Stranded By The Rain

By Tokz
@ilocosboy (45156)
May 25, 2016 5:21am CST
Here come the old problem during rainy days. Stranded. No vehicles to ride. Flood in the road. And then stranded again. I thought I'm not gonna make it because I was stranded in the mall because of heavy rain this afternoon. There is no umbrella because I forget. Even raincoat, supposed to be, but there was none. I waited for minutes then hour until the rain stopped. Thanks goodness. Finally, I got home. Whew! Have you experienced this kind of situation?
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6 responses
@Pankhini (485)
26 May 16
Nt realy... bt so many movies hv tis kind scenes... which wil lead to romance between hero n heroin...??????
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@ilocosboy (45156)
• Philippines
26 May 16
now you're speaking romantic, he he
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@Pankhini (485)
26 May 16
@ilocosboy yeah.. n nothin wrong in it...
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• India
26 May 16
ohhh jeez..!! as much as we love rain ..this sure is a downside
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@ilocosboy (45156)
• Philippines
26 May 16
floods, oh floods is coming
@MGjhaud (23240)
• Philippines
25 May 16
im sorry you had to wait. i know its one of the downside having rainy days. be ready with your raincoats and umbrellas cause its that time again..
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@ilocosboy (45156)
• Philippines
25 May 16
the next time it would be planned, bring umbrella
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• Philippines
25 May 16
Like I am stranded right now. The nanny's been texting me what time I can be at home since she also have to go home herself. But how can I go home right at this moment the rain is pouring heavily outside :(
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@ilocosboy (45156)
• Philippines
26 May 16
that is really the problem during rainy season.
@tech40 (23121)
• Philippines
25 May 16
takecare my friend! typhoon is coming..
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@ilocosboy (45156)
• Philippines
25 May 16
Oh no, hope not, we are not yet ready for typhoon
25 May 16
Rainy season is comming
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@ilocosboy (45156)
• Philippines
25 May 16
La Nina is coming