Oldest Recording / Music Performance

United States
March 20, 2016 3:04am CST
You know that I am a bit eccentric in what I like to study. I can spend hours on one subject and just a few minutes on another. I decided to type into youtube "Earliest Recorded Form of English." Now that I look at the phrase I see where it wouldn't really get me where I wanted to go... However, I did find an interesting film all the same. Linked below is the earliest surviving film and you can read more about who is in it and where it was filmed in the youtube description. If you look to the right hand side you'll see footage about London and San Francisco that I will most likely check out next. I have seen one of a San Fran street in the early 1900's before. ahh to go back in time... I'd never return I fear, as I'd jump from time period to time period!
1888, the year of the death of the composer Charles-Valentin Alkan (Chopin's friend and neighbour) is also the year of the earliest surviving recording of mu...
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5 responses
@Morleyhunt (21743)
• Canada
20 Mar 16
Those rabbit trails we head down...last night I saw an older discussion about a Bosnian Pyramid. That led me down an inter sting trail. I will hold off making a decision about whether or not it is a hoax or for real.
• United States
20 Mar 16
I haven't seen anything about that but it's not likely anything I'd venture into anyway. Egypt isn't one of my favorite things to study about. I have a family member who was fixed on it for the longest time and I've had my fill on it myself.
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@Carmie (64)
20 Mar 16
Yeah, that would be so awesome. Travelling from time to time... Meeting those awesome people from the past and see how real the people wrote about them...
• United States
20 Mar 16
I would be a fly on the wall. It would be nice to interact with them but I wouldn't want to mess up the space time continium or anything. I mean, time travel isn't real, but I can imagine it having a drastic change to present time if one was to mess something up and alter the timeline.
@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
20 Mar 16
I would have expected the first to be somewhere around that date because I knew that it would be the late 19th century. I have seen many early film shoots from the turn of the 19th/20th century, which mostly show US scenes or war scenes.
@celticeagle (164045)
• Boise, Idaho
20 Mar 16
Isn't You Tube great? I can get lost over there for hours. Great film. Thanks for sharing.
• United States
20 Mar 16
Ha this is funny Reality. I just responded to another post of yours with some old recording lolz