Dead Beat Dad's

Blackburn, England
April 12, 2016 11:46am CST
So I was talking to the missus about dads that don't care about there kids... The ones that make the kids but don't step up to the mark and don't want to even know there kids.... Its such a shame I could never abandon my kids they are my life and its my responsibility to look after them yeah I get some mothers stop there children's dads from seeing the kids but this is about the dads that don't even care about there kids what I'm trying to say is how the hell could a father not want anything to do with the kids.
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5 responses
• Westland, Michigan
12 Apr 16
First I do not have kids, so maybe I should not respond to this post, but I have seen friends that have been in the situation. First friend (wife) her husbands picture should be in the dictionary under "deadbeat". He had a children in a previous marriage and never saw them or did anything with them. He married my wife's friend and about 2 years later, she told us that she was going to have a child. Fast forward 1 year, he did not want anything to do with the child and left. Than I have a friend (male) that was not married, but had a child. His girlfriend was nuts and he had the video tape to prove what she was doing to her daughter. He did not have a lot of money, but he took it all and hired an attorney to get full custody of his daughter. He won and explained to her that she could visit the daughter as long as he was around. The mother only saw her daughter a few times in 2 years she actually passed away. 10 years later, I see them a few times a year and he is such a great dad. Taking the daughter to girl scouts or dance, etc. and doing things with her. He even learned how to braid her hair and how to do nails. Pretty cool dad.
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• Blackburn, England
12 Apr 16
Maybe I should named this discussion deadbeat parents due to the fact mothers can be deadbeats as well.
@Auntylou (4264)
• Oxford, England
13 Apr 16
Your friend who got custody of his daughter sounds like a great man
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• Westland, Michigan
13 Apr 16
@Auntylou Yes and I tell him that.
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@vhpsandi (358)
• Mumbai, India
14 Apr 16
Well it takes all types to make the world. Have you heard of the ones who abuse their kids, they are even worse. At least these ones leave them and go and don't abuse them.
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• Blackburn, England
15 Apr 16
@Teep11 (7673)
• United States
12 Apr 16
I don't know why some dads choose to not be in their kids lives. Not fair to the children. For some it's selfishness and some may be doing their children a favor by not exposing them to their dysfunctional behaviors.
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• Blackburn, England
12 Apr 16
Yeah I get what you mean but if u make the child I think you would look after it and do everything you can to make them have a better life then yourself
@Tampa_girl7 (49864)
• United States
13 Apr 16
Unfortunately some mothers don't want their children either. It is very sad.
@Auntylou (4264)
• Oxford, England
13 Apr 16
It is very sad for the children whose fathers do not love or care for them
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