Opinions on vaccination

April 29, 2016 8:13am CST
I come from a family where vaccination is a serious issue and we make sure that every vaccine has been administered. This trend is common among all my friends' families as well. However, recently, this one friend of mine revealed that he has never been vaccinated and that his family believes that vaccinations do more harm than good and that the body can develop immunity without vaccinations. They also believe that the drug companies simply advertise their vaccines and make it look like people would die without them but that the reality is far from that. This was very new to me and so when I read up on this, I discovered that several people from all around the world have shunned vaccines. There are also several studies that prove that vaccinations are not determinants of how strong or weak one's immunity is. What are your opinions on vaccines? Are there any of you out here who believe that vaccinations are highly overrated?
1 response
@cherriefic (10399)
• Philippines
29 Apr 16
Vaccination is our protection against diseases.