Where are My Tags?

United States
May 5, 2016 6:22am CST
About 3 weeks ago my husband and I went to our DMV to renew the registration on our truck and have his name put on the registration and title. Long story short, we bought the truck when we were engaged. Normally they give the new tags for the registration so we can apply them immediately. The clerk explained that because we are adding a name to the registration and title, the tags, title, and registration would be mailed to us by the end of the month. She advised we keep the paperwork showing that we took care of our end of the deal. That way should we get pulled over, we have proof that the tags are on the way. Now we sit, wait, and pray we don't get pulled over and run through the wringer by an over-zealous officer of the law. Hubby was pulled over about a month ago by one who stated he was speeding. As he told the officer, how could I have been speeding when you passed me going down a hill and coming to a stop? He was issued a warning. He went to the cop shop and complained. The officer in charge said that the officer he was complaining about was new and he would be spoken to. Hopefully I'll find them in the mail today.
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12 responses
@Jessicalynnt (50523)
• Centralia, Missouri
6 May 16
I paid for the trucks, I still need to get some stuff done to the car, and then get it inspected, then go online and pay that one
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• United States
6 May 16
@Jessicalynnt we have to register our boat next month if we are to use it with the motor.
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• United States
6 May 16
We could have done ours online too, but we didn't want to wait for the tags. That is the reason we went to our local DMV to begin with.
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• Centralia, Missouri
6 May 16
@ElusiveButterfly I need to do that to eht a new lisence but one thing at a time and that one can wait a bit longer
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@moffittjc (120964)
• Gainesville, Florida
5 May 16
Well, given that this is the DMV you are talking about, a notoriously slow governmental agency, I'm pretty sure you will be waiting longer than today to get your tags! lol There was probably 13 supervisors at your local DMV who had to review and approve the tag and title, then they had to mail the information to the main DMV at the state capitol, where 3 more supervisors had to review it, and then they have to mail the information to the state prison where the prisoners working in the machine shop will make your new tag. Then it will be sent back to the state capitol to be reviewed for accuracy, then sent to the local DMV office to review again, before finally mailing your new tag to you!
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• United States
5 May 16
Such a bunch of bullcrap. Still no tags today. This is getting ridiculous. Hubby is getting anxious. Tomorrow is my day off, won't be spending it waiting in line for an hour to be told there is nothing they can do at the local office. I am not sure if I can get an answer if I call either.
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• United States
6 May 16
@moffittjc they were not in today's mail. This is really getting frustrating.
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@moffittjc (120964)
• Gainesville, Florida
6 May 16
@ElusiveButterfly Well, good luck with that! Hope you get your tags before the weekend.
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
5 May 16
I hate it when official things are late and you're the one to get in trouble for it! I am always nervous about renewing license plates because it seems like they get here about one day before the old one expires. I hope yours gets there soon!
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
6 May 16
@ElusiveButterfly It's scary. Don't you have a grace period?
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• United States
6 May 16
@peavey not even sure. The woman said to keep the paperwork in the truck in case he was pulled over for expired tags.
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• United States
6 May 16
Our tags expired in April. This isn't right.
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@Marcyaz (35316)
• United States
5 May 16
Anytime you are dealing with the DMV you never know when things will show up in the mail. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting on them. End of the month indeed.
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• United States
5 May 16
Infuriates me that we couldn't get the tags. I can understand the necessity for the new paperwork though. That needs to be reprinted. But the tags could be handed over at the DMV.
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• United States
6 May 16
@Marcyaz I guess because the documents all needed to be reprinted they needed to be sent to the main office. Well, how long does it take to type a few lines? Wow.
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@Marcyaz (35316)
• United States
6 May 16
@ElusiveButterfly You would think they could give them to you at the DMV but of course they never make anything easy.
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@Juliaacv (50191)
• Canada
5 May 16
That seems like an odd thing to do putting it off like that, hopefully they send you it today, otherwise I think that I'd be going down there and asking for some documentation.
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• United States
5 May 16
I really don't want to go down and wait for an hour for them to tell me that there is nothing they can do. I am going to call the main office and see if they can shed some light on it.
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@Juliaacv (50191)
• Canada
5 May 16
@ElusiveButterfly That is horrible service if you have had to wait all of this time and then you want to dodge going back because you'd have to wait longer. Our license bureau offices, in smaller towns, usually never have a line up. We will go out of our way to visit one of these offices, and the staff are always so much more helpful and pleasant.
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• United States
5 May 16
@Juliaacv Once the paperwork is submitted it is just a matter of time before we get it back. The waiting game sucks though.
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@theBlock (2657)
• United States
6 May 16
I dread Waiting at the DMV for anything--I rather take of it online. And, I dread "over-zealous" cops. I already have been stopped 3 times while riding my bike----Still not totally free
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• United States
6 May 16
Those riding a bike need to abide by the same rules as automobile drivers. There are many that ride erratically and need to be pulled over and told to abide by the rules. Their safety is at risk if they don't.
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• United States
6 May 16
@theBlock wow, that just isn't right.
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@theBlock (2657)
• United States
6 May 16
@ElusiveButterfly I get you, but I've been stopped by cops asking if I've been arrested or on parole--I was riding safely as usual.
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@toniganzon (72277)
• Philippines
5 May 16
Hope you'll receive them soon.
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@amadeo (111940)
• United States
5 May 16
Good luck or call them?
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• United States
5 May 16
I will have to try calling tomorrow.
@mom210 (9121)
• United States
7 May 16
Seems like the DMV always makes everything difficult AND expensive. I dislike dealing with them
• United States
6 May 16
There should be some paperwork that says you paid for the tags and the DMV is at fault for not presenting them to you at the time of payment.
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• United States
6 May 16
We have paperwork, just hope it is enough in case we are pulled over.
@RubyHawk (99410)
• Atlanta, Georgia
5 May 16
I hope you get your tags before a zealous cop pulls you over. I always stick my tag on before I get out of the tag lot.
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• United States
6 May 16
That is what we usually do too. But because we are adding his name to the paperwork it is a process and I thought it wouldn't take so long...I was wrong.
• United States
6 May 16
I hope you get your tags earlier than they said. It can be stressful driving without them even though it's been taken care of.