which one describes to you? a boss, leader or a good follower

@stephjoy (759)
May 31, 2016 2:57pm CST
Boss A person who gives orders to employees and behaves in an authoritative way, seeks control and tell his men what to do. Leader A person who influences, inspires, supports and encourahes a grpup of individuals. Good follower Followers follow the leadership of the boss My husband is like a boss. Of course we are running a business . And I feel like I am a leader at the same time a good follower. Just curious which one describes to you?
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8 responses
@jobelbojel (35114)
• Philippines
31 May 16
I handled a team of more than 15 people for 5 years and I did not consider myself as a boss. I know my limitations as a leader. I have follow rules - walk the talk or set examples to my direct reports.
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@stephjoy (759)
• Philippines
1 Jun 16
i guess when you have a business and have employees you need to be like a boss right as the same it can be a leader
@jobelbojel (35114)
• Philippines
1 Jun 16
@stephjoy if we own a business, it is different.
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@stephjoy (759)
• Philippines
1 Jun 16
@jobelbojel yes you are right. In order to succeed your business
@trivia79 (7828)
• El Segundo, California
4 Jun 16
i can be each one of those three. just depends on the situation.
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@stephjoy (759)
• Philippines
4 Jun 16
Someone like you will likely to have successful in your career.
• United States
1 Jun 16
I honestly consider myself to be a good follower, but I have the ability to be a leader and I'm willing to take up that role when needed.
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@stephjoy (759)
• Philippines
1 Jun 16
thats good..you are maybe a good employer.
@S0fti0li (27)
• Serbia
31 May 16
definitely a boss. idk why i allways feel like one, just sitting there and thinking about things....altorugh is not easy as it looks...
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@stephjoy (759)
• Philippines
1 Jun 16
yeahs you are right..
@Amel94 (1741)
• Serbia
31 May 16
I think that I am the same combination like you, leader and a good follower... Sometimes more leader, sometimes just good follower. :)
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@stephjoy (759)
• Philippines
1 Jun 16
i see you are right..before you became a leader you must be a good follower
1 Jun 16
I am more like a leader and sometimes a follower . Even at home or at the office my approach is let's do it rather than asking people to do it.
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@stephjoy (759)
• Philippines
1 Jun 16
i see, thanks for the response
@Jdaw1985 (3967)
• Harrells, North Carolina
31 May 16
I find myself to be all three. I do not have to be a boss but ilove being a leader and a boss etter.
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@stephjoy (759)
• Philippines
1 Jun 16
yes..thanks for the response
• Westland, Michigan
1 Jun 16
Over the many years I have done all of the above. I am best at leader or a good follower. I can inspire people and get people going in the right direction, but all the additional paperwork a boss brings, I was not a fan of that.
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