Changing my mind

@savak03 (6684)
United States
April 30, 2016 10:04am CST
When I first signed up with mylot back in the stone age they had a feature where you could friend request anyone you wanted to interact with and if they approved you then you would get notified when each of you posted something new. I always accepted every friend request that came my way. This system worked pretty well but then there were those who joined mylot and friend requested everyone so they could spam them with affiliate offers and requests for referrals. This aggravated some members and there were many discussions about it. Some members started unfriending others because of it and they would use the unfriend feature to clear out their friends list of anyone who spammed them or didn't respond to all their posts or maybe just weren't as active as they were. I lost several friends whose discussions I really enjoyed that way. So I made it my policy to never unfriend anyone. Of course that meant that I was inundated by notifications of posts but I just ignored the ones that I knew were spam. When mylot started back up they imported all our friends from our old accounts to our followers list. That means that some of us have thousands of followers. The sad part is that probably the bigger portion of them did not come back to mylot when it restarted. In the new and improved mylot we don't get notified when our followers post something new so I have been having a hard time working out a system of how to find their activity. Some of you have probably worked out a system that meets your needs but I am still working on my adaptation to the new way of doing things. Anyway I decided that I would try going to my follower page and see what my followers were posting. Unfortunately I didn't realize that I had hundreds of followers and not all of them had come back to mylot. That's when I decided it was time to weed out the deadwood, so to speak. So basically, if you haven't had some kind of activity starting in 2015 I have or will unfollow you. If I have made an error and you really are here feel free to let me know and I will add you back to my list because I don't want to miss anyone who I can interact with. I really hate having to change my personal policy but you know, they say it is a woman's right to change her mind.
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4 responses
• Preston, England
30 Apr 16
i get enough traffic anyhow without that - it could get intrusive and lead to interacting between a few prolific writers while neglecting other interesting worty contributions
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@savak03 (6684)
• United States
30 Apr 16
That, too, is a good point. Do you mind sharing how you get traffic? I need all the help I can get.
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• Preston, England
1 May 16
@savak03 write a lot and more importantly contribute to other discussions and steadily youur readership will grow - always be friendly even if you disagree with the writers you read
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@savak03 (6684)
• United States
2 May 16
@arthurchappell I always look for discussions to contribute to usually right after I have cleared any notifications I have. I also try to comment with more than a one liner. Sometimes I think I write too much because my comment can run to several paragraphs most of the time.
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@hora_fugit (5863)
• India
30 Apr 16
myLot used to notify us on any new discussions started by our friends, if I am not mistaken. Even now, you can find their discussions in the linked page. That if you are following your friends.... I don't get how active people could be missed. JJ, for example, always keeps popping up in my page. Only catch is, I need to follow his new avatars every now and then.
myLot is an enormous discussion board, blogging community, questions and answers hub, social network and online hangout that pays you for your valuable contributions
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• India
30 Apr 16
@savak03 I am editing my original response to show which page I was talking about... there you get new discussions from your 'friends' without having to check profiles of each one.
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@savak03 (6684)
• United States
30 Apr 16
@hora_fugit Wow, that was great! Now which button at the top of my page do I push to access that regularly. By the way my virus protection flagged the page as potentially dangerous because of malware but I think it was being overprotective because I use flash player on other sites with no problem.
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@savak03 (6684)
• United States
30 Apr 16
Yes, JJ is the one constant I can count on and I am grateful for that. Also he is a font of information on how to make this work with this new format. I try every suggestion he gives just some are easier for me to adapt to than others. And you are not mistaken, they did notify us on the old mylot but that feature was not carried over to this new one. I really miss it. Maybe I don't have my front page configured correctly but new discussions do not readily pop up on my page. I have to go searching for discussions and while I do like to comment on discussions by newer mylotters I also want to touch base with my older friends as well. When I try to search for those that are on my people I'm following list it is difficult because of all the followers that were imported from the old mylot that have not checked in and become active on this new one. So I have pages and pages of profiles to wade through. That's why I'm weeding out those who haven't yet come back to mylot since it restarted last year. It is a time consuming process but I have found many discussions to add comments to on friends I didn't know was here by going through them one profile at a time.
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• United States
2 May 16
I to am still working on a policy to keep in touch with all of my friends. I also have over 100 people I am friends with so I have been thinking of going through 10-20 people a day (more as time permits) and seeing what they are up to, deleting ones that did not come back or been active (or any lost spam that might be there)...It will take some time but MyLot would be a lot easier and better for me if I do that!
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@savak03 (6684)
• United States
2 May 16
That's what I did. I went from several hundred down to about a hundred and a half. There are a couple of profiles that I did not delete even though they have not been here. One of them I know passed away and the other one was so old when mylot was here before I fear she may have passed too. But they were special to me so I will keep their profile. As for the rest, if they are not here there is no reason for me to continue wading through their names on my list when I am looking for someone specific. It wouldn't have been so bad if they had been listed alphabetically but they were listed in the order that we became friends so the list was unwieldy.
@savak03 (6684)
• United States
2 May 16
@crazzydolphin Yeah, its a big job. It took me about a week and I only went through the list of who I was following. I probably will leave the list of who's following me alone. But during this discussion some other members pointed out how I could find my friends new discussions a lot easier. So I am using that method now and don't really have to worry about the following lists. However since I had started cleaning it out I went ahead and finished it. I didn't want to leave a job half done.
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• United States
2 May 16
@savak03 I to will be keeping a few people that I hope I will catch around again but for the most part I want a fresh start so will definately have to go through all the ones on my list and get rid of some. I have 152 followers and I am following 121...It is time I get to checking them out along the way since I have been gone for so long, but it will not happen over night either
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@jstory07 (138935)
• Roseburg, Oregon
1 May 16
Us women have a right to change our minds. That is just the way that we are.
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@savak03 (6684)
• United States
1 May 16
Yep, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
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@jstory07 (138935)
• Roseburg, Oregon
1 May 16
@savak03 I am sticking to that story to.
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