My latest 2 articles didn't appear at Google.

Dallas, Texas
March 18, 2016 6:29pm CST
I wrote 2 new articles with my usual long title format at Persona Paper this morning. I later checked them out at Google and found nothing. I usually get my articles on top of the first page at Google, but not always. Sometimes they get buried on page 1001, so to speak. I was wondering, could it be that Google doesn't recognize articles written at sites that are going to close. Maybe everything I write at Persona Paper will be ignored completely by Google and therefore not be worth the trouble, however, could it be I just have too long a title?
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1 response
@Carmie (64)
19 Mar 16
Yeah. Most of the time, its the title.
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• Dallas, Texas
19 Mar 16
Then I will have to work on my titles.
@Carmie (64)
19 Mar 16
@lookatdesktop Yes. You should make it more unique so when people search for that title it comes on top. But good job on your other articles for making it on top.
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• Dallas, Texas
19 Mar 16
@Carmie thanks for your support. I will still have to really do better with my titles. I have a tendency to make a title look more like a sentence. lol.