Would You Walk Again?

United States
May 4, 2016 6:25pm CST
Last year I earned my AS degree at a community college and this month I will earn my second AS degree. I wasn't planning on walking last year, but I did. This May I wasn't planning on walking because I wanted my next walk to be when I earn my BA. This fall I am starting at a University so I get many emails reminding me of things that I need to do before start date. Today I got an email reminding me of tuition that needs to be paid before start date. The debt kinda scares me....okay not kinda, it REALLY scares me. I was feeling a little bummed this morning and thinking maybe I SHOULD walk again this May, because what if I don't get to finish because of expenses. I don't know. What are your thoughts? Is it silly to walk a second time for a second AS degree?
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10 responses
@DaddyEvil (142454)
• United States
5 May 16
Okay, this is very hard for me to say... You are somewhere around the age of my daughter, Pretty. As her parent, I wanted her to gather all the glory she could when and as it was offered to her. Unfortunately, she and I are too much alike in some ways and polar opposites in others. You would not believe how much we write alike, for instance. The first site I joined online was called WebAnswers. I LOVED that site. My daughter joined it first. I had no clue. She kept asking me questions, I'd give her the answer and tell her background information on the topic and she would type on the pc keyboard for a while... then she would ask another question... I'd answer .... yada, yada, yada. Finally, one evening while doing this routine, I started wondering what she was doing. She ask her question and I said why do you want to know? She told me to just answer the question... we kept on like that for several days. She ask questions and I would ask why she wanted to know... About a week later she explained she was answering those questions using my answers... and getting paid for answering them! That was okay with me, so we went back to her asking and me answering until one night she was too busy to answer one. She ask me to do it. When I finished answering that one, I saw another one I could answer, so I did. I kept answering for several hours... And people loved my answers! I was hooked on the site! People started asking me a week or so later if I was feeling alright. I had no clue what they meant until one friend called our house and ask to talk to Pretty. It was a friend from that site. I forgot I was using her account, so everyone thought we were the same person... The only way they could tell us apart was if I sprinkled references to my daughter in my answers which you have probably seen me do on myLot, too. Her friends thought she was having an identity crisis and were concerned about her! Anyway, I pushed Pretty to walk when she graduated from fifth into sixth grade. Then again from eighth into ninth grade. By the time she graduated from High School, she flat refused to walk for her graduation. She even refused to go to the ceremony. She refused again when she earned her double BA in writing and modern dance... I was so disappointed, but realized she was making her own decisions.... Just like you will need to do. It is fine to ask our opinions on anything you want, but you need to realize that while we will quickly feel like you have known us all your life, we still can only give our opinions. You have to make the final decision. In my opinion, you, like Pretty, should grab all the glory you can and run with it! I just know whatever you decide to do with your life, however long it takes you to get there, you will be a success! Now, what do you want to do about graduation? Will you walk or will you skip the glory and quietly take your prize? Either one should make your parents proud! (And possibly, some of your new friends can congratulate you the night of the walk... whether you walk or not. Yeah, sometimes I write long responses and replies. I am sorry. I am trying to break the habit, but I can't always say all I need, so people get a book instead of an answer. I hope you don't mind?
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@DaddyEvil (142454)
• United States
5 May 16
@pinkCardigangirl Uhm... not quite what I said, Pink, but actually, close enough. (I did say the final decision is yours, but I also said get all the advice you can before making up your mind.) You gleaned the most important part of what I said. I am actually happy with that! (Uhm... your username is awfully long. Is it alright if I just call you Pink? Thank you!)
2 people like this
• United States
5 May 16
Lol I don't mind the book. I enjoy reading. :) I still don't know what I'm going to do. I am very undecided. When I graduated the first time I was just going to have my degree mailed to me. Then I remember a professor that I looked up to saying that when our time comes to graduate, we should walk. She said it was an experience we would want. So then I considered walking in private. Not telling anyone. Just disappearing with an "I'll be right back." But once I got my cap and gown, I started to get a little bit more excited. My graduation was very personal to me for many reasons. It was something I worked hard for. I walked through hell and came out standing. I was very proud, and my teacher was right, it was an experience I would want. This time I wasn't planning on walking, but once again life is making me rethink this decision. Maybe I'll do my disappearing act this time and say "I'll be right back." I'm not sure. I'm still undecided. But you're right, the final decision is mine, and I'm glad you reminded me of that. In the past I've looked to others for advice. It's time to change that. :)
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• United States
5 May 16
@DaddyEvil ha ha yes. You may call me Pink. :)
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@moffittjc (122835)
• Gainesville, Florida
5 May 16
I didn't walk for my BS degree, nor my MBA degree. I've just never been one for pomp and circumstance. Just tell me where I can pick up my degrees and I'll be on my way! That was how my brain thought back then! lol
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@moffittjc (122835)
• Gainesville, Florida
5 May 16
@pinkCardigangirl No, I don't regret not walking. I went to the University of Florida, a huge school, so their graduation ceremonies take forever! I have attended the last five or six graduations as a guest to show support to my interns who have graduated, but I hate going to them even just sitting in the audience. They just drag on forever....
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• United States
5 May 16
@moffittjc Ha ha! That's how I am with any formal event!
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• United States
5 May 16
lol. Yeah I can relate. I did walk after some convincing by my mother last year and I'm glad I did. I didn't realize how memorable that day would be for me. But I wasn't planning on walking a second time. I was just going to have them mail it to me. lol. Now...I'm not so sure what to do. Do you think you look back and wish you would have walked?
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@ricki_911 (21625)
• Toronto, Ontario
5 May 16
If this is what you want to do look over the debt. Sometimes you need to take risks and get something better. We all have these doubts but then you can say you did it whether you fail or not, or just regret it later for not doing it at all.
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• United States
5 May 16
Yeah I plan on going to the University. The debt scares me, but I know this is what I need to do.
@ricki_911 (21625)
• Toronto, Ontario
5 May 16
@pinkCardigangirl When I went to school I worked full time midnights and walked out with no debt. You need to budget and stick to it. I know many who walked out with thousands because they didn't budget.
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• United States
5 May 16
@ricki_911 Yeah. I will definitely have to get strict. It's hard when I have kids, but I need to get serious. I really don't want that debt!
• United States
5 May 16
firstly, congrats! furtherin' one's education's most important, particularly these days. 's fer walkin'? i reckon that'd be a personal preference. i ne'er walked myself, not e'en fer my high school graduation. i made certain fer all events that i was tied'p elsewhere, lol.
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• United States
6 May 16
@pinkCardigangirl yer welcome :D i'm glad that'cher gonna do such'gain. big hugs!
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• United States
7 May 16
@crazyhorseladycx Thank you my friend!!! :)
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• United States
5 May 16
Thank you!! :) Ha ha. I didn't walk for my high school graduation either. Last year was the first time I walked and wasn't planning on it, but I'm glad I did. I have a special cap that I decorated for my graduation last year. I put a picture of my father who passed away a few years ago. I've been thinking about it all night, and I think I want to walk again. I just want to decorate another cap! lol :)
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@DianneN (247183)
• United States
24 May 16
Have you walked off a cliff? Lol! Where are you? I walked for all my degrees, except my last two.
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@DianneN (247183)
• United States
3 Jul 16
@pinkCardigangirl I know. Glad you are around. Hugs!
• United States
3 Jul 16
I'm here. Sorry, I've been doing this then that, ah you know how life steers you in many directions, but I'm here. :)
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@trivia79 (7828)
• El Segundo, California
5 May 16
hmmm....don't you have any options for free education?
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@trivia79 (7828)
• El Segundo, California
6 May 16
@pinkCardigangirl how about scholarships for allowances?
1 person likes this
• United States
7 May 16
@trivia79 Yeah, I plan on applying to some scholarships. I don't know of any right now, but I hope I can get as many as possible!
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• United States
6 May 16
Financial aid won't cover all of it. I still have to pay. :/
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@Marcyaz (35316)
• United States
11 May 16
No it is not silly to walk a second time for a second AS degree. Go for it.
1 person likes this
• United States
11 May 16
Thank you! I decided that I'm going to walk. I forgot to go buy my cap today. I'll have to do it tomorrow for sure! :)
@sol_cee (38219)
• Philippines
5 May 16
I never realized education is that expensive in the US. I'd say walk the talk. Go go go Pinkie!
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• United States
5 May 16
It is expensive. Those numbers add up quick! But thank you my friend! I'm still trying to decide. I'm taking a poll here. lol
@Missmwngi (12915)
• Nairobi, Kenya
5 May 16
Just take things positively and walk the path
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• United States
5 May 16
Yeah. Thank you. :) The more I think about it, I think I do want to walk. :)
@VivaLaDani13 (60827)
• Perth, Australia
26 Jun 16
Nah. I say go for it! Wishing you the best!
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• United States
3 Jul 16
Thank you. :)
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