
Epping, New Hampshire
March 20, 2016 2:30pm CST
Today is forever Forever Here I am Come and get me As I lay here Calm Anxious I need you Today Now Later I wish you were here To keep me To savior To love To trust A big piece of mind Never known With the proper guy Kiss me Hug me Love me not Hold me Scold me Keep me company Next to me You sleep Softly Quietly Innocent To make me Love you See you Worry you Miss you Want you Beautified by you Make me a person One who cares Cares because I do I do from you Loving So bright Everything more Exciting Exstravagantly exhausting Not knowing the next moment In my day Kiss you See you Be with you As one During the quiet night Sound asleep We lay Pondering The next moment Lasting forever Forever Does end Very soon Our time To play Work Swoon My lips Kiss them Gently Softly Rubbing together Awaking My silence From my deep sleep Hiding my news Til another day When time passes Not to let anyone know My secret I will be doomed By my young days Days too small to keep Can only keep large But they will have to wait Wait til later When almost all ends meet Miss you Kiss you Good bye For I know I will be here Here in my young days With large moments You will soon Leave me To be born again Against Another Without skipping A heartbeat Of mine Of yours From choices You choose The ones I do not want Not to keep All of time For goodness sake Keeping only part of me For memories Can not Let that happen Again To me No I'll hurt My soul Wants you Not to be afraid Love me Let me love you Want you Keep you Close Marry you In my eyes I'll be with you Til dying days Never Will I mess around No Destroy our happy days No I will keep our luck My dreams Your dreams My desire for love For affection Every day Minute Second Of every hour For me to keep you For you to keep me Feeling the same I hope you will Please be true All I want is you~ FOREVER
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