Anyone heard of Babymetal?

May 24, 2016 9:29am CST
This is one of those weird Japanese bands(atleast I find them weird). I was listening to one of their songs thats called "Give me Chocolate". I must say, this is the most peculiar song I've heard. I'm not too sure if I like it but man, is this new! Starts with some pretty heavy metal tunes and then you hear what? Two little girls! Check it out!!
1 response
@Genipher (5405)
• United States
24 May 16
Slightly favorite chocolate song is this one:
A Single’s Valentine 10. Feb, 2011 joeljost MUSIC VIDEOS, Top Rated Leave a comment In honor of all our fellow singles. Happy Valentines. Free mp3 download of song here! ADD US ON FACEBOOK: