Being a Submissive Wife
By Paige
@danicapaige (30)
Bloomington, Illinois
February 15, 2016 8:54pm CST
Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing. Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, that he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. Ephesians 5:22-27
The bible calls me to submit to my husband. Sometimes that is easy peasy. No big deal. Yet other times it makes me so mad that i have to follow what he says. I think "he isn't my boss" "I'm my own person" to try and justify my opinion. But when I think like that not only am I wrong, I disobey my Lord. Ouch. See, when I married my husband and said "I do" i agreed to the terms and conditions of what marriage actually is. Biblically speaking, when a man and woman come together in marriage before God they become one flesh. That means that God no longer sees you as two people, but as one person. Unified. So when I got married, Chris did become my boss, and I am no longer my own person. Not to say that he tells me every little thing i can and cannot do. That is controlling, which is a whole different story. But he does make the final call on major decisions, not me. Like if i want to spend 100 dollars, he should clear it. If i want to bring in another pet, he needs to be alright with it. If i want to move, we need to discuss it together and he will make the final call. Yes, my opinion in all of these things is important, but Chris is the head of the household. He keeps me in check and aligned with God's word, and he leads our house. Which means while he is my partner in crime, he is still the leader and in charge. No, i do not always like it. But i need to learn to respect his decision. Even if it turns out badly, he is still leading. And i will continue to support him and follow his lead wherever it takes us because God tells me to do so.
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6 responses
@Dena91 (16735)
• United States
16 Feb 16
I just finished a series in our ladies Sunday school class on what the church is and one of the lessons was we are the bride of Christ. I spoke about how many struggle with the word submit but it is for our own well being that we do. God has set up boundaries for us and if we should stray outside of those boundaries we will find ourselves drifting from Him. This is a good post, thanks for sharing. Have a blessed day.
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@lokisdad (4226)
• United States
16 Feb 16
I think it works for you that is great but I don't want that for myself my wife is anything but submissive and I don't mind that she is that way, I like that she is opinionated and somewhat bossy take chare kind of person. We balance each other out. We work together managing the things we are best at and and helping one another with the things we aren't so great at.She is good with managing money and I am not. I am knowledgable with home repair things and that is when she lets me make the decisions on what to buy or not buy according to the budget she has set out.
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@inertia4 (27960)
• United States
22 Feb 16
To obey someone is the wrong thing to do. Always has been. We are all individuals. And we all have our own opinions and thoughts. No one has the right to own us in any way shape or form. A marriage is not a master sub relationship. It is an equal partnership. But remember, not even a so called god has the right to make anyone follow. You are your own person and should live your life as such. Never let anyone or anything rule over you. If you do it is game over. To love and care for someone does not mean to follow and or obey. You do because you want to do, not because it is written as a rule or contract. That is why I don't follow religion. I find it evil and selfish and one sided. No one has the right to own me or tell me what to do or say. But, me being that way does not mean I am a bad person. I know the difference between right and wrong. And I do love and care for those that love and care for me. All must be even. There is no deity and never should be.
@sishy7 (27167)
• Australia
16 Feb 16
I think it's more of an equal partnership. No human being is really 'above' another. A husband can make mistakes too and the wife can lead him to the right direction. That's better than following his lead to the wrong direction by sticking to the submissive role of a wife.
@Teep11 (7673)
• United States
16 Feb 16
The husband is the head of the house but it shouldn't control his wife. A wife can be the boss of her business but she's to be submissive but she doesn't have to tolerate abuse of any kind. Submission in the home is correct but a man shouldn't interfere with his wife's job and vice versa. Sometimes people have misconceptions of submission.