Can Forgiving others make us healthier?

@buenavida (9984)
May 22, 2016 6:01pm CST
It looks like we may even save our lives by forgiving others. Getting healthy can depend on if we learn to forgive others, as not forgiving can lead to huge health problems. Have a look and see what the scientists say. The Bible is right again.. It is interesting that Matthew chapter 18 is mentioned in this news article..
Unforgiveness is classified in medical books as a disease. According to Dr. Steven Standiford, chief of surgery at the Cancer Treatment Centers of America, refusing to forgive makes people sick and ke
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7 responses
• Riverside, California
22 May 16
Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if forgiving others played some sort of part in our health. I know a few people that tend to hold grudges. Majority of those people are miserable and suffer from health problems. It might be a coincidence, but I'd imagine harboring such negative feelings isn't beneficial for your health.
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@jstory07 (137351)
• Roseburg, Oregon
23 May 16
It is not healthy to harbor negative feeling toward others.
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@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
25 May 16
Maybe we can help others to understand how important it is to forgive.
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• Riverside, California
23 May 16
@jstory07 I'd imagine it causes a lot of stress. I don't have it in me to harbor things like that.
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• Quezon City, Philippines
23 May 16
Amen. I couldn't agree more.
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@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
25 May 16
This is really important. I might write more about this.
@1hopefulman (45120)
• Canada
26 May 16
We travel lighter if we get rid of the grudges, resentment and ill feelings.
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@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
26 May 16
Yes, grudges weigh a lot..
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@Deepizzaguy (99643)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
22 May 16
Positive emotions are good for you but negative emotions of resentment are harmful to you according to a book written by a pastor wife called "Who's Kingdom Is It Anyway?"
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@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
26 May 16
Obviously we need to learn how to change the bad emotions into good ones.
@Shiva49 (26470)
• Singapore
12 Jul 16
I have forgiven all who deceived and were unreasonable in their dealings but a bit tough to forget. I have realized not forgiving does nothing to them but punish us instead ! siva
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@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
12 Jul 16
Yes, it is so true. Better let God deal with the ones who decieve and harm us and keep the peace of mind and stay healthy..
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@magallon (19280)
• Philippines
23 May 16
I believe that forgiving those who have done you wrong could also make you healthy. When you forgive others, you have peace of mind. and when you have peace of mind, you can eat and sleep well. You'll have no worries and you're free from stress and depressions. So, without all of those, you can become physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally healthy.
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@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
25 May 16
Yes, there are many benefits when we forgive..
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@magallon (19280)
• Philippines
26 May 16
@buenavida .. just like the saying. " forgive and forget".
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@jstory07 (137351)
• Roseburg, Oregon
23 May 16
It is healthy to forgive others. But sometimes you need to stay away from them
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@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
25 May 16
Perhaps a little distance can help.