Religion, Politics and Other Taboo Subjects

United States
April 23, 2016 10:16am CST
Sometimes it is hard to just not go ahead and speak your mind. But whether it is a job interview or a first date, the word on the street is that certain topics are off limits. We have all heard to stay away from religion and politics. I would also think any personal ailments would also be shunned from most conversations so as to not bore that coworker with the thing on your toe or scare off that potential mate. I do have a bit of a problem with this concept. Aren't we all supposed to present our true face when we encounter other people? Religion, politics and yes even that thing on your toe make up the fabric of your beliefs, physical make up and substance of who we are. Are there any subjects you would or do stay away from in a given situation?
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5 responses
@LadyDuck (472505)
• Switzerland
23 Apr 16
I do not like to discuss religion and I am not interested in politics. Another thing that I really do not care about is sport.
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@LadyDuck (472505)
• Switzerland
24 Apr 16
@desertdawg Just like me, I am so happy when there are the world football games because the shops and the roads are clear.
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• United States
29 May 16
@LadyDuck I noticed that too. The freeways are not as treacherous during major sports events...Just be careful when they are over...all the party people hit the road at the same time.
• United States
23 Apr 16
@LadyDuck You make a great point. Superbowl is my favorite day....while THEY are all watching the game, ther freeways are clear, the stores are is a joyous time for me. I could care less
@JohnRoberts (109845)
• Los Angeles, California
23 Apr 16
I feel that kind of hesitation here and usually avoid those topics. When I do engage, it seems to escalate into unpleasantness rather than respectful albeit strongly worded discourse where two parties state their case and politely agree on disagreeing.
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• United States
23 Apr 16
I feel you there. One of my best friends and I got into over politics...we both agreed as to Trump (not) but then the fun began
24 Apr 16
@desertdawg It is also risky to make a comment in favour of any one religion. Followers of every religion think their religion is the best.
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• United States
29 May 16
@JohnRoberts Civility is a dying art it seems. Now a "debate" seems to bring on a fist fight.
@acelawrites (19272)
• Philippines
28 May 16
I agree on the religion aspect because we have different beliefs, etc. but for politics, it could be, depending on the topic for discussion if it is really interesting and would not offend anyone.
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• United States
29 May 16
@acelawrites So true. Funny this election cycle with the Trump/Hillary/Bernie/Cruz circus has probably stimulated more political debate and discussion than I have seen in years. The media is having a field day with it. Guess we all have to see what happens.
@acelawrites (19272)
• Philippines
29 May 16
@desertdawg I am not an American but I know your situation there. We had been in that situation before the past May 9 presidential and local elections. So many people lost friendships because of it. But we all aimed at electing who is the best that can make our country better.
24 Apr 16
Both the areas Religion and Politics is very controversial area. There are many beliefs. People belong to other religions may not like the point of the individual. Politics is an area where more enemies than friends are created. One cannot discuss them in public.
• United States
24 Apr 16
What a though provoking phrase "more enemies than friends are created". Thank you for responding.
• Dublin, Ireland
25 Apr 16
For me, if I can't discuss religion or politics then conversation is going to get old and boring pretty quickly. Sure, you can shoot the breeze about sport, a movie you liked, a book, what's going on in your life, but all of the biggest, most interesting discussions come from religion and politics for me. The understanding that you can't speak about religion or politics has been placed there by people who get offended if you don't agree with them. It's not right. Everything should be up for discussion and people who get offended just need to grow up and get educated so they can learn how to defend their positions.