A loss I will never forget
By Bella75
@nixxi76 (3191)
June 1, 2016 9:40am CST
April was always suppose to be a good month for me, my birthday lands on the sixteenth, Easter sunday was the day I was born on and my grandmother always told me that is very lucky.
Up until this year in April I have put aside what my grandmother told me and experienced one of the worst things in my life.... a miscarriage :(
My husband and I just got married last September 2015 and we started trying for a baby in October 2015, and finally got pregnant in February! Now the tricky part was staying pregnant. I began taking my prenatal vitamins and following a proper diet as I usually do.
A week before my birthday I was scheduled to have my first ultrasound because the beta levels in my blood were not matching up to how pregnant I should have been. My OBGYN told my husband and I that I should've been seven weeks pregnant but at the time I was actually ten weeks.
Three weeks later I had my first ultrasound and got the bad news that they didn't see a heartbeat or a fetus in my birthsack at all, and that it measured to what looked like seven weeks of pregnancy. At this time I was thirteen weeks pregnant. I demanded a second ultrasound only because the ultrasound technician was being so vague with me and not telling me what she was seeing on her computer screen. So after the second meeting with my doctor, we got to see my results leading me to believe that perhaps I wasn't thirteen weeks pregnant and possibly only seven, and this would explain why it was difficult to see a fetus.
A week later, everything started to expel and I realized what was happening, everything the doctors were telling me was true. I wasn't pregnant anymore. I felt like such a failure because I couldn't give my husband a baby and etc. meanwhile he kept telling me this wasn't my fault.
I believe for whatever reason that this was God's plan.
We are trying again to have a baby.
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