By AkamaruKei
@AkamaruKei (5219)
May 23, 2016 5:55pm CST
I search a video in you tube i found this, Real Superman Caught On Tape - Blue Light Teleportation. I don't know if this is real or not because right now we have very good technology to make video like this but someone have power like that really exist?
If this man in this video really have power how he do that? Can he teach me how to get power like that? I want go to help people with that power and teleport to my favourite country Japan.
Not only this video i found other video people with some power. This is the link of video

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2 responses
@AkamaruKei (5219)
• Malaysia
24 May 16
It really can do with some technology in the future? I think some scientist in the world try to make teleportation machine.
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@slayer08 (2377)
• Philippines
24 May 16
@AkamaruKei it's just a dream for now and I don't think it will be a concept any time soon.
@Letranknight2015 (52231)
• Philippines
24 May 16
Nope, it's just photo shopped. they're not stupid enough to reveal such tech, you never know if a terrorist could have this technology and then were screwed.
@AkamaruKei (5219)
• Malaysia
26 May 16
Photo shopped? That video not photo. Who reveal such technology? Terorrist have technology teleportation?