The right chair for typing?

@CRK109 (14556)
United States
May 6, 2016 11:09pm CST
Oh my aching back and neck! I just can't sit here for very long writing and typing without getting a LOT of pain down my neck, through my shoulders and then down my back. And then if I dare stand up and try to walk, it's as if I haven't walked in years! Everything is stiff and sore. I'm sitting in my most comfortable rocking chair at the moment. Obviously, it's not a good choice for this. If I sit at the table on a wooden chair, that's even worse. I've done the love seat for a while and that's okay but again, not for too long. And forget sitting in bed and typing! That's impossible. No clue what the answer is (besides just not sitting for too long). But I need to go and find some pain pills before I do any more here. :( -Claudia- image from pixabay
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14 responses
@AnneEJ (4917)
• Dollard-Des-Ormeaux, Quebec
7 May 16
You need an office chair.
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@CRK109 (14556)
• United States
8 May 16
Well, there's just no room in a two room apartment for one of those! lol So I'll need to find something else that will work.
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@AnneEJ (4917)
• Dollard-Des-Ormeaux, Quebec
9 May 16
@CRK109 Guess I am fortunate, I only have a one-bedroom apartment, but the rooms are very large.
@LadyDuck (467585)
• Switzerland
7 May 16
I have an ergonomic office chair that I use in front of my computer. No normal chairs are good for typing.
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@CRK109 (14556)
• United States
8 May 16
Wish I could have an office chair in this apartment but there's just no room. I'll have to find something else.
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@LadyDuck (467585)
• Switzerland
9 May 16
@CRK109 It's a shame an office chair is a must when you need to type many hours.
@marlina (154131)
• Canada
7 May 16
I have a very comfortable office chair for working at my computer. I only feel stiff when I get up in the morning but it goes away after about one hour.
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@CRK109 (14556)
• United States
8 May 16
Office chairs make more sense but I don't have room for one here. When it's time to get rid of the love seat, I'm going to find two chairs and I'll see if I can find one for the computer. :)
• United States
7 May 16
i hear ya, i've not a "proper" chair fer such myself. i type from my ol' wooden kitchen chair 'n sew from such's well. mighty hard'n the circulation. the hubs got me a lap thingy when i was so ill so'd i could piddle'n the puter from my recliner. 'least i could keep my legs elevated. the only "secret" fer me's to be outta this chair 'bout e'ery 30 minutes'r so.
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@CRK109 (14556)
• United States
8 May 16
Yes, getting up and moving around seems to be the "secret". :)
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@Lucky15 (37376)
• Philippines
8 May 16
Rocking chair is good when having a siesta but not with ;(
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@RubyHawk (99410)
• Atlanta, Georgia
8 May 16
I moved my comfortable chair away from my computer and put a straight back chair with no cushion in it's place. I still get stiff if I sit too long, but it's better than a soft chair. I try to stand up and move about every half hour and that helps.
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@CRK109 (14556)
• United States
8 May 16
Yes I need to get up and move around a lot more. Since I left the house, I don't get near as much exercise anymore.
@MGjhaud (23240)
• Philippines
7 May 16
i love my bed more than any place in this house because of my leg injury. thats why i prefer to use my phone when going online cause its easy when im lying on my back.
• United States
7 May 16
i gave up on the "computer chairs" and plopped an overstuffed recliner in front of my computer.much,much better.especially since i work online.
@toniganzon (72277)
• Philippines
7 May 16
There's a device called backjoy that could help with the pain when we're sitting down. I wish to buy it soon. It costs about $30
@Juliaacv (50191)
• Canada
7 May 16
I sit on our couch to use my laptop and keep my legs and feet up on the couch. I have a couple of nice supportive pillows behind me, or I'd be having a nagging sore back too.
@mom210 (9121)
• United States
7 May 16
If you sit for very long it is so important to get a comfortable one. Hope you can find a good one
@ida123 (6206)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
7 May 16
That's what I'm feeling also, my back pain and shoulders it's getting sick already. After sitting an hour here, I almost can't stand straight or have a good posture.
@garymarsh6 (23404)
• United Kingdom
7 May 16
You need to invest in a proper chair. You should not be using a chair that is causing you pain so you have to take analgesia that is not the solution to the problem.
• United States
7 May 16
Oh no. I hope you feel better. I have terrible posture when I sit and type. When I get up, I'm always feeling stiff.