Do You Spel Words Correctly?

United States
April 12, 2016 6:37am CST
I have my own blog. I do everything in my power to make it informative, SEO friendly, and inviting. Especially, I seek to make it accurate in all ways, including spelling and grammar. But what I've been noticing is, WordPress in its list of search engine terms that bring people to my site, reveals just how BAD the average, even intelligent person spells. Here are the top six for this morning, with corrections in brackets. Do you believe this? difference between soap and detergent [correct] reaction showing hydrolysis of methylcyanite [methylcyanide] what make metal the ability to conduct electricity [gives metals] what is the different bwtween soap and detergent [difference between] cyclopropenium cation [cyclopropenyl] trhtrium weigh [tritium weight] Now we all make typos. I'm as guilty as the next guy -- as you! But if we write for a site, perhaps even for this one (relaxed as it is) do we seek to be accurate?
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7 responses
@allknowing (134097)
• India
12 Apr 16
Do you? I do because I spell the word 'spell' correctly
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@allknowing (134097)
• India
12 Apr 16
@KuznVinny Did you intentionally do that?
1 person likes this
• United States
12 Apr 16
1 person likes this
• United States
12 Apr 16
Yes, you liked my hook?
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
12 Apr 16
Mistakes are common and the problem is, people do not spend time to re-read what they wrote and correct the spelling and grammar mistakes. It is definitely bad to make mistakes while writing. I do make mistakes but I try my best to find time to correct it before posting.
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
13 Apr 16
@KuznVinny Thank you so much
• United States
12 Apr 16
You will succeed!
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@Gina145 (3949)
• Johannesburg, South Africa
18 May 16
I proofread everything I write, even short comments on forums where I don't earn money, and get really irritated with myself if a typo creeps through. It's good to know that search engines know enough to send traffic to your blog even when the search terms are full of errors.
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• United States
18 May 16
You can say that again. Some of the search-endings are horrendous! I don't know how they were ever able to set up such powerful search tools.
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@Tampa_girl7 (50028)
• United States
17 May 16
I try to
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• United States
17 May 16
That's the main thing. If you use a spellchecker, be sure you check the spellchecker's spelling.
@marky7 (563)
• Independence, Louisiana
18 Apr 16
I agree with you and correct spelling makes reading a lot easier, but do not forget punctuation as well.
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• United States
18 Apr 16
Yes, punctuation, too. The one thing that really bothers me is when periods are put in the wrong place. For instance... She went to the store .Then she ate soup .What a day .
@oshi2388 (205)
• India
12 Apr 16
Yes some dificult word makes a problem
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• United States
12 Apr 16
I'm glad you commented. What I wrote was not intended to insult anyone who uses English as their second language. It is true, if they are writing in that language with the intent to teach, they should look up their words, but in simple communication (primarily what this site is), we need to be understanding and appreciative.
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@oshi2388 (205)
• India
12 Apr 16
@KuznVinny see language is not a problem and you are not insulting anyone. We have to understand the thing properly
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• United States
12 Apr 16
@oshi2388 You have a good attitude!
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@Hannihar (130222)
• Israel
19 Feb 18
I used to be a good speller, but, now I feel I make so many mis takes.