Be careful where you put emoticons in your myLot discussions

United States
February 12, 2016 11:28am CST
As talked about recently, the first sentence in your discussion shows up for others to see. That's one way some of us decide if we want to click on a discussion or not. The first sentence is very telling since it should give a clue as to what the discussion is about. However, if you use an emoticon, or more than one of them, in that first sentence you will notice that it shows up as the symbols only in that little preview. That could be a distraction to some readers. I just noticed a few of them while scanning through the Explore section. I am just passing on my thoughts...sometimes those thoughts just need to get out of my head LOL! Photo:
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25 responses
@LadyDuck (467696)
• Switzerland
13 Feb 16
I also "Explore" new discussions and I always skip those that start with emoticons. This is a great advice.
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@LadyDuck (467696)
• Switzerland
13 Feb 16
@AbbyGreenhill I am not completely against emoticons, but even inside a text, too many are disturbing, I would say "childish".
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• United States
13 Feb 16
@LadyDuck That word seems to fit many times but some people seem addicted to them.
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• United States
13 Feb 16
Thanks Anna. I hope those who do it this way think about it.
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@rosekiss (30380)
• Eugene, Oregon
12 Feb 16
I do use emoticons, but I never use that many, not do I put them in fromt of any sentence. I would rather read a discussion, than see lots of emoticosns. Some use emoticons more than others. I use them sparinly, as I don't use them all the time, and when I do, I put them at the end before I submit it. I think that emoticons can be misused as well.
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@rosekiss (30380)
• Eugene, Oregon
12 Feb 16
@AbbyGreenhill I have seen that too. That does seem a little over the top, when maybe one or two is all any discussion, comment or respnse needs. The most I use is two and sometimes three, but no more than that.
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• United States
12 Feb 16
There are a few who put 20 or more in a row, that's just childish.
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@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
12 Feb 16
I had not noticed this idiosyncracy with discussions, although it would not affect me since I do not use emoticons.
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@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
12 Feb 16
@AbbyGreenhill No. I am aware of what you are saying, but have never noticed this myself.
• United States
12 Feb 16
But have you seen what I'm talking about?
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@celticeagle (164278)
• Boise, Idaho
12 Feb 16
I usually forget I even have the option of emoticons.
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@celticeagle (164278)
• Boise, Idaho
13 Feb 16
@AbbyGreenhill .....I guess I am not either. Though I am quite often amused when others use them.
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• United States
12 Feb 16
Good LOL, I'm not a real big fan.
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• United States
15 Feb 16
@celticeagle I think because they are so small they are hard to define one from he other.
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@Juliaacv (50312)
• Canada
12 Feb 16
I think that I have only used these once in a comment. I guess that I am just not a fan of them. I like to read what's on someone's mind, although they do help when you read something that should be read as funny.
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• United States
12 Feb 16
If I used one twice in two separate comments that's a lot
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@Juliaacv (50312)
• Canada
12 Feb 16
@AbbyGreenhill And here I thought that it was just me being old fashioned preferring to read and write. Sometimes there is a time for them.
• United States
12 Feb 16
@Juliaacv I think there is a place, but on Facebook or in personal e-mails.
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@jaboUK (64355)
• United Kingdom
13 Feb 16
I do use emoticons in comments, but would certainly never put one at the start of a post. That just turns people off, as you say.
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• United States
13 Feb 16
Yes it does and it looks like may of us feel that way.
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@cherriefic (10399)
• Philippines
13 Feb 16
I don't really use emoticons. I just write whatever I feel instead.
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• United States
13 Feb 16
That's the good way to do it.
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@LeaPea2417 (37337)
• Toccoa, Georgia
13 Feb 16
I have not really notice it before.
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• United States
13 Feb 16
Next time you see it you will know what I mean.
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@marlina (154131)
• Canada
17 Feb 16
I am glad that you have left that thought come out of your brain in order to reach ours. Thanks for the tip.
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• United States
17 Feb 16
LOL - some of them leak thru unsupervised !
@MALUSE (69378)
• Germany
13 Feb 16
The excessive use of emoticons some members indulge in is childish.
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• United States
13 Feb 16
There are a few who put 20 or more in a row in comments. One in particular but haven't seen that person around in a while.
@Lucky15 (37376)
• Philippines
13 Feb 16
i don't really use emoticons on discussions, just with responding.
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• United States
13 Feb 16
Once or twice I've used one in a comments, that's about it.
@kaceym38 (29)
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
13 Feb 16
It's mainly a matter of perspective. Sometimes your in a hurry and emoticons work but you lose the power that words have. It sets up the article as a lazy man's work and that there's no feelings to it. It's like he's just going through the paces.
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• United States
13 Feb 16
That's a good way to explain it...for lack of thinking LOL
@Shayani (250)
• Pune, India
13 Feb 16
Hello Abby, you are right in that sense. It might become a distraction for readers, Well all of us want to get some good feedback and responses in their respective posts. The first line actually acts as attention grabber....
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• United States
13 Feb 16
Yes it does and if people want the right attention that's where it starts.
@AkoPinay (11544)
• Philippines
11 Mar 16
Oftentimes I put it at the end
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• United States
11 Mar 16
At the end is a good place to put one.
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@aju007 (1460)
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
13 Feb 16
I have seen them too. Its the codes for them that shows up there. I agree with you, they uses a lot of space and the preview wont be able to convey the idea.
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• United States
13 Feb 16
It's annoying trying to read 'through' the symbols.
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@amadeo (111940)
• United States
12 Feb 16
I do not used them too much.Only if they are hilarious.
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• United States
12 Feb 16
In comments that's a whole different thing.
@amnabas (13742)
• Karachi, Pakistan
12 Feb 16
Well I think it's okay to put emotions there but be careful what to put according to the need of discussion.
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• United States
12 Feb 16
With them there all you see are symbols and I'd rather people have words to read.
@Jessicalynnt (50523)
• Centralia, Missouri
12 Feb 16
good to know, that would be a good spot to avoid using faces
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• United States
12 Feb 16
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• United States
12 Feb 16
Good point and it's hard to get the gist of a discussion if it starts with emoticons
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• United States
12 Feb 16
yes, it's distracting for sure
@JudyEv (335192)
• Rockingham, Australia
13 Feb 16
For some reason I keep putting the little face in the middle of a word. That is annoying too.
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• United States
13 Feb 16
Do you mean accidentally or on purpose? LOL