Who are YOU Voting for?

April 11, 2016 5:29pm CST
So, everyone knows that the election is coming up and we have three main candidates running for president: Hillary, Trump and Bernie. Some people are only voting for Hilary because they want a female president. Hey, it's possible, right? I mean, we did just elect our first African-American president 8 years ago. But the two main people I keep hearing about is Bernie and Trump. Some accuse Trump of becoming the next Adolf Hitler of America while others believe that he will become a great president. Others are choosing Bernie because he wants to help our colleges and insurance, so I've heard. What are your thoughts? Who are you voting for or hoping wins the election?
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6 responses
@marlina (154130)
• Canada
12 Apr 16
Can't vote as I am Canadian, but leaning towards Bernie.
3 people like this
12 Apr 16
I'm leaning towards him as well.
@Ruby3881 (1963)
• Canada
12 Apr 16
I think we'd see a lot of progress if we got Bernie working with Justin Trudeau. He reminds me in many ways of Jack Layton.
• United States
16 Apr 16
I am voting for Hillary not because she is a female but because she has in my opinion the best qualifications, has specific plans to accomplish things and like her or not has carried herself with much more dignity than Bernie or Trump. Bernie can whip people into a frenzy promising FREE this and that, can blame Wall Street for everything but he cannot and hasn't been able to answer a single question on how he can do this without bankrupting the country. Saying people would vote for Hillary because she is a woman should get the same backlash as those who said blacks only voted for Obama because he is black. Political correctness is very selective in this society and proves bias is alive and well.
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• United States
16 Apr 16
@sevanjan96 I tried to be objective and started listening to Bernie Sanders speak. He seems to skirt specifics and has a continuous mantra of Wall Street and other countries have free health, free college...but he does not give any specifics as to how, he just repeats himself. If you have voted or been alive for more than one election, politicians always say they will tax the wealthy more. It's April 15...have you noticed your taxes going down assuming you are not in the "1%"? Saying and doing are too very different things.
1 person likes this
16 Apr 16
Yeah, I get what you mean.
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@jrlcentral (2605)
• Roxas, Philippines
12 Apr 16
Looks like everyone so far is voting for Trump as NOT the next American President.
1 person likes this
12 Apr 16
It's true. There's a bunch of people who support him but others that strongly disagree with what he wishes to accomplish for America.
• Wheeling, West Virginia
12 Apr 16
This will be the first election in which I will be voting in as I am just turning 18 on the 6th of May. I plan to vote for Hillary but honestly I have nothing against Bernie Sanders so long as Trump is not elected, otherwise he might take a "small loan of a million dollars" from the country budget for his salary.
1 person likes this
12 Apr 16
I completely agree with you on hoping Trump is not elected.
@Ruby3881 (1963)
• Canada
12 Apr 16
I'm not an American, but I'm rooting for Bernie. I've loosely followed his career since I was young, and I love that he's always worked for ordinary people. I think his ideas about social programming are worth listening to. He would make an amazing president! Much as I love the idea of seeing a female president, I know gender isn't a guarantee of leadership (ask a Canadian about Kim Campbell sometime!) I also think Hillary is way too mixed up with corporate America to make a difference for anyone but her cronies. Trump is the embodiment of the stereotypical American buffoon. He is everything the rest of the world dislikes about America. I pray he isn't elected.
1 person likes this
12 Apr 16
I definitely agree with you there.
@newest1 (295)
12 Apr 16
no i don't like to vote for anyone
1 person likes this
12 Apr 16
I know the feeling. I'm not voting myself but I'd choose Bernie over Trump in a heartbeat.