Moving Day Disaster

United States
April 16, 2016 6:22am CST
It's always annoying to make a move but especially so when it isn't your move but you are in charge. I was the one who called and arranged for the mover. I was the one that said it would be fine to meet them at 7:30 A.M. So that meant an early rising for all three of us. Only one of us was happy about the time. I arrived a half hour early because that just seemed prudent. My sister was moving from her home that was shared by two others, to my mom's home. She said everything was packed into tubs. Easy Peasy. It just remained to to take apart the bed and unhook the TV. It was for this reason we decided on a mover. The bed is huge, heavy and a mystery to us about how it could be taken apart. We waited out front since there was "nothing to do" inside. My other sister arrived and we all were somewhat grumpy with the lack of sleep. I don't know about you, but If I have to be somewhere in the morning I just don't sleep well the night before. My sister who was making the move didn't sleep at all. The mover was late. We had gotten there early for no reason at all, a petty annoyance but it was there all the same. As we waited and waited and waited I began to have some qualms so I called. No answer. After a half hour I was seriously alarmed. One of her neighbors pulled in with a truck and I offered him the job but he declined, looking at me like I was green (as well he should). The other sister here to help was passing the time by talking with her boyfriend who had just recovered from the flu. When a full hour had rolled by with out the movers showing up, he offered to come to help if we wanted to rent a truck. We did. We went in to measure the bed. I was dismayed to see there were no tubs packed. There were not tubs at all, just two baskets of make up, overflowing. Apparently those were the packed tubs. I was already reeling that the mover didn't show and now I had to pack her things as well. I called UHaul and rented a truck, I thought a pick up truck. When I arrived it was not a manageable pick up truck or paneled van, it was a huge square moving truck something I had never driven before! I bought boxes to pack her things in and large rolls of tape. I bought insurance as I was sure I would wreck it. We all pitched in and packed her stuff, loaded the truck, hauled out the heavy bed after my sisters friend took it apart. I very nervously drove the truck up the busiest highway in the USA (according to my insurance people to explain the highest insurance rates in the country) and then we all unloaded the truck amid cats getting out and a forgotten tool box at the former location and other disasters. I then had to return the said truck to it's home (completely unscathed I might add). I'm still sporting a massive bruise a week later but feel fully recovered with a touch of pride that I managed the truck. That being said, I will however, let someone else rent it next time. The movers never, ever called about the no show.
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13 responses
@LadyDuck (472507)
• Switzerland
16 Apr 16
Oh my goodness this sounds horrible. This should have been one of the most stressful day of your life. Now try to rest and take it easy.
2 people like this
@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
16 Apr 16
@LadyDuck We should start a promotion for Jean's Speedy Removals.
1 person likes this
• United States
16 Apr 16
Yes, you betcha! I did take a few days and just enjoyed the quiet of my own home!!
2 people like this
• United States
16 Apr 16
@Asylum That's all I need!
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10 Dec 16
While hiring movers few things should be considered in mind. First of all, the working quality of the movers. Gathering reviews about them from the internet or from friends,etc. Moving and carrying heavy items is stressful, and you may want to take the worry off the movers and give them some appreciation for their work. My friend has recently moved to a new place since his job is more about travelling new place in few years, he took professional help from the ( moving company queens, their work was excellent. John was so happy that he tipped them with a very good amount.
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• United States
10 Dec 16
I definitely learned a lot from this experience!
@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
16 Apr 16
Does this mean that you will be starting up a part time removal service now that you have got some experience?
@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
16 Apr 16
@Jeanniemaries If I decide to relocate to Florida I shall contact you to organise the move for me.
• United States
16 Apr 16
@Asylum Oh yes. You obviously live on the edge!
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• United States
16 Apr 16
Trust me, I would not be a cheerful mover....nor a swift one.
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@Juliaacv (52612)
• Canada
16 Apr 16
Oh my goodness, and I'm sure that this will be the last time that you take on such a task! We have our home for sale, and although we've not found another home nor have we accepted an offer to date, we have totes and boxes packed and labelled. Every home has items that they do not use on a regular basis, and those things can be neatly packed away in advance of the move. And just to think, we were going to hire out this move, now you've got me second guessing that idea.
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• United States
16 Apr 16
I was totally flabbergasted that they didn't show, call or apologize later. Absolutely no word from them and they did not return my phone calls.
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
16 Apr 16
Oh my, what a stressful day for you all, but you especially. That's disgraceful that the movers didn't turn up - are you going to take it any further?
1 person likes this
• United States
16 Apr 16
No, we were not out any money, and actually saved her about $50 by doing it ourselves. Thank goodness she only had a bedroom full of stuff to move and not a whole house.
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@Missmwngi (12915)
• Nairobi, Kenya
16 Apr 16
I hate moving times and i wish it never come but too bad when it is time there is no doubt lol
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@waflay (2737)
• Nairobi, Kenya
16 Apr 16
Moving places is at times very tiring.
• United States
16 Apr 16
Yes, but we are here to help one another no matter what the cost. My little sister was grateful and picked up the tab for coffee and breakfast sandwiches at MacDonalds so we were repaid with generosity and kindness.
@marlina (154129)
• Canada
16 Apr 16
Terrible ordeal to have to go through with. Some people are not responsible at all.
• United States
16 Apr 16
We knew that going in. My baby sister is a special free spirit. She always has issues and difficulties managing her life, but always lands on her feet. Like a cat with nine lives!
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@Tampa_girl7 (52116)
• United States
17 Apr 16
I hate no shows and it is so rude not to call.
• United States
17 Apr 16
@gudheart (12659)
16 Apr 16
Moving can be really stressful and them not showing must have made it even more stressful!
• United States
16 Apr 16
It definitely did. I didn't mention the tension while we waited that erupted into a few harsh words between both sisters. I had to take baby sister aside and remind her to be kind to those helping her....
• United States
16 Apr 16
bless yer heart! i fear i'd been madder'n a hatter with the sis 'n her neglect'f havin e'erythin' packed'n ready to go's she'd said. i've found most places to be most unreliable 'n these parts. they don't show 'n they'll not answer the phone neither. they might call ya back 'fter a few weeks..most oft not. i'm glad that'cha managed that uhaul, they aint much fun to drive e'en a short distance'n truly not'n the highway. big hugs!!
• United States
17 Apr 16
@Jeanniemaries oh dear, i've some kinfolk with that mentality myself - near maddenin', aint't? some jest ne'er grow'p.
• United States
17 Apr 16
She really felt like she was ready for the move. She just doesn't "get it"! All her life everyone has done the chore of moving her and she sails in fluttering around oblivious of all the effort. This is her nature. This is why we take on the task. She has been known to walk away and start over with nothing rather than deal with the hassle of a move!
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• United States
17 Apr 16
@crazyhorseladycx Yeppers! But at least now I can oversee her, now that she is living with mom around the corner. It makes my life easier too, to have someone in the house with mom who can handle all the little things like picking up the mail, getting the trash out, helping with meals. This move has been a win/win except for the actual moving day!
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@boiboing (13153)
• Northampton, England
16 Apr 16
What a terrible ordeal.
• United States
16 Apr 16
It will make for some great family stories later. After I recover!
@DianneN (247183)
• United States
17 Apr 16
I've heard of horrible moves, but this takes the cake! Wow! Did you ever contact the moving company to complain or the BBB? That move sounds like my worst nightmare.
@DianneN (247183)
• United States
19 Apr 16
@Jeanniemaries I really think you should. Such irresponsibility!!!!!
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• United States
20 Apr 16
@DianneN At least if someone else hires them they will know it's possible to be stood up.
1 person likes this
• United States
17 Apr 16
It certainly was my worst nightmare! I hired a local mover who has his own business, so maybe a call to the BBB would be in order.
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