Do u know how life came into existance of earth?????

November 24, 2006 11:14am CST
I am still dont know as how life came into existance,,,,i was watching a documentary on TV on this subject,,i came to know that some billion years ago..a chemical reaction topok place on the sea at a particular temp..and then life came into existance....origin of life...
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5 responses
@camo26 (1418)
24 Nov 06
everything started of as a single cell organism in the sea dam i cant remeber the rest i will do some reasearch and get back to ya on this one :p
• India
25 Nov 06
tha really gr8 buddy...i m waiting for ur reply/////
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@achyuta (2851)
• United States
24 Nov 06
Life comes from life - Life comes from life
We cannot even conceive how vegetation throughout the world are automatically growing and fructifying. Scientists cannot explain even biological growth. They simply jggle words like "molecule" or "chromosome", but they cannot expalin the phenomena. How is the earth moving so perfectly. Why every year is 365 days? It is very easy to udnerstand that God EXISTS and that is the only reason this world EXISTS and we EXIST. You should read the book titled "Life comes from life" by A C Bhaktivedanta Srila prabhupada. Formore information on the publisher check out
• India
25 Nov 06
U r very right...also, tx for giving the ref. of this book "Life comes from life" ... i would love to read this book whenever i get time.... :) tx again...
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@cyfernet (2383)
• United States
24 Nov 06
i don't know....maybe humans were reptiles when they first began to form
• India
25 Nov 06
tx for putting some light on the topic....
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@jusbcuz (48)
• United States
24 Nov 06
sometimes i do think that! What if we were formed by something else other than God. But then I think of our bodies, how well it was put together to work!!!! We were formed so perfectly!! Who else could do such a thing
• India
25 Nov 06
thats also god reply ...a spiritual thought ..tx buddy..
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@emarie (5441)
• United States
24 Nov 06
that's what i've heard. or if you're religious then you believe the theory that god created man and all life on earth. i believe in both theories...but who really knows. evolution is a wonderful thing
• India
25 Nov 06
tx buddy for replying..good thoughts,,,
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