Developing your personality through Christ
By chima iwu
@hyperchi (71)
Lagos, Nigeria
March 11, 2016 9:35am CST
This article is here to enlighten you on the need to develop your personality in the world and your environ, the three most respected people in the world are (pastor,teacher,president).
But here we want to pick on the pastor.
Pastor: For him being righteous in Christ is a big platform which help to improve your personality, as his job is a people oriented job, employed by GOD to work for his kingdom (winning souls for God kingdom and building real christian) there is no job in this world that has much target than that of Christian.
They do what GOD tell them to in the spirit and in his scripture and nothing in this world pays more than what GOD gives ( joy,peace,a one way ticket to his kingdom etc.) in his words: Receive my instructions and not sliver,and knowledge rather than choice gold "proverbs 8:10" This gift possessed other gifts.
That why being righteous help "Philippines 3:9" and be found in him, not having my own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of GOD by faith.
In this passage you condemns your own believe and receive GOD own righteousness through the faith of Christ.
Being a christian you do and say things that will help other peoples life than yours, that why even the richest man is not respected than the pastor, whose master was the most popular and respected with the highest followers in this world(Christ) that is why for you to build your personality you need Christ in your life, need to read his words and help to preach and win souls for his kingdom and you will see how your life will change in few weeks. Because it pays to work with Christ, in Jesus name, Amen.
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