what do you do when you have money?

April 27, 2016 1:44am CST
Some prefer to travel, other people would like to shop around buy things that they want.. I think it is a wise thing to save it for the future and to think a lot of times before we spend it on things that are just our wants. So you guys how do you handle your money wisely?
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5 responses
@else34 (13515)
• New Delhi, India
27 Apr 16
@jobfindonline,If I have money,I would first like to buy a small,beautiful house for my family,buy some books of my choice,and then set out for a travel to the northern parts of my country,India.I love to visit holy Hindu pilgrim places.
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29 Apr 16
How unselfish you are to spend your money for your family.. And to travel to your own country, that is really enjoyable. Money is just a money but the memories of our travel is priceless. For me, Id like to have a balance view of money, I would still prefer to save some and allocate something for other expenses and reasonable recreation or activities.
29 Apr 16
That is so nice of you to think about the condition of your parents. We all should care for our parent's needs.
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@else34 (13515)
• New Delhi, India
29 Apr 16
@jobfindonline I can't be happy as long as my parents are living in an old house that's in a precarious condition.And how can I understand my country unless and until I see it properly with my eyes.
@Yh1001 (565)
• Singapore
27 Apr 16
Saving for the future, and spending it appropriately seems like a good strategy :)
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29 Apr 16
Nothing beats this strategy and I also believe in what you said. We have to think our future needs not just what we want today. If we spend to much, how can we save something for the future.
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@Yh1001 (565)
• Singapore
29 Apr 16
@jobfindonline yes agreed! maybe saving something can bring you something better in the future as well
@Marcyaz (35316)
• United States
27 Apr 16
I usually save my money until I need something (need and want are not the same). The wants can wait for later on.
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@Marcyaz (35316)
• United States
29 Apr 16
@jobfindonline That is so true wants can wait needs are for now.
29 Apr 16
In times of need we got something because we save. But if we always give in to our wants it is impossible to save money.
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• Merced, California
27 Apr 16
I invest in it as much as i can.
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29 Apr 16
Investing is a good way to grow our finances but only if we know how markets work. It is also risky part to invest because of the flactuating value of currencies.. But some became very successful.
@rina110383 (24492)
27 Apr 16
If I have money, no matter how small or big it is, I deposit it into my account. I save it so that I have something to use in the future. I don't shop and buy things.
29 Apr 16
I call that as self control and discipline. It is not an easy thing not to spend, sometimes or oftentimes it's easier to spend than deposit our money to our account.
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