The Heroine Epidemic vs The Crack Epidemic...Does the Government Not Care?

United States
March 17, 2016 8:55am CST
Heroine use in the US is at an all time high, and many programs are being created in order to address this need. However, in the black community, people here feel like its a slap in the face that these programs are being made with such urgency, that crack was brought to the black community to take us over, and the Government has no wish to help. They say its rascist and they are only helping because this epidemic now affects the white upper class community as well. I get a lot of backlash for this, but I see it differently. I see it as the black community speaking up way too late. Even if you believe the Government brought crack to our community, who's choice was it to accept it? Today I see many parents bringining light to the problems they are having with their drug-addicted children; where were the black parents when this was happening with us? We weren't turning them in or trying to get help for them, we were hiding them as best we could. Why did rap music suddenly turn to glorify the drug dealer? You don't see white people glorifying that lifestyle, why did we? THIS IS WHY there are no Crack addiction programs because even if the government brought crack WE ACCEPTED IT. So, am I being too harsh? Do you think that the government really turned their backs on our plight, but are helping heroine victims, or do you believe that black people accepted, even glorified the epidemic in some instances; and since we didn't speak out against it no one helped?
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