeing you lately, but you also have to be with your family too, so I certainly understand. You come in when you can, and I will be here.
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• West Haven, Connecticut
9 Feb 16
@rosekiss Yeah I was a hardcore mylot addict lol I am slowly but surely back and active
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@divalounger (5916)
• United States
9 Feb 16
Are you feeling burned out?? Take a walk, read a book--go out and enjoy! And don't worry--online life comes and goes I think
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• West Haven, Connecticut
9 Feb 16
That would be the correct phrase, Burnt out so now im cooling off lol
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@polaris77 (2040)
• Bacau, Romania
9 Feb 16
There are days or even longer periods in which I feel the same, I just don't feel motivated enough to post on myLot. I guess one of the causes which generate such apathy towards a site I usually enjoy spending time on comes from a certain sense of saturation after doing this activity on a regular basis. In my case the lack of motivation I experience from time to time is associated with this routine from which I need to escape, at least for a while. In such moments the best thing one can do is to leave myLot and other online activities for a period and focus on other things, until the motivation to post on myLot returns.
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• West Haven, Connecticut
9 Feb 16
I think I just get bored sometimes and need to take a break from the site then get back on when I miss it
@Teep11 (7673)
• United States
9 Feb 16
We can lose motivation at times. Perhaps things will pick up and the motivation will come back. Don't give up hope.
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• West Haven, Connecticut
9 Feb 16
Yeah slowly but surely im coming back to the site in full effect!
@amnabas (13742)
• Karachi, Pakistan
8 Feb 16
Sometimes I too go through this patch even after spending hours here.
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• West Haven, Connecticut
9 Feb 16
yes, its good to take breaks in between
• West Haven, Connecticut
9 Feb 16
@sugartoes I agree,its hard to sit infron of the PC knowing that its nice outside
@Drosophila (16571)
• Ireland
9 Feb 16
Ya just pop on here when you have time and pop off again. I've been busy a lot recently and managed to do ok in terms of earning just by poping on and off.. Maybe once you've not set a goal to hit, it will be easier to get the money rolling in
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@Drosophila (16571)
• Ireland
9 Feb 16
@BACONSTRIPSXXX definitely enjoy the interactions is the best
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• West Haven, Connecticut
9 Feb 16
I agree, im no longer setting monetary goals, ima going to just get on when I can and make the best of it
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@RRoyy2 (124)
• New Delhi, India
9 Feb 16
I think that's pretty normal. Sometimes, we even get bored of things we Love doing. A break every now & then is necessary.
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• West Haven, Connecticut
9 Feb 16
Yeah its good to take a break so you can actually miss the site and get back on it with a fresh mind state
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• Philippines
8 Feb 16
Maybe it is just a phase. Not sure about the earning rate though.
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• West Haven, Connecticut
9 Feb 16
Things slowed down during the holidays and hasnt picked up for me much since
• West Haven, Connecticut
9 Feb 16
@nottoooldtowrite How do you like mylot so far?
• Philippines
9 Feb 16
@BACONSTRIPSXXX I see. I have been here for a little over a couple of weeks only.
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@zebra2222 (5268)
• United States
10 Feb 16
It is hard to earn much here no matter how hard that you try.
@yalul070 (1713)
• Manila, Philippines
9 Feb 16
It slowed down I think. I am not here regularly but when I do my earnings hardly move.
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• West Haven, Connecticut
9 Feb 16
I beleive so as well, earnings were a bit easier when I first started in October
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@gudheart (12659)
9 Feb 16
I think it is just the drive and motivation which is the same for me. I don't spend as much time on here as I did :(
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• West Haven, Connecticut
9 Feb 16
Me neither and what makes it worst is that I know I can earn alot more but I just get lazy and dont feel like spending 4-5 hours on myLot
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@Scindhia (1906)
• India
9 Feb 16
Its normal. When you are involved with a site too much it happens. Take a break and come back. You will have a lot of new ideas then.
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• West Haven, Connecticut
9 Feb 16
Yeah I took a break yesterday, today il be on for a few then taking a break until the evening
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@JohnRoberts (109846)
• Los Angeles, California
9 Feb 16
If you are on myLot less and less, it stands to reason that earnings will go down. Also there is just so much you can comment on because eventually you run out of new posts to read. Being online is an addictive habit and it is healthy to step back and look at the real world for awhile and not this screen.