I Hate To Waste Food

@ChrisH09 (277)
Trinidad And Tobago
March 23, 2016 5:33pm CST
One of the things I hate the most is to waste food. I really have to start making smaller portions of food when I cook because a lot of the time, some of the food just end up in the fridge until it needs to be thrown out. Also I will purchase less fruits because that to seems to go bad before I have eaten all of it.
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4 responses
• Mumbai, India
25 Mar 16
Wasting food is like a sin because many people in this world don't even get one time meal. I also hate to waste food like you.
@rina110383 (24494)
24 Mar 16
Like you, I don't also waste food. Waste of food is tantamount to waste of money & time.
@miniam (9154)
• Bern, Switzerland
23 Mar 16
That`s what l do, l cook what l can eat, if i cook too much, l freeze the rest.When buying fruits, i buy for max 4 days and no more. in general i do not waste stuff, i have travelled to places and have seen and experienced how little some people have.
@TLilly15 (2316)
• Newport News, Virginia
24 Mar 16
My Sister made some Taco salad, one day and my niece made her a plate, and when I went to thew my paper plate, in the trash can i noticed my niece, thew away some of her taco salad, if she didn't want the taco Salad, she shouldn,t not have put all the food, on her plate I am glad she no longer lives, with us.