Drink Plenty of Water or You May Find Yourself Hugging the Floor!

United States
March 10, 2016 2:24pm CST
When I woke for my evening stroll the visit the porcelain Goddess, I realized that my tummy was queasy. I headed for the kitchen to retrieve my Tums. I popped 2 and headed back for the bathroom. Once situation I realized that I was shaking, broke a sweat and became extremely dizzy and lightheaded. I rose from the throne of despair and headed back to bed. That was the last thing I remember before seeing my husband standing over me yelling for me to wake up. He had the phone in his hand. I thought I was dreaming and wanted to yell at him to shut up. It took a few minutes for me to realize that I was laying face down on the bedroom floor. I had passed out. He was telling someone that I was foaming at the mouth. I loudly told him that it was Tums! He was quite agitated that they ambulance wasn't there yet. Said he didn't want to lose his wife. I had to get up to get back to the throne because Mother Nature is a nervy wench. The paramedics arrived and began questioning me about my symptoms. Well, let me finish my task at hand first please. Geez. They walked down the stairs to the gurney and placed me in the ambulance. My husband said he would meet me at the hospital. Once in the ambulance I was handed a bag because I was nauseous. And yes, the wave of nausea wafted over me and I lost it. At the hospital I was given an IV for fluids. It took two to hydrate me again. My knee was in pain so they did an xray and it was that I had a contusion on my knee My bloodwork came back normal except for the fact that my potassium is a bit low. They gave me one more bag of fluids and told me I was really dehydrated and could have had the stomach bug that was going around. I was ordered to stay home from work today and take it easy. Also I will need to drink plenty of fluids and cut back on my coffee consumption. Argh. How am I going to do that? I love my coffee. But, I'll do it for the sake of my good health. Now I am off to consume more water and relax as the day comes to an end.
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21 responses
@Tampa_girl7 (52007)
• United States
10 Mar 16
I can't imagine high frightened your hubby must have been. I am glad that you are okay.
5 people like this
• United States
10 Mar 16
He said that not much scares him, but that did. He hasn't let me do a thing today. Stayed home from work to make sure I was okay.
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• United States
11 Mar 16
@enlightenedpsych2 and @Tampa_girl7, I am doing much better today. The worden kept me to a regimen yesterday and has called me twice today to make sure I am still following doctor's orders.
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@GardenGerty (162451)
• United States
10 Mar 16
Yeah, if you get a bug it dehydrates you fast. My dad's wife just does not drink or eat enough (she is 94) but it trying hard because she is tired of those little trips to the hospital.
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• United States
10 Mar 16
They also said that when you dehydrate that the fluid collects in your colon and hence the other dilemma.
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• United States
11 Mar 16
I was dehydrated a few months ago. It cost me around $1800 for them to tell me that. I had IV fluids done, blood work, medicine they gave me. Ok so technically I was dehyrdrated and I had a contributing factor (UTI)... Hope you feel better soon.
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• United States
11 Mar 16
UTI's are not fun. Had a few in my day.
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• United States
11 Mar 16
@ScribbledAdNauseum oh I can see the look on their faces. Men can get them too though.
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• United States
11 Mar 16
@ElusiveButterfly I am 28 years old and that was my first UTI. I was out for a few days and when I returned to work I just said "I was severely dehydrated:.. haha didn't want to explain to a staff of all men that I had a UTI.
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@amadeo (111938)
• United States
10 Mar 16
I had a similar one.Not as bad as yours.When I do not drink enough water I become very tired and agitated. I have to this in the morning.In the afternoon if I drink too much.Well many trips to the bath room Try to make a schedule in drinking fluid
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• United States
10 Mar 16
I am going to have to set my alarm on my phone to alert me when I need to stop and drink. Otherwise I just keep on doing what I am doing even if I am thirsty.
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@amadeo (111938)
• United States
10 Mar 16
@ElusiveButterfly do they have an app for that?
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• United States
10 Mar 16
@amadeo I have an alarm on my phone that I can set for any time to wake or remind me to take meds or in this case, drink water.
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@Jessicalynnt (50523)
• Centralia, Missouri
11 Mar 16
oh how scary! I do hope you feel better!
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• United States
11 Mar 16
I am just tired right now. Hoping to be back to my old self by tomorrow.
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• United States
11 Mar 16
@Jessicalynnt I am heading back to bed soon. I think I am done with the water for today. Drank 7 servings. Plus one at the hospital this morning. I'll probably be up all night having to go pee!!!!
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• Centralia, Missouri
11 Mar 16
@ElusiveButterfly I hope you are able to get some rest!
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@Scindhia (1906)
• India
11 Mar 16
Your husband must have been scared seeing you on the floor like that! Hope you are alright now.
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• United States
11 Mar 16
He was frantic. I had never seen him like that. I am much better today. Hydrated, and intend to stay that way.
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• United States
11 Mar 16
@Scindhia on in the summertime. It can get hot and humid. I tend to drink a lot more water in those months.
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@Scindhia (1906)
• India
11 Mar 16
@ElusiveButterfly Is the climate very hot there?
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@Marcyaz (35316)
• United States
10 Mar 16
It was good that your husband was home and he was he one who called the ambulance. That bug can really do you damage and I know I need to drink more water also. Hope your feeling better.
2 people like this
• United States
11 Mar 16
Feeling much better today thank you!
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@Marcyaz (35316)
• United States
11 Mar 16
@ElusiveButterfly Great that you are feeling better today.
2 people like this
• United States
10 Mar 16
Hmm I am sorry this happened to you Elusive, I bet hubby was scared with the tums thinking it was foam. I hope you are feeling better today. I hope that is all it was my friend, quite scary. I am always drinking water.
2 people like this
• United States
10 Mar 16
I do have to make an appointment to follow up with my primary care physician. However, I am not really fond of her lately. I am considering changing doctors.
2 people like this
• United States
10 Mar 16
@TiarasOceanView I know many who can't find a primary care physician due that very fact OT. They are more concerned about money than caring for a patient.
2 people like this
• United States
10 Mar 16
@ElusiveButterfly Oh dear I know how that goes Elusive..I have not had a good doctor here since I left Mass you know? They are no good where I live course no docs here want to take low income. Good luck with finding one my friend.
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@PatZAnthony (14749)
• Charlotte, North Carolina
10 Mar 16
Dehydration seems to happen to way too many people! Your fix is simple and we will follow your lead!
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• United States
10 Mar 16
I have the problem of telling others how to prevent it but do not listen or apply my good advise to myself.
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@marlina (154129)
• Canada
10 Mar 16
OMG, that sounds like quite a bad moment to go through.
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• United States
10 Mar 16
It wasn't fun! I did get to see my cousin who is a nurse in the ER. Always nice to see her.
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• United States
11 Mar 16
Low potassium can be very dangerous, my mother went thru something similar years ago.
2 people like this
• United States
12 Mar 16
Funny thing is that I have been eating bananas almost every day.
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@KristenH (33446)
• Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
10 Mar 16
My God! I hope you feel better and remember to stay hydrated with fluids.
2 people like this
• United States
10 Mar 16
On my 5th serving now.
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@JudyEv (347848)
• Rockingham, Australia
11 Mar 16
That's all a bit stressful. I had a stomach wog once with severe cramping stomach pains and fainted while sitting on the toilet. I came round and staggered off to bed and my husband didn't know a thing about it. I hurt my shoulder as I must have landed on it when I hit the floor but otherwise was okay.
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• United States
11 Mar 16
Oh I have done that a time or two. When I had problems with my gallbladder I was in agony. Should have had myself checked out back then. Wasn't until later when the attacks worsened that I finally smartened up, well, hubby forced me to go to the ER.
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11 Mar 16
I always try to drink at least three liters of waters a day because I sweat really fast and a lot! So I only drink water especially the coming season here in the tropics where it can be unbearably hot.
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• United States
11 Mar 16
One of my friends drinks a lot of water. I am not sure how much I can handle. In the warmer summer months I drink a lot more.
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11 Mar 16
@ElusiveButterfly you should drink lot of waters during warmer months. It is a must to keep ourselves hydrated.
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@alchemistrx (2547)
• Philippines
11 Mar 16
Water is so vital.
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• United States
11 Mar 16
It is and we often think we are getting enough when in fact we are not.
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• United States
19 Mar 16
That sounds like something that happened to me a long time ago. I won't get into the detaila because its far too long but it turned out that (at least the first time it happened) that I had a little mini stroke. They never really found a root cause, my mom (the two that she saw) always thought I was just falling asleep, but I highly doubted that. Those symptoms still come on every now and then but I have learned how to keep myself from passing out.
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• United States
19 Mar 16
My episode was due to dehydration. I am drinking plenty of fluids now, most of which is water.
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• United States
19 Mar 16
@ElusiveButterfly my symptoms usually come about when I get overheated. Which is odd, but nothing surprises me anymore.
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@jstory07 (142301)
• Roseburg, Oregon
10 Mar 16
You should drink water every day.
2 people like this
• United States
10 Mar 16
I do, but apparently I was not getting enough.
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@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
10 Mar 16
Wow! I'm glad you're all right.
2 people like this
• United States
10 Mar 16
Four servings down, now onto the next four.
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@Lucky15 (37374)
• Philippines
11 Mar 16
as much as possible, have to drink water, not because i am thirsty, but...it is a must ;)
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• Delhi, India
11 Mar 16
I drink around 8 liters of water everyday.
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